Saturday, November 1, 2008
I feel obligated to write-up some of the recent MK seen on TV before getting started on the final Britney part; I'll start by briefly going into the new Futurama film, be sure to check out Hidden Agendas posts on the Beast with a Billion Backs, Part 1 and Part 2. I'm only going briefly into a few of the themes as there's too many other shows to cover + I'm sure others will cover this one, plenty of synchromystic material for a more positive analysis.

Note his certificates to make it look like these people (many of which are involved in gov't MK) know what they're doing, when really they're just following orders from the controlled medical establishment.

"Now stop... hammer time." shattered glass (sphere). I've done loads of posts on shattered glass (shattered mind), and now Britney's latest album has a song called just that, which wasn't known originally as I reported on the other MK symbolic songs such as Mannequin and Amnesia earlier [it looks like Amnesia has been removed from the final album release], they've replaced it with an even more blatant track in Shattered Glass! [See Circus' wiki for final track list; they're all pretty MK symbolic, also note Max Martin's involved and Lady GaGa too]

Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter, so naturally says, "Change places!" Note numbers + purple colour.

"I'm a Little Tea Pot" programming (you can bet all dehumanization type nursery rhymes, fairy tales etc. like that one are used as such) victim is shattered by the hammer.

All these insane robots are symbolic of victims of Tin Man/Robot programming, this 'insane robot' theme is also seen in Wall-E.

The traumatized children (symbolized by the constant slapping for no apparent reason; the children of the 'Illuminati' are always traumatized/MK'd) of the symbolic 'elite' MOM who is engineering a false fuel shortage; more suggestiveness of this MK/secret society symbolism is that they bring owls and pretend to be exterminators (one of them is called Walt).

Naturally her symbol is a purple M inside a circle [MOM].

These third eye Nibblers, are in cages (more symbolic MK victims) they can control memories.

The therapist's "relaxation" technique, more trauma primal-fear type creature (rats, spiders, moths, bats, snakes, bees/wasps etc) and more fear trauma with the (pendulum) swinging blade thing.

Bender [Tin Man/robot] has a lobotomy (removing part of your brain, resulting in a massive personality shift), which is more MK symbolism as it's called a 'robotomy' and the brain is referred to as a computer. Drilling through the eye is also symbolic, it's all about the eyes of course (window to the soul etc), and the drill similar to the screw driver in that it's used by spinning. Then the alternate-reality fantasy world occurs and Leela becomes a Cyclopian Centaur (human/horse hybrid). Cyclone/Cyclopes (the word cyclone comes from the greek for cycle/circle), obviously I'm referring to the Oz cyclone here. That's all I want to cover from this Futurama movie, plenty of other MK themes in the alternate-reality scenes (Fry as Golumn talking to his reflection, the sentient trees etc) and ones I've left out, and tbh my .mp4 version keeps screwing up and staying as a still black image so can't seem to get anymore images anyway. "Drill Baby Drill!" - Mechanical, Republican, extremely suggestive chant.
Leela (Leela/Lola/Lily/Lila/etc are all interchangeable, in Hannah Montana [Miley Cyrus alter-personality show] the Lily character I've heard being called Lola for added "Lolitaness") is fitted with an electro-shock dog-collar (specifically used in training Monarch slaves in silence & obedience; this use of it in programming is portrayed in the movie Danny the Dog). Leela obviously having purple hair, and one eye, briefly mentioned in Enchanted post in relation to an MK/Oz CSI episode (more CSI coming up shortly). She is voiced by Katey Sagal, who seems to fit the bill in terms of her MK'd existence (look at her early roles, who Katey has worked with, brief appearances in Lost [Lozt has plenty of MK themes] and Eli Stone [brain aneurysm causing hallucinations spoke of that show previously]).

High Voltage! 50,000 Volts specifically.

High Voltage! 50,000 Volts specifically.

