Saturday, June 21, 2008
This post is focusing on the movie Enchanted, in a similar vein to my posts on movies like The Hole, MirrorMask and a few others. Newcomers to mind control and whatnot should see this link (primarily about the symbolism in movies, info gained from this book by Fritz Springmeier) and this one about mind control in general, for a more mainstream perspective (but equally as interesting/enlightening/horrific/darkness iluminating) is this link. At one point my interpretation is somewhat graphic in describing how a theme in the film might be used by twisted programmers/handlers in reality. Obviously, this kind of material should not be read by children. It was NOT an enjoyable undertaking, so I hope it is readable (criticism/corrections are welcomed). [Alot of this is obviously speculative based on my experience looking into mind control and movies.]
Part 1: Compartment I
The film has been praised for it's casting. One reviewer (previous link) says "The film, anchored [it's all about her, the MPDisney princess] by an entrancing performance by Amy Adams (Junebug) and a strong ensemble cast, is cleverly written." [emphasis added] "With her delicate features and piles of golden curls, Adams is the very embodiment of a Disney princess. She plays Giselle, a fairy-tale character from the distant land of Andalasia who is hexed and sent to modern-day New York." (Big Apple ((below poster)), Atum, Masonic Manhatton ((madhatter)) etc.) She is absolutely right in her analysis, perhaps more right than she realises when she calls her performance "entrancing", this performance was probably created through significant programming (if not, then apologiez; this 33 year old actress is DElightful).

K = 11, it is enlarged and fragmented, subliminal Baphomet pentagram(down to the slightly droopy ears + horns).
As you'd expect, spirals are often on display throughout the film. Spirals have a dissociative effect on the psyche (subconsciously spiralling into an alter-reality, i.e Wizard of Oz Cyclone transporting Dorothy to another dimension), victims of "spin programming" (a specific number of revolutions brings out a specific programmed alter) are known to draw spirals a lot. Spirals (and circles) have a "trapping" effect as it encourages their subconscious thought processes to keep revolving/spinning (round and round) without stopping to think, thus preventing them from thinking logically and breaking out of the programming. This could be the kind of effect they are trying to produce on a global scale, and undoubtedly this is the effect they are trying to produce in the viewers of this film's minds (bear in mind that young kids are far more suggestible than adults).
As I previously said, the movie starts with (after panning over, starting off focusing on a star with crucifix/cross on, the Thames-like river up ((note the steam train) to Disney's Palace, with some Luciferian fireworks, one makes a dome around the castle, symbolising the effect on your head this movie intends to have) with Julie Andrews' (star of multi-dimensional Mary Poppins) pristinely programmed voice, saying some trigger-phrases to pull the suggestible young minds into the trance-like state, heightened because when you watch TV you are already in a low-level trance anyway. This is done whilst a pop-up book is shown (inside Disney's Palace, hint hint) depicting the fantasy-reality the viewer is becoming lost in. Note the pentagram pink flowers next to the book (MPD slaves often get "lost" in fantasy/fairtale books because it is the only enjoyable thing that they are allowed in their tragically tormented lives, to encourage dissociation from reality).

Green/spirals/purple/butterfly wingsish

Connect the two 3's in the horns, makes an 8 .
The Prince's mother (Queen Narissa) hates Giselle because she thinks that she will replace her as Queen, so pushes her down a magic well (with a waterfall) into another dimension. After Giselle has emerged from her carriage looking like Cinderella she says, in Alice in Wonderland fashion, "Oh! Am I late? ... I do hope I'm not late" (for her wedding). Disney sticks with this Alice symbolism, as two rabbits tie a bow around Giselle's waist, symbolising ownership (locking her in), and the twin bluebirds give her a crown, and in unison say "You're welcome Giselle!" (these blue birds probably trigger some horrific memories for anyone who came into contact with accused programmer Senator Robert C. Byrd (who apparently loved using double-meaning ((double-bind kind of thing)) byrd/bird references as part of the programming, and appears to have favoured transdimensional travel in his programming ((see Cathy O'Brien book))).

Bush shaking Senator Byrd's hand. People must consider, those that are propped up as our "leaders" are probably nothing more than traumatized/mind controlled pawns themselves controlled by the "hidden elite". I'm sure if you deprogrammed Bush he would be a nice, intelligent bloke, as opposed to the "dumb" Bush personality they have given him since becoming president, for specific geopolitical reasons. They are designed for you to misplace your anger against them ("F*CK BUSH" "BUSH DID 9/11" "Bush World's #1 Terrorist!" etc.)

Where the capstone would be are the words: "Soaring and Joyful" This is probably done for a similar reason as in the 7/7 terror attacks (instead of child abuse/trauma based mind control, both events: this film and the bombings, were designed to have a psychological impact on the masses' psyche.), the ironic slogan on the side of the bus was "Outright terror... Bold and Brilliant." Obviously just a coincidence (just like all the CCTV apparently not working that day etc.)!! No. 30 bus. REVOLUTION!!!

She is forced down narrow subway stairs then the camera pans over the pavement (this occurs in one shot, accessing another compartment of the mind, note the M and Z in circles, 13/M and Oz resonance then) before she goes up some stairs (symbolising an upside down