Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Broken

The doppelganger/doubles-centric readers will like this movie I think ;p (undoubtedly many doubles out there for politicians and the odd celebrity; so it is a legitimate reality tunnel in my opinion, please see this forum for more [though I disagree with a lot of it; photoshop/surgery/facial changes when switching to alter/lighting/etc are the likely explanations in most cases, definitely not all though], there is some really great MK info in there too such as on Brooke Burke [final couple of posts Nov 11th by lostworld] Edit: Should have said; they are very much connected (MK stuff + the doubles stuff) as some of these MK'd 'stars' will have backups/doubles/etc waiting in the wings should something fuck up in their programming or whatever. And there are obviously lots of other resources out there on the net on the subject, if it interests you google.) I view this movie's use of the doppelganger theme, more as symbolic of their MPD (mirrors/creating double images are a big part of MK; help create splits as you start viewing the mirror-image as an individual rather than it as yourself [with the aid of drugs, sensory overload, trauma etc; leading to the mind fracturing and that 'individual'/alter-personality can then be programmed]) and the double life they have to lead (i.e the public beautiful facade, and the reality of their tortured/broken minds). Had to post this poster for The Broken. Note one eye still present, not removed along with the rest of the shattered head/mind [shattered glass/shattered mind; just go back through blog, main post is this one I guess but you can search through it yourself easily using below tags/top left search bar], illustrating perfectly what's written about in this blog, looking for a trailer. Doubles/Twins/Twinning/Mirror images are a massive part of MK is basically the overarching point to do with this movie.

"A woman wakes up in the hospital following an encounter with a mysterious doppelganger. Her life begins to turn into a nightmare as she tries to come to grips with the incident and learn the woman's true identity."
Lena Headey [note her shattered Head/mind] is Sarah Connor in Terminator Chronicles and she was Angelika in uber-occult/MK Brothers Grimm [Heath Ledger MK'd ritual sacrifice; loads more stuff out there, get googling] amongst other things (Queen in 300 etc). She is the daughter of an English police officer (checkerboard), who moved to Bermuda to train other officers... probably an ulterior motive for that as it was timed perfectly for the birth. Check her wiki for other 'syncs'. As expected; this MK'd 'star' comes with a butterfly tattoo, among others (lotus flower).

And randomly to illustrate Tom Cruise's MK'd existence (scientologist etc, everyone is familiar with this tool); in all of the posters (blood-line one above) for Valykrei the lighting is specifically set up to give Tom the half face illuminated/split mind theme... and obviously his one eye (which is the side always in the dark). In the trailer the first shot of Tom is him looking into a mirror (00:22); more double/mirror symbolism

And with Star Trek returning (check out Illuminati Formula for some of the themes, though there's more in the actual book; by the way I do read that with an objective eye, being the anti-religious cynic that I am, so by no means should anyone take that book as gospel... it's an extremely helpful resource though); Sylar from Heroes [Zachary Quinto] as Spock (I seem to remember there being lot's of Freemasonic/qabalism connections with Leonard Nimoy and 'Spock's Greeting' hand signal), with the same lighting.


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