But eventually she dissociates the pain, and the mind does a complete reversal so her pain from it becomes pleasure (almost orgasmic pleasure).
"Actually it feels kinda good, I think I'm startin' to associate it with the pleasure of beating people up." This is her eventually accessing the primal part of her mind (with the pain dissociated to another part of the mind, eventually to that primal part) by the constant trauma mixed with (at the same time as) her own inflicting trauma on others.

"It feels gooood...."
Bender gets lost in his imagination (previously dormant) and is sent to the HAL Insitute for Criminally Insane Robots where, as in reality their "therapy" is basic and brutal (intentionally; just load the subject with psychotropic drugs, the odd shock therapy... and bam cured! Wonder why it's so ineffective...). The therapist/programmer is DR. PERCEPTION (designed to change his victims' perception) and his head is made of an impractical glass plasma ball (purple) type Tesla thing, which is obviously shattered at one point (a victim of his own "therapy" techniques).
"It feels gooood...."

Note his certificates to make it look like these people (many of which are involved in gov't MK) know what they're doing, when really they're just following orders from the controlled medical establishment.

"Now stop... hammer time." shattered glass (sphere). I've done loads of posts on shattered glass (shattered mind), and now Britney's latest album has a song called just that, which wasn't known originally as I reported on the other MK symbolic songs such as Mannequin and Amnesia earlier [it looks like Amnesia has been removed from the final album release], they've replaced it with an even more blatant track in Shattered Glass! [See Circus' wiki for final track list; they're all pretty MK symbolic, also note Max Martin's involved and Lady GaGa too]

Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter, so naturally says, "Change places!" Note numbers + purple colour.

"I'm a Little Tea Pot" programming (you can bet all dehumanization type nursery rhymes, fairy tales etc. like that one are used as such) victim is shattered by the hammer.

All these insane robots are symbolic of victims of Tin Man/Robot programming, this 'insane robot' theme is also seen in Wall-E.

The traumatized children (symbolized by the constant slapping for no apparent reason; the children of the 'Illuminati' are always traumatized/MK'd) of the symbolic 'elite' MOM who is engineering a false fuel shortage; more suggestiveness of this MK/secret society symbolism is that they bring owls and pretend to be exterminators (one of them is called Walt).

Naturally her symbol is a purple M inside a circle [MOM].

These third eye Nibblers, are in cages (more symbolic MK victims) they can control memories.

The therapist's "relaxation" technique, more trauma primal-fear type creature (rats, spiders, moths, bats, snakes, bees/wasps etc) and more fear trauma with the (pendulum) swinging blade thing.

Bender [Tin Man/robot] has a lobotomy (removing part of your brain, resulting in a massive personality shift), which is more MK symbolism as it's called a 'robotomy' and the brain is referred to as a computer. Drilling through the eye is also symbolic, it's all about the eyes of course (window to the soul etc), and the drill similar to the screw driver in that it's used by spinning. Then the alternate-reality fantasy world occurs and Leela becomes a Cyclopian Centaur (human/horse hybrid). Cyclone/Cyclopes (the word cyclone comes from the greek for cycle/circle), obviously I'm referring to the Oz cyclone here. That's all I want to cover from this Futurama movie, plenty of other MK themes in the alternate-reality scenes (Fry as Golumn talking to his reflection, the sentient trees etc) and ones I've left out, and tbh my .mp4 version keeps screwing up and staying as a still black image so can't seem to get anymore images anyway. "Drill Baby Drill!" - Mechanical, Republican, extremely suggestive chant.
American Dad, Family Guy, The Simpsons all the cartoons in fact have been filled with MK lately, please see Hidden Dakini's One Little Word post (admittedly we interpret these synchs somewhat differently, it's all in the best of spirits though ;) for Oz programming in American Dad and Simpsons images (been meaning to write up the alien programming victim Roger's alter-personality episode and others too, may get to them at some point or not).
Now for a few CSI episodes (in no particular order), the latest Las Vegas one was interesting and has kept up the theme of blatant MK in it's episodes.

