Monday, June 2, 2008
The current "escalation of violence over the past couple of years"/"wave of teenage violence" (Murdoch's Sky News anchor quotes) is a direct result of all the mind control and brainwashing that has always been put into the media (and obviously other factors too), but especially over the last few years. As the engineered economic crisis continues to take shape, today with the news that Bradford & Bringley are in the sh**er (you know you are when you need help from an American company) having to sell a 23% stake to Texas Pacific Group (TGP) in return for £179 million funding (obviously all just a big sideshow, part of the process). Since 2000, when the company became a PLC the bank's image has been changed from a red square with two chaps in a bowler hat (image below, pictured with princes from this link) to a purple or blue motif, with the actual logo being a (dark purple or navy, depending on the colour of the branch) square with rainbow-like different coloured hats (20). On Sky News, they kept hypnotically zooming out (already zoomed onto one hat) out of the coloured hats (the hat would have a subconscious/trigger effect on the mind).

Nice gloves! Lindsey Lohan naturally gets in on the act.