Sunday, November 9, 2008
Note grid (cage also), the little bird [victims often feel like a little bird trapped in a cage inside their heads], yellow eye mask.
Robin [bird] Miriam [mirror/mirrage/etc] Carlsson is someone I've been meaning to do a quick post on for a while showing her blatant video suggesting that she could be MK'd. First of all, I've talked previously how these victims' hair are sometimes specifically cut to cover one eye, this couldn't be more true of Robyn whose hair is always like that [view this fan-site to illustrate this clearly]. The above video for 'Handle Me' is pretty self-explanatory (Robin [and at one point her head] trapped in a box, checkerboard stockings, purple/black checkerboard dress, all the varying sized boxes (compartments). Some of her other videos are symbolic also ["And it hurts with every heartbeat" the video has Robyn walking (backwards to begin with) on a small blue cube with a reflective floor, and her symbolic handler shown at 2:05 in reality as the DJ doing some spinning, then the camera cuts back to Robyn, this time she's changed to red (shoes too) and walks forward and then runs from the chaos that follows her, then back in reality the handler violently pushes all the blocks off the table (where she was in her mind).
She has others like 'Cobrastyle', I like (the music) her new one 'Dream On' too with its lyrics (paraphrased): "You won't be strip-searched torn up tonight... You won't be cut up bleeding tonight... (more traumas) Wishing you were anywhere else but right here, so DREAM ON" (dissociation; note the traumatized girl whose mirror image changes to Robyn's at 2:28), at 2:32 she replaces another dude wearing black/white stockings. 'Be Mine' is also shockingly blatant MK (she goes bald, tries various wigs, there's even a shattered mirror, checkerboards, note her eyes, etc). I have not watched all her videos, I'm assuming they all have similar themes though.] I do like this spacey kind of repetitive soft-electropop stuff (same with Goldfrapp below) to be honest. There's obviously something symbolic about the I of Robin (a bird) being replaced by a Y, probably because both letters have the eye sound in it or something. They've had plans for her since she was a kid, see her wiki.
I'd also like to do a quick Alison Goldfrapp update as she recently appeared at the BBC's Electric Proms, typically with a (diamond) checkerboard behind her and her backing singers all masked and horned. Please view my previous post on Alice-on which I thought was pretty convincing overall (with all the Oz-witch imagery, MK themes, checkerboard [also at this live performance and at end of post] 'Human' blatant MK [sex-slaves] video, owls etc), by the way it looks like she wears an owl-eyes ring in this performance. I've embedded one ('Little Bird' [Edit: video broken]) for closer views of Alison's owl-eyes ring (also click below image) and the masked/horned backing singers.
And a couple of her older videos; Strict Machine [as in the programming; specifically electroshocks here], the lyrics are worth posting (no point putting it all in bold):
She has others like 'Cobrastyle', I like (the music) her new one 'Dream On' too with its lyrics (paraphrased): "You won't be strip-searched torn up tonight... You won't be cut up bleeding tonight... (more traumas) Wishing you were anywhere else but right here, so DREAM ON" (dissociation; note the traumatized girl whose mirror image changes to Robyn's at 2:28), at 2:32 she replaces another dude wearing black/white stockings. 'Be Mine' is also shockingly blatant MK (she goes bald, tries various wigs, there's even a shattered mirror, checkerboards, note her eyes, etc). I have not watched all her videos, I'm assuming they all have similar themes though.] I do like this spacey kind of repetitive soft-electropop stuff (same with Goldfrapp below) to be honest. There's obviously something symbolic about the I of Robin (a bird) being replaced by a Y, probably because both letters have the eye sound in it or something. They've had plans for her since she was a kid, see her wiki.
And a couple of her older videos; Strict Machine [as in the programming; specifically electroshocks here], the lyrics are worth posting (no point putting it all in bold):
I get high on a buzz
Then a rush when I'm plugged in you
I connect
When I'm flush
You get love when told what to do
Wonderful electric
Wonderful electric
Wonderful electric
Cover me in you
I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love with a strict machine
I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love with a strict machine
When you send me a pulse
Feel a wave of new love
Through me
I'm dressed in white noise
You know just what I want
So please
Wonderful electric
Wonderful electric
Wonderful electric
Cover me in you
I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love with a strict machine
I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love with a strict machine
And to further illustrate the animal-headed humans (this 'dehumanization' [viewing yourself as an animal (doesn't even have to be an animal though)] has been a big part of entering altered-states for thousands of years; and is hugely important in MK), her video for 'Number 1' where she is posed like a dog and all the dog-headed people obviously (probably an Anubis thing going on here also), this dehumanization theme (including a kitten) is extremely prevalent in her 'Train' video, see previous post on Goldfrapp

Leopard skins were also worn by and associated with Osiris [remember Oz is short for Osiris; and Dionysus is Osiris, obviously the leopard skin is not coincidental then] and he himself had even been depicted as a crouching leopard (with an all seeing eye above him); various Egyptian priests also wear (below, with Osiris) leopard-skin which signifies the person's initiation into the mysteries of Osiris. From IF: "Some slaves have the 'golden penis of Osiris' placed upon them", he is often depicted as being green... In Tibet mythology the leopard was associated with female wisdom, similar use with Seshat, which I'm just mentioning as obviously the meaning of leopard-skin symbolism isn't one dimensional by any means. [Edit: I'm avoiding the cat-god Bast (naturally a goddess associated with sex) because I already mentioned it here in relation to Rose McGowan.]

Left image of a Sem (funerary) Priest opening the mouth of Osiris (about to), right is of Osiris (leopard spotsish; I can't find the more blatant ones).