"Glitter Gulch GLASS" (clearer on full screen), 777, the EL (one of the hebrew names for god) at the end of M/HOTEL in the frame is not coincidental either.
Gill Grissom: "Well, I guess a broken mirror does bring bad luck." Gil Grissom (and his checkerboard floored room, hence his twin Freemasonic G resonating name) is soon to leave due to dementia (or something like that, haven't looked it up) to be replaced by Morpheus which should be interesting!
Now for a few CSI episodes (in no particular order), the latest Las Vegas one was interesting and has kept up the theme of blatant MK in it's episodes.

"Glitter Gulch GLASS" (clearer on full screen), 777, the EL (one of the hebrew names for god) at the end of M/HOTEL in the frame is not coincidental either.
Gill Grissom: "Well, I guess a broken mirror does bring bad luck." Gil Grissom (and his checkerboard floored room, hence his twin Freemasonic G resonating name) is soon to leave due to dementia (or something like that, haven't looked it up) to be replaced by Morpheus which should be interesting!
The case seems to be somewhat illogical; as the apparent criminal robs liquor stores (random items) dressed as a cop, before being caught red-handed then running through a bunch of corridors, crashing through a door, then (this is never really explained) jumps through the window, shattering the glass... landing in a dumpster specifically made for glass... which also contained a dead sex-kitten too... [....] (note she is specifically shown with a piece of broken glass over her)
Shattered mirror (can) trigger self-destruction so perhaps all those mirror pieces from the broken mirror symbolize his self-destruct programming (he kills himself by jumping through the window, for no apparent reason at all [no one kills themself, just to escape from the cops; that makes no sense at all]).

Her sex-kitten existence is confirmed by her leopard-skin top, and her catfish tattoo [she is the daughter of an extremely powerful drug-lord; part of the truly hidden 'elite', he has everyone involved in her death executed, with no hint of him ever being caught]. We know it is a catfish (it is never spoken of; don't want to be too blatant about it, because of the whisker-type things which catfish have).

The sex-kitten is elevated, naturally with bits of shattered glass all over her (symbolizing her shattered mind). When viewing security tape of people enterring the club, the first costume Greg speaks of is "Sexy Kitty" which I don't think is coincidence either, considering all the other references.

"Instant attitude adjustment." when the club-owner (who makes her leave) tells her where she can get cocaine (one of many drugs used to control victims; it's addicive qualities are obviously extremely helpful in keeping them in a constant state of, "I'll do anything you say... just give me the coke!") from (which results in her death as she snorts a line of what is used to cut the cocaine with [atropine, used as an animal tranquilizer] leading to a strange, non-sensicle blood-transfusion [trance-fusion], naturally there is more shattered glass involved in her death, pictured shortly). You cannot deny that shattered glass is focused on to a ridiculous degree in this episode. The name of this episode is Let It Bleed, referring to their obsession with blood ritual sacrifice and all that no doubt.

Another type of Beta (sex) slave is shown in this episode; a S&M one (with all the programmed language, "You've been a baad boy" etc), looking very Paris Hiltonish. She is reffered to as, if I heard this correctly a "Donut Dolly" which I've never heard before but you can easily interpret.

Catherine Willows' daughter Lindsey (Lohan) uses a fake i.d. (symbolic confused identity and alter-personality) dressed as an angel [note the bee in the frame].

It's all about CONTROL (note the C, broken circle; symbolic logo).

The leopard's demise is depicted with her having a fit (above image looking through the glass) then two brain-dead coke dealers give her a blood transfusion, "Frankenstein style". Sex-kittens are sometimes given a fake blood transfusion of cat blood as a child [as part of the dehumanization process, getting them to actually think they're a cat]. The attractive new CSI called Riley asks one of them, "What made you think a blood transfusion would wake up Sleeping Beauty?" The way the blood transfusion is portrayed almost has a sexual aspect to it also.

Naturally she shatters the glass bowl (goldfish bowl).

Shattered mirror (can) trigger self-destruction so perhaps all those mirror pieces from the broken mirror symbolize his self-destruct programming (he kills himself by jumping through the window, for no apparent reason at all [no one kills themself, just to escape from the cops; that makes no sense at all]).

