Sunday, June 29, 2008
Edit: More info in this Daily Mail link. "My dream is to fly. Oh, my rainbow it is too high." She wrote on a social networking site (aka data mining + mass mind control project). She was wearing a purple tank top when she was triggered to fly over the rainbow, the netting (grid) had been cut which would have broken her fall I guess. Below she is pictured with fellow Mind Controlled Models lost down the rabbit hole/on the yellow brick road, in the centre is Lily Cole.
Tragically a model died yesterday at 2.30, her name was Ruslana Korshunova and she had been on the cover of European Elle and British Vogue (who called her "a face to be excited about") and various others. Debbie Jones said ""She looked like something out of a fairytale!" Jones told the magazine." One anonymous commenter points out in this blog, that "Her soul looked empty even in life." This occurred in the (Madhatter) Manhattan Financial District, I've spoken many times of my disgust and outrage at financial districts around the world (square mile in Britain). I posit that this was a Freemasonic Mind Control ritual sacrifice, involving symbolic falling from a tower at 2:30 (23), it occurred on a date resonant of total control 28 (88) June (6, 9 mirror/reversal), 2008 (88) and look at all the 8's around the street she lived on... just a coincidence I'm sure. She plunged 9 stories, onto 130 (13!) Water Street... (where she lived) Her modelling agency was IMG Models, symbolic logo below. She seems to have been programmed in Paris... "Ruslana, jump into the water when xxxxxx(trigger)"... the whole thing almost brings me to tears.
"One of her friends, who has spoken with The New York Post, said that Ruslana Korshunova had just returned from a modeling gig in Paris. He noted that she seemed to be "on top of the world" and there is no apparent reason why she would commit suicide.[6] However, she appeared brokenhearted and angry in some of her postings on a social networking site. Korshunova's most telling message came three months ago: "I'm so lost. Will I ever find myself?"

Yellow police tape symbolises the yellow brick road (seen in various movies I've mentioned, one example in The Hole)

R.I.P. At least she has reclaimed her soul...
A video I found on the excellent Aftermath News, blog section. Note them focusing on the Sunflowers and whatnot.
I've watched a lot of Glastonbury (BBC's website, click for loads of butterflies and triangles) this year (which my sister is at), the music is mostly good, Jay Z's headlining the festival was no mystery to me. He does that "diamond" which is actually a triangle with his hands, below we see him creating the eye of horus inside the triangle. Obviously then, having him do the triangle, and making everyone else in the crowd (I presume, he usually does anyway) "do the triangle" with the pyramid stage behind him... need I say more? I'm putting the below video in for sheer comedy value, they're some of the worst actors I've ever seen; with that guy whose HEAD-COULD-EXPLODE-AT-ANY-MOMENT Timothy "Westwood", THIS IS WHADDIT LOOK LIKE! (wtf... calm down fella)
Labels: Glastonbury, illuminati, Jay Z, pyramid
(This post is entirely opinion, the soldiers are doing all they can in the impossible situations the corrupt government has forced them into)

One of many occult monuments to their blood sacrifices throughout history. (# 11, split circle or 2 mirrored C's, so 33 etc.)

'Nothing else to do round here' I think the illuminists that write this shit get off on what they've done to these poor kids' minds.
Signing up to join the armed forces (of any kind, not including local independent militias) is, in my opinion akin to willingly walking up the steps of a Mayan pyramid to have your heart ripped out, soldiers are nothing more than occult blood ritual sacrifices for the twisted elite and also mind control guinea pigs, naturally.

Opening the eyes of the world to America's freedoms, next to an inverted US Army pentagram, all 3 of this trinity of sacrificial lambs are only 17 years old. (note the advert with mi6 (and A) on the overlapping page, there was also an advert for Panasonic with the Olympic interlocking rings in this segment)

Brainwashed tools, look at their entraining policy... isn't the opposite the case at the moment (with the credit crunch and all that).
Labels: brainwashing, new world order, occult, soldiers, war, World War 3
Friday, June 27, 2008
Another blatant example of an MPD Mind Control victim was seen in a new show called "Leverage" on TNT which airs in a couple of months or so (got leaked on online recently) for a 13 episode run, it was very good (seems to be based on the UK TV show Hustle, but I preferred this) so we can assume it will not last long. The show stars Timothy Hutton who has been in some interesting things, like The Good Shepherd (Skull and Bones/CIA), The Last Mimzy (expanding consciousness + Dwight from the office!) and various others. She is called Parker and the first thing you hear about her is that "Parker is insane", this pilot episode was directed by Dean Devlin (4+4=8). Parker is played by Beth Riesgraf (why are they always so incredibly cute...), her son with My Name is Earl star (now 'split' from) Jason Lee is called, seriously: "Pilot Inspektor Riesgraf-Lee"... she is currently filming a movie called "Nobody". She has many different skills in the show (MPD MC victims are known to develop amazing flexibility, this is also seen in Grindhouse ((see Celticrebel's fine comment on spirals too, they are both pliable (programmed "Useless talent #66"), also spoken of in Cathy O'Briens autobiog))), below we can see her outrightly described as "Infiltrator and Alter" and also her flexibility is shown as she makes a hole in glass and squeezes herself through it, she also breaks out of handcuffs (#8) with ease.

