Saturday, November 22, 2008

Random shift of gear; Dick Cheney is one of the worst human beings (yes he's [most likely] human) alive, Daily Show video on typical 'abuse', death and facial trauma that seems to follow him around so much... wonder why. The music and FOX News' reaction is just hilarious.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
'Does That Get Me Fired?' [general Alaska being corrupt to the core + Ted Stevens/Amy Winehouse invokation]
ObaMadness continues with the corporations that control him cashing in on his 'historic' 'change-bringing' election win, get yourself an Obama plate... and watch it shatter, like the hopes and dreams of those that voted him in will be shattered when he himself 'changes' [after a false-flag blamed on Iran or whatever]. More on this in Lewis Black segment.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Cheers to commenter, had the image of Kylie as a leopard from that performance ready, wasn't sure when to include it or add to main KM post; I did not know the video was on youtube so I'll just add it here (also check out Dannii's video in teh comment, nice 'spots' ;P her other videos symbolic too, might do a Dannii post at some point like the Kylie one, who is essentially I think their #1 sex-kitten/Marilyn Monroe-type figure [Edit: Despite her age, she's still much more attractive than any of the younglings (compared to Britney, now Miley etc) in my opinion] as she recently performed for them at that Dubai 'Atlantis' resort where virtually every MK'd celeb from the global network turned up).

Edit: Pertinent (leopard-print, wigs, sexy sisters [virtually twins, in how they're thought of] ;p) images of them recreating a 'Dynasty' catfight... Daily Mail link (has video, note checkerboard).

EVE [same crowd as Gwen Stefani who she collaborated with] - Tambourine kind of fits the mood of this post; note sex-kitten imagery (mainly after 2:10; but she has kitty cat paws tattoos on her chest), dude's (stylized) skull and bones t-shirt, EVE in sun-bathing mirror thing.
And while we're on the the K subject (IKKI), the killers new video [Human, also the name of MK sex-slave Goldfrapp video: with Allison's similar lyrics, "Are you human?" and the Killer's, "Are We Human?"] is total symbolism from start to finish, always liked their stuff though and have been enjoying this video, thought I'd post seeing as it mentioned in comments.
One more Killers (an early one of theirs, to show what the above big-cats are really referring to), very symbolic Mr Brightside (note Chinese lion sculptures, recognizable actor [he's been in loads of symbolic stuff like Oz and Lozt, a couple of half face/red curtain shots] with red apple which he throws to victim [this is her trigger to take a man up to 'service'; his biting of the apple acts as another trigger (you can tell this because immediately after biting it she runs back to him, and the second time; a green apple, she faints)], black/white stripes, blue goddess, the Mormon lead singer Brandon Flowers is playing the role of her 'rescuer' from the old ('daddy'esque) looking handler, the white-powdered main girl/victim magically comes out of a checkerboard (at 2:58, very symbolic, they play for her ownership)... well you get the idea of this video here I think ;p (they are hiding nothing, well worth watching). The main kitten in the video is Izabella Miko, a Polish ballerina [was in Coyote Ugly + some others], now actress/model.
Britney's Circus Promo to finish. Looking foward to Lily Allen's new video (not only because of the balloons; there is a tonne of checkerboard/box symbolism in it I saw some preview thing on MTV; she is another leopard-print fanatic + checkerboards are apparently almost always put in her videos [see Lily link]). [Edit: Oh yeah and I meant to post this somewhere; Lynx (big cat) Vice (previous post) claims a victim.]
Labels: cat/kitten programming, EVE, Kylie Minogue, The Ikki Twins, The Killers, twins
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