Her sex-kitten existence is confirmed by her leopard-skin top, and her catfish tattoo [she is the daughter of an extremely powerful drug-lord; part of the truly hidden 'elite', he has everyone involved in her death executed, with no hint of him ever being caught]. We know it is a catfish (it is never spoken of; don't want to be too blatant about it, because of the whisker-type things which catfish have).

The sex-kitten is elevated, naturally with bits of shattered glass all over her (symbolizing her shattered mind). When viewing security tape of people enterring the club, the first costume Greg speaks of is "Sexy Kitty" which I don't think is coincidence either, considering all the other references.

"Instant attitude adjustment." when the club-owner (who makes her leave) tells her where she can get cocaine (one of many drugs used to control victims; it's addicive qualities are obviously extremely helpful in keeping them in a constant state of, "I'll do anything you say... just give me the coke!") from (which results in her death as she snorts a line of what is used to cut the cocaine with [atropine, used as an animal tranquilizer] leading to a strange, non-sensicle blood-transfusion [trance-fusion], naturally there is more shattered glass involved in her death, pictured shortly). You cannot deny that shattered glass is focused on to a ridiculous degree in this episode. The name of this episode is Let It Bleed, referring to their obsession with blood ritual sacrifice and all that no doubt.

Another type of Beta (sex) slave is shown in this episode; a S&M one (with all the programmed language, "You've been a baad boy" etc), looking very Paris Hiltonish. She is reffered to as, if I heard this correctly a "Donut Dolly" which I've never heard before but you can easily interpret.

Catherine Willows' daughter Lindsey (Lohan) uses a fake i.d. (symbolic confused identity and alter-personality) dressed as an angel [note the bee in the frame].

It's all about CONTROL (note the C, broken circle; symbolic logo).

The leopard's demise is depicted with her having a fit (above image looking through the glass) then two brain-dead coke dealers give her a blood transfusion, "Frankenstein style". Sex-kittens are sometimes given a fake blood transfusion of cat blood as a child [as part of the dehumanization process, getting them to actually think they're a cat]. The attractive new CSI called Riley asks one of them, "What made you think a blood transfusion would wake up Sleeping Beauty?" The way the blood transfusion is portrayed almost has a sexual aspect to it also.

Naturally she shatters the glass bowl (goldfish bowl).

Moving on to this week's CSI:NY briefly there was some blatant illuminist symbolism here, with the eye of horus inside a triangle, on one side of the necklace thing, and on the other unsurprisingly the sun [eye of horus = the sun; standard worship done by the 'illuminists']. The episode itself not having too much MK (apart from the obvious Indiana Jones character confused identities, as the original sold his entire personality to him; the original coming back to kill him) as far as I can recall. The 'Illuminati Pendant' is hiding something deeper [v symbolic of the global conspiracy too imo], a Philip II of Macedon solid gold coin.

I wrote about Melina the day before watching this episode, she is pushed down a flight of stairs, into a dark tunnel, where she is threatened and very much traumatized by a person who apparently works for the Greek embassy (showing secret society/government involvement). Should be an interesting story-arc.

Melina tumbles down the (rabbit) hole [subway tunnel], before being threatened by the gov't/secret society (one and the same) tool.

Melina tumbles down the (rabbit) hole [subway tunnel], before being threatened by the gov't/secret society (one and the same) tool.