Labels: Beth Riesgraf, Leverage, Mind Control, MPD/DID, Timothy Hutton, TV show
I'll probably get arrested or something for saying something other than "Nelson Mandela is a god!", Happy Birthday to the guy anyway. He was arrested in 1962 and sent to prison in 1964, he was only arrested because the CIA (3+9+1=13) tipped off the authorities, which I find ironic considering Nelson Mandela's campaign against aids and that the CIA probably created it. Nelson shouldn't just give up after Africa (obviously with him being African it is understandable though), what about the apartheid Palestinians are living under currently, are they less important than South Africans? He is someone who I regard as a media tool, who just supports whatever the media is pushing at the time (aids, war with zimbabwe etc.). But that's probably just me being overly cynical. The 46664 thing has 666 in the middle of it and also has mirror symbolism as it would look the same backwards and forwards, 64 is the number of checker squares on a chessboard (important to Freemasonry). 46664 is the name of his aids awareness ting because 64 was his prison number and was the year he was put in jail, not entirely sure what the point of it is (people already know about aids...), aids is so 90's... (joking, South Park quoteish) it is also apparently the exact number of people attending the concert tonight, all seems very occult and ritualistic to me.

Zimbabwe flag, note red pentagram, white triangle, yellow Zimbabwe bird which reminds me of Canopic Jars and Horus.
Labels: 46664, aids, Nelson Mandela, numerology, occult, war, Zimbabwe
Cracking enemy codes... or cracking the recruits' fragile minds?
Army Jobs ad (couldn't find it w/o the geek humor).
I'm not so sure about this one, but when I initially looked at it it seemed a perfect symbol of "Illuminati" trauma/drugs based mind control as I thought it showed a father with his hand in his pocket, the mum standing in the foreground looking a bit anxious (or a kind of blissful uncaring of what's going on behind her), with the kid sitting down to the left... and look what she has; a big glass of champagne. It is in bluey purple, note the phallic Big Ben has been purposefully framed in the shot, the choice pictured (with champagne) is unsurprisingly £33 again giving you more clues (they love to hide things in plain sight) and if you add up the phone number (after the 0870, not counted because that is something they cannot have a say over, unlike the following numbers) you get 13, it was opened by Tony Blair on December 31 1999 at 8pm. This type of advert is designed to increase your anxiety (by having a potential child drinking a glass of alcohol), but again I'm not so sure about it (apologiez if I'm way off). It is operated by the obviously dodgey Merlin Entertainments Group (note the 6 pointed star, it's Merlin FFS etc.), who run a whole bunch of crap, including Thorpe Park (note infinity symbol etc.) which I recently went to. By the way the London Eye has 32 capsules, it will have the ZION (I mean 2012) Olympic logo put on it throughout the duration of the 2012 olympics...
Labels: advertising, all seeing eye, Army, London Eye, Matrix, RAF
As mainstream and cliched Coldplay have become, there music isn't half bad (debateable) and at least they're playing their part in the controlled revolution with mind control lyrics and wearing all the revolutionary symbols (V, clothing, note the purple line down his trowsers and various other things etc.). Anyone who watches the Daily Show knows the political (and the entire) system is the most f*cked up, nonsensicle shit imaginable (without going in to why that is the case, it has to be said), revolution is needed. As much as people probably hate Coldplay, their latest album has some interesting songs and lyrics imo. Some good follow up links in this daily behemoth post.
Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living my head
And since I fell for that spell
I am living there as well
Time is so short and I’m sure
There must be something more
Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living my head oh…
And since I fell for that spell
I am living there as well oh…
Time is so short and I’m sure
There must be something more
You thought you might be a ghost
You thought you might be a ghost
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You thought you might be a ghost
You thought you might be a ghost
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You didn’t get to heaven but you oh oh
Oh oh…
Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living my head
Just because I'm losing
Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I will cross
Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserve
No better and no worse
I just got lost
Every river that I've tried to cross
And every door I ever tried was locked
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off...
You might be a big fish
In a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
'Cause along may come
A bigger one And you'll be lost
Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the firing starts
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off
Ooh-Oh, And I'm just waiting till the shine wears off…
Labels: Chris Martin, Coldplay, revolution
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
It would also then fit, that the Eye of Horus would be on display, as they ascend the stairs to the undercover cops who have lost their minds. It is seen on a light and is inside a triangle (Illuminism/Illuminati, Occult Dollar Bill), the film was distributed by FOX Searchlight Pictures again showing more illuminated symbolism (they are Luciferian worshippers of the light). Forest Whitaker is the main corrupt cop in the film, he says: "Those guys were so deep undercover that they lost their fucking minds!" Which is basically what I think happened to the "Illuminati" and Freemasons, they spent too long doing things in secret, which inevitably breeds corruption and has led to where we are today (and partly by their own design of course). The film itself is a bit rubbish in my opinion.

Note the serpent on the door to the corrupt cops too.

Fractured face (by the green plant with red flowers), half of the face/ so one eye illuminated (symbolising a split mind)