Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Watching the Hitman movie, then The Serpent (with Olga Kurlenko, who will be treated in the same misogynistic way like all Bond girls are) both mind control slave-traders had serpent tattoos on their torso's. I finished watching The Serpent, I found it to be a pretty good portrayal of what trauma can do to the psyche. Another one I watched recently which was surprisingly not awful but obviously has mind control in it (really disturbing rape scenes ;S) was The Hills Have Eyes II which I was viewing purely as a metaphor for what joining the military does to young minds (breaks them). This could be one of the many reasons for the Iraq (many Americans pronounce it EYEraq) war, soften up the youths psyche's (through the trauma of war) to make it easier to get them to fight an even bigger one in the near future (or just less dissent in general), even Barack Obama was programmed recently to go all out against Iran at an AIPAC (Israel appreciation orgy) speech.
We are given lots of background information on the sex-slave mind control handler in The Serpent, which is symbolic of the kind of people selected by the Illuminati to be controllers (who are usually as traumatized as those they control), this is shown as they describe how when, as a 13 year old his (Plender) classmates and he went to an abandoned mental asylum where they locked the door (focus on the lock), they thought Plender was alone but there was a homeless man who raped and tortured him all night. Obviously, people who have tragically undergone this amount of trauma can be (literally) child's play to control, depending on how much they have disassociated. The film goes on for 119 minutes, showing us that this is symbolic of the trauma 9/11 caused on a global scale. Plender is called a "Private Eye" and a "vampire" in the film, though I am not well schooled in vampirism (metaphorical) he sets up people with mind controlled models/sex slaves then takes pictures of them for blackmail. I am assuming this is symbolic of how politicians have been controlled throughout modern times, through blackmailing their perverse activities (which breeds more perverse activities as is inevitable with layers of secrecy). Even an engineered revolution would probably be beneficial to wash away the debauched global political/religious elite (one is coming). Expect the usual amount of symbolism in numbers and whatnot (like above, very first image is a triangle reflective off a building), loads of shattered glass etc. in this film. I've decided not to do a full post on it, though every scene is worthy of analysis.

The new Futurama movie, Beast with a Billion Backs has mind control themes and a tonne of random synchs in it.
In Hitman: The Movie, Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond from Lost) plays a slave trafficker, obviously in these films they're not going to overtly mention mind control but this is how a lot of sex-slaves are controlled (with the government encouraging the mind controllian aspects through things like Project Monarch, instead of a mindless slave-trafficker just beating them up or whatever to keep them obedient). We are given some clues inside his sex-slave den, shown in the images above (fragmented glass, eye focusing on with the gun and the (butterfl)eye lash etc.). 47 pretends to be an arms dealer called "Mr. Price" which synchronistically brings me to my next stop on this yellow brick road, Vincent Price and his 1962 movie Confessions of an Opium Eater (AKA SOULS FOR SALE). Quick random point AKA (also known as) is, A=1 K=11 A=1 which is pure mirror symbolism, which makes sense because it means another name (multiple personalities) for the same thing. I'm highly skeptical that that is coincidence, I think they've been whittling away at our little minds for centuries, making us easier to control. This film was made in 1962, the trailer is a must watch (broken glass and whatnot), some serious drugs based mind control.