The CSI:NY before this one had lots more MK as it featured realistic looking sex-dolls [can't really remember much of the details of the episode; I'm sure there were loads of little MK synchs I noticed during it on first viewing].
When visiting the home of one of the doll's owners, the cop refers to them as people saying, "..Ladies" in a 'hello' type of way and the owner warns them about how fragile (easily broken/shattered) they are. When the girl (Anna Belknap) from Montana (in the show, and her name in it is Lindsay Monroe) says, "there's no way one of these can replace a real woman..." the cop said "I dunno, they're not bad lookin', think of all the money a guy could save on dinner." These are all subtle references to MK'd sex-slaves, like this one from Melina's character, 'A city of 12 million, and people need mannequins to keep them company, I mean what does that say about where we are as a species?' At least they (the 'elite', whom MK is an every day thing for, that control the media) can laugh at themselves and their truly sick nature!
When visiting the home of one of the doll's owners, the cop refers to them as people saying, "..Ladies" in a 'hello' type of way and the owner warns them about how fragile (easily broken/shattered) they are. When the girl (Anna Belknap) from Montana (in the show, and her name in it is Lindsay Monroe) says, "there's no way one of these can replace a real woman..." the cop said "I dunno, they're not bad lookin', think of all the money a guy could save on dinner." These are all subtle references to MK'd sex-slaves, like this one from Melina's character, 'A city of 12 million, and people need mannequins to keep them company, I mean what does that say about where we are as a species?' At least they (the 'elite', whom MK is an every day thing for, that control the media) can laugh at themselves and their truly sick nature!

Moving to the last couple of Heroes episodes (images of the first part of these Marionette Puppet MK scenes can be seen here; Edit: Originally intended to link to elluminati's post on a recent Heroes too). We are shown more suggestive MK images from inside his Marionette Theatre (including the black/white/red sign), bear in mind that pretty much every single shot is set up to be symbolic (for instance after the above sign is shown, Hayden Pan and her adopted mum in the show are focused on in the car mirror, shown further down).

Ventriloquists, Marionette Puppetteers, stage-Hypnotists are often involved in government MK [i.e Alex Houston described in Tranceformation].

Eric makes Hayden Pan's real mum (in the show), obviously note the ballerina image in the background, it is important to note she is being made by Doyle to shatter a drinking glass, then puts it to her throat cutting it slightly.

"Claire where did you get that thing?", referring to the tazer [electro-shock programming]; Claire: "Dad's closet." [her dad was a symbolic programmer for 'the company'] The tazer is fired into a green Marionette puppet (shown below, under Doyle's behest, symbolizing electro-shocks use in literally creating Marionette Puppets; this is all described in my Vlad the Impaler post)

I found it quite humorous, with a predictable "What do you want you sick..?!" plea from Hayden just before playing Russian Roulette (note sun-flower type thing on the wall, consciously kept in the frame), Doyle responds, "What I want Barbie, is not to be interrupted..." and he refers to her as Barbie another time after that too.

The mirror-table is where the Russian Roulette is played; which involves spinning the gun, "Ok, mom, your turn to spin."

Ventriloquists, Marionette Puppetteers, stage-Hypnotists are often involved in government MK [i.e Alex Houston described in Tranceformation].

Eric makes Hayden Pan's real mum (in the show), obviously note the ballerina image in the background, it is important to note she is being made by Doyle to shatter a drinking glass, then puts it to her throat cutting it slightly.

"Claire where did you get that thing?", referring to the tazer [electro-shock programming]; Claire: "Dad's closet." [her dad was a symbolic programmer for 'the company'] The tazer is fired into a green Marionette puppet (shown below, under Doyle's behest, symbolizing electro-shocks use in literally creating Marionette Puppets; this is all described in my Vlad the Impaler post)

I found it quite humorous, with a predictable "What do you want you sick..?!" plea from Hayden just before playing Russian Roulette (note sun-flower type thing on the wall, consciously kept in the frame), Doyle responds, "What I want Barbie, is not to be interrupted..." and he refers to her as Barbie another time after that too.

The mirror-table is where the Russian Roulette is played; which involves spinning the gun, "Ok, mom, your turn to spin."