Dionysus with leopard skin; he has stolen the minds (hence looking mischievous running away) of his worshippers and is rushing to give them their new skin. Feel free to give your more knowledgable insight into some of this mythology in the comments.

Some good ol' classical history/mythology (mainstream 'history' is complete fabrication/myth; most of it propoganda written by the winners [i.e whose in charge today doing all this shit], I personally see more truth in mythology and modern-day fiction than in the day-to-day mainstream news and history text books) now, Bacchus/Dionysus' [God of wine, theatre; inspirer of ritual madness and ecstasy] worshippers included animal-human hybrids; like the Satyrs [probably symbolic of the animalistic/primalter state]. And the Maenads often wore leopard-skin (see below) to bring it back to my recent focus; these Maenads were known as "insane women" [like today these MK'd slaves' bizarre behavior is usually put down to 'mental illness' or something], "raving ones" and such. 'The mysteries of Dionysus' (i.e his programming involving drugs, drugs, illusion/theatre etc) puts them into an ecstatic (sexual) frenzy... does this not sound a lot like MK'd sex-kittens who themselves are often shown wearing leopard skin? And, the nymphs were another group of his followers (and of many other 'gods') who were used by the aforementioned satyrs for sex (so in effect, a form of bestiality); many MK'd modern day programmed sex-kittens (most usually put in careers such as prostition and stripping etc) are no doubt viewed merely as nymphomaniacs [Dionysian induced ecstatic sex-mania] rather than their personality being the result of some serious 'moulding'. These types of frenzied/shut off from society/entranced worshippers suggest in my opinion, that Dionysus' cult (the 'cult followers' written about above and below anyway) can be considered one of the earliest 'mind control cults', somewhat similar to the ones we hear of in modern times. The Cult of Dionysus is very interesting and obviously has more than just drugged up, entranced followers; Manly P Hall's 'The Dionysian Artificiers' is worth a look (they built some of Greek's famous buildings allegedly; so naturally the Masons love to put their own little spin on things claiming them as part of their history/mythology). Interesting that; like today, these MK'd cult members (britney, actors on tv/movies, porn stars/prostitutes etc in modern times; I do think the comparison isn't too 'out there') were used in entertaining the masses at the Festival Dionysia (naturally involving a heavy use of masks) he even became the god of theatre, music, general entertainment [the things that 100% shape our way of thinking through the unavoidable media today, over any other period of history by far; the 'Dionysian cult' (symbolically) rules today with it's entranced puppets used to mould the minds of the masses]. Edit: Dionysus "has a dual nature. On the one hand bringing joy and divine ecstasy. On the other brutal, unthinking, rage." Link.

Mask of Dionysus + Dionysus on a leopard with a disembodied head [headless/loosing your head/etc big part of MK, as is the aforementioned duality and his 'programming techniques'] of one of his victims (Maenads [below image + note the snake headpiece thing on this entranced victim] and his other followers are as much victims as those killed by them [i.e Pentheus in the Bacchae, who was ripped apart by the frenzied Maenads; his own mother ripping his head off in her alter-state hallucinating/viewing him as a lion] in their frenzied/primal altered state).

The Maenads (and other types of Bacchic worshippers; all in animalistic/Dionysiac/primal altered states) were entranced by music and dancing. From wiki: "Dionysus is often shown riding a leopard, wearing a leopard skin, or in a chariot drawn by panthers, and may also be recognized by the thyrsus he carries." I wonder what all that big-cat imagery (Dionysus dominating over the cats) is about ;p, as he turns (remember he is also supposed to be another Jesus; John the Baptist also has some Dionysus connection? Osiris is also Dionysus) all his subjects into basically entranced (so MK'd), sexually frenzied sex-kittens (obviously not with those modern implications ["MK", "sex-kitten"]; and much less controlled, though this altered state is still a result of Dionysus' "programming" [and again, obviously not called that back then; but drugs, repetitive beats, sex, traumatic experiences (read The Bacchae) etc, all programming methods that are used in triggering this type of trance-state]).

Left image of a Sem (funerary) Priest opening the mouth of Osiris (about to), right is of Osiris (leopard spotsish; I can't find the more blatant ones).

Dionysus with leopard skin; he has stolen the minds (hence looking mischievous running away) of his worshippers and is rushing to give them their new skin. Feel free to give your more knowledgable insight into some of this mythology in the comments.

Finish with another Goldfrapp MK video for 'Utopia (Genetically Enriched)'. "I forget who I am when I'm with you" (all lyrics MK symbolic as usual), mirror images (another recurring theme, see previous post on Goldfrapp), loads of one eye/half face shots, an entranced Alice-on (and multiple Aliceons at the end as it fades to white) etc. She lives alone with her Russian Blue Cat, more info on Alison and her typically slightly troubled past here [she won't talk about her 'unconventional' careers after leaving school early, religious school + Madonna etc].
From one of her concerts (went into the dehumanization 'tail' and such in the main post on her).
Old image from years ago of her, note her zebra top and leopard skin bag.

Random scan to finish for a Selfridges, "Make-up for your alter-ego." Doesn't take a genius to figure out what this is really about, and the name illu(a)minisim/mask 'ILLAMASQUA' [masquarade], the death looking MCM, and note the symbol a sword (?) with a crosshair [kind of like Investec's symbol in this post].
Old image from years ago of her, note her zebra top and leopard skin bag.

Random scan to finish for a Selfridges, "Make-up for your alter-ego." Doesn't take a genius to figure out what this is really about, and the name illu(a)minisim/mask 'ILLAMASQUA' [masquarade], the death looking MCM, and note the symbol a sword (?) with a crosshair [kind of like Investec's symbol in this post].
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