A lighter post this time, less depressing than my previous ones I think anyway ;p
Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch has been sold; I was not aware that this MK'd singer had the
British Royal Coat of Arms on it's gates but this certainly fits as I have noted this type of CoA (variations of it; it's all about the
Lion +
chained Unicorn, even the motto + some of the inside iconography is the same) on
various MKTV shows, I guess it's just another way of the 'elite' marking their property. See
eLLUMINATI link, and for more on this type of thing [interesting MK'd 'Fergalicious' revealing Rockefeller's new
star, have her videos + Black Eyed Peas queued up for a post at some point],
link to story and below image. Obviously slightly varied from the
Queen's one but if you can't see the conscious similarity/what it is clearly based on, then there's something wrong with you mentally... same if you don't see the significance of it ["so it's like the Queen's crest... so what? That bears no significance to me."]. The '
Jackson Family Crest', the Jacksons are a stereotypical multi-generational abuse family [his father's abuse is mainstream knowledge]; perfect for MK, so it makes sense that they'd give them this 'elite' coat of arms [as they're the ones ultimately in charge of it] after his family was selected for MK.

MJ being a victim of Peter Pan [and
Pied Piper] programming goes without saying.
The Carousel at Neverland.

And to sync up completely random things (well obviously not; this MK network is vast, they are all connected);
Jodie Marsh has gone lesbian
like LiLo, with a similar looking 'girlfriend' (handler) to Sam Ronson [they are set
to get married in Paris]... note this one's Skull and Bones t-shirt, whoever she is. Jodie Marsh
has a Michael Jackson tattoo [and
other symbolic ones], and the die (dice,
two of them like Britney)... another standard MCM like many I've mentioned previously.
Link to story. And
The Sun weighs in; wouldn't surprise me if Jodie actually 'serviced' that horrific creature John Prescott [MCMs (predominantly
beta-slaves ((sex))) are often used in that way; keeping politicians on side, and/or blackmailing them etc].

Edit: Speaking of LiLo; thought
these images from last night were worth adding; note LiLo's gold/black
checkerboard dress. Sam Ronson always wears
skulls (skulls/bones, each on their own connotes skull and bones; Bonesmen call the society 'Bones' and the movie 'Skulls' obviously depicting them... so this is a common theme with handlers [see above and examples from past posts], also a reference to controlling their heads/skull probably)
Miley Cyrus attended the MCA [Country Music Awards] looking radiant, can anyone make out what's depicted on that dress (
flowers?)? She recently looked in a happy-trance
at the BMI Country Music [so MK Ground Zero then ;p, images below] awards with her 20 yo 'boyfriend' MCM. More on Miley coming in a few days, check out some of the great comments in recent posts for more info on her and my
previous posts on her (best to start from beginning; I go into the fact that she is another potential blood sacrifice, like all these MK'd stars; but Miley is clearly being built up more than others as noted in my original post). Lots of CM awards that MC went to this week;
Keith Urban attended with
Nicole Kidman.

Note checker pattern walls at these
Country Music Awards. There are obviously more blatant MK stories out there (the
Paula Abdul fan committing suicide; added image from it showing her MK, note
green doll on her ankle [MK is her 'achilles heal' so to speak],
confused face on her chest [note
eyes+ green], and the interview people mind find interesting...
Simon Cowell I think is very much aware of what's about to happen).
Britney's album has predictably turned into a celebration of all things MK and her sex-kitten existence successfully conditioning the masses, 'all the boys and all the girls want to fuck me' [confused lyrics; fellow MK'd star Amy Winehouse resonating here also].

Thought this image of
Catherine Zeta Jones in
sun radiant dress was worth posting (cheers commenters; same to any linked to in comments), check out her latest
advert for Lux shampoo [sham-poo] where she is dressed in gold and symbolically climbs the stairway to heaven/stardom. And lastly; M&S' [S&M]
new ad (see the one before this, more MK symbolic one
here; I thought
this MCM one for Littlewoods was particularly blatant too [
talking cat etc]) has standard sex-kitten suggestiveness, image below [note she is
holding a box (
compartment that
houses the sex-kitten alter) and doing the typical 'Shh' we've seen often, symbolizing the 'secret' being portrayed here, naturally hidden in plain sight].