The episode after this (latest one) was also very interesting for me as it saw the return of Kristen Bell, playing Elle Bishop [all of these 'Heroes' are symbolic MK victims, also same surname as Walter Bishop in Fringe; I personally think most of the actors portrayed in Heroes are MK'd too, actually living in the moment of these fictitious scenes in their mind's reality] and we have more electro-shock programming symbolism going on as she emits electricity, Hayden Pan's character Claire is also shown to have gone through electro-shock programming as she shares the electro-shock trauma on a plane (where they are the cause of all the chaos on it, almost resulting in a planecrash [9/11 resonance]). After a cute little catfight (pulling hair etc), they team-up to find a cure for themselves. Water is thrown on Kristen to stop her shooting electricity at Hayden, which results in some serious electro-shocking trauma for Krist and she goes into the classic traumatized fetal position.
Hayden can't feel pain (almost looks like she's enjoying it above), Kristen says she is in agony all the time. Then once they agree to go together she says to Hayden, in total Oz programming fashion: "Alright Dorothy, then we're off to see the Wizard." Then the plane scenes follow and they split up once they arrive at the entrance.

On the plane it is discussed how Kristen's character Elle was essentially programmed by 'Daddy' working for the company to be a sort of 'super-spy', "You know, my father pushed me into this life, I wanted no part of it." Which is symbolic of all of the people I write about (Britney, Paris etc), themselves having gone through electro-shock programming at some point in their lives no doubt, obviously none of these MK-slaves choose to be MK'd.

Finishing with another CSI: Las Vegas (I could go into Fringe and the rest too, but think I'll just do one more episode), the episode before the first CSI described in this post. These fuckers have got so arrogant that they're even putting the British Royal Families (also features in random things like MiddleMan) coat of arms (variation of it anyway; note the Lion creature and the unicorn in chains; on the front of it is a pink rose) on the first victim of the "Mannikiller" [he sets up his victims to look like mannequins]. This was interesting as it portrayed models as basically mannequins too (totally zoned out/glazed over eyes for hours on end during a photo-shoot), this is the type of thing I've written about in relation to MCMs (mind controlled models; with the flashing lights keeping them entranced etc).
Their first theory is dry-lightning, which is clearly just an excuse to get some electro-shock symbolism shown on these mannequins [I watched some of Kim Cattral's (one of the 'sex-kittens and the city') Mannequin today on Sky, but that's for another post]. One of the lab-techs approaches her thinking she is actually a human (the main coroner and him always have humorously suggestive, 'pointless on the surface' type of scenes [in the first CSI episode described, him and the coroner have a strange removing a shard of glass from the victims head scene, that all seems rather pointless]), speaking to her as if she were one.

This half-face shot (ish, one eye) occurs as the coroner's assistant talks to her as if she were alive (showing it's symbolic of MK'd people who are basically mannequins). The victim here is described as a, "model, club-dancer, convention booth babe... you know typical Vegas, pretty-girl stuff." they also discuss the possibility that she has epilepsy (flashing lights triggering seizure, symbolic of MK use of flashing/strobe lights).

Note the MCM mirrors the victim here [facing opposite ways in similar poses]; sort of, and the green 'ghostbar' the MCM is depicted on wearing green.

Note the MCM on the Moon on the yellow cab [#7021, 21 =777]

Next victim of the Mannikiller. This guy is actually a homeless person, the runner is actually a hustler/druggie (those two confused identities), only the nurse is dressed in her own clothing (with suggestive coat of arms). The only thing that all 3 have in common is 'traces of zolpidem'.

"The naughty draw" Note the leopard skin + condoms suggestive of MK'd sex-kitten (remember her numerous "Las Vegas pretty-girl" jobs, her main job was a nurse). And the new chick Riley says about the weed in the draw: "Hydroponic, medical-grade, put you on your ass, send you to dreamy-land weed... nurses always get the good stuff." I do like this new character I think [SVU also has a new sexy MM in Michaela McManus as the D.A., they were thinking of putting her in CSI:NY as Lindsay (see wiki)].

"An original of Carla" (first victim's name) Riley: "Bizarre, she looks kinda." Cath: "Dead?" Riley: "Yeah, a little." This is the kind of zoned-out/tranced, frozen state I've talked about in regards to these posing MCModels.

Note the Mirage etc. [pyramid in background to the right]

The fourth and fifth victims are an elderly, bird-watching [double meaning, MK victims as birds/pidgeon carriers/etc].

Note the black carousel horse. This is where we meet the artist played by the father in the Arrested Development, who has a twin in the show if you remember.

Note the blatant Marionette Puppet suggestion here (the ropes obviously being the Marionette strings) holding them in the right poses to become Mannequins.

The final victim who survives, is a child (symbolizing how the MK programming starts when very young) and the warehouse he sets them up as mannequins (symbolic programming centre) is located on Franklin Street (intentionally invoking the Franklin cover-up).

The Mind Canvas (note triangles in the A's). The MK victim's (mannequins, marionette puppets, dolls etc, all things that feature in this post) mind is a blank canvas (made as such through programming; in all its many forms) to be programmed to the programmer's desired specifications; is the implication here I think.

This half-face shot (ish, one eye) occurs as the coroner's assistant talks to her as if she were alive (showing it's symbolic of MK'd people who are basically mannequins). The victim here is described as a, "model, club-dancer, convention booth babe... you know typical Vegas, pretty-girl stuff." they also discuss the possibility that she has epilepsy (flashing lights triggering seizure, symbolic of MK use of flashing/strobe lights).

To 100% confirm the use of MK; the drug used on the Mannikiller's victims is Zolpidem [Oz], and as well as having the Oz in its name (think about who creates these totally meaningless [to the masses] names) Zolpidem is specifically described in Illuminati Formula as being used as a hypnotic sedative (it's hypnotic/sedative qualities are described in wiki). The above image does not show zolpidem but they say it is the drug used on the victims; note "The eyes are not dissected." (though this is what is written in all coroner's reports I think, which I'm sure there's some reason behind). Anyway focusing on this page which mentions eye dissection and the "Head and Central Nervous System" is not coincidental and is more suggestive of MK.

Note the MCM mirrors the victim here [facing opposite ways in similar poses]; sort of, and the green 'ghostbar' the MCM is depicted on wearing green.

Note the MCM on the Moon on the yellow cab [#7021, 21 =777]

Next victim of the Mannikiller. This guy is actually a homeless person, the runner is actually a hustler/druggie (those two confused identities), only the nurse is dressed in her own clothing (with suggestive coat of arms). The only thing that all 3 have in common is 'traces of zolpidem'.

"The naughty draw" Note the leopard skin + condoms suggestive of MK'd sex-kitten (remember her numerous "Las Vegas pretty-girl" jobs, her main job was a nurse). And the new chick Riley says about the weed in the draw: "Hydroponic, medical-grade, put you on your ass, send you to dreamy-land weed... nurses always get the good stuff." I do like this new character I think [SVU also has a new sexy MM in Michaela McManus as the D.A., they were thinking of putting her in CSI:NY as Lindsay (see wiki)].

"An original of Carla" (first victim's name) Riley: "Bizarre, she looks kinda." Cath: "Dead?" Riley: "Yeah, a little." This is the kind of zoned-out/tranced, frozen state I've talked about in regards to these posing MCModels.

Note the Mirage etc. [pyramid in background to the right]

The fourth and fifth victims are an elderly, bird-watching [double meaning, MK victims as birds/pidgeon carriers/etc].

Note the black carousel horse. This is where we meet the artist played by the father in the Arrested Development, who has a twin in the show if you remember.

Note the blatant Marionette Puppet suggestion here (the ropes obviously being the Marionette strings) holding them in the right poses to become Mannequins.

The final victim who survives, is a child (symbolizing how the MK programming starts when very young) and the warehouse he sets them up as mannequins (symbolic programming centre) is located on Franklin Street (intentionally invoking the Franklin cover-up).

The Mind Canvas (note triangles in the A's). The MK victim's (mannequins, marionette puppets, dolls etc, all things that feature in this post) mind is a blank canvas (made as such through programming; in all its many forms) to be programmed to the programmer's desired specifications; is the implication here I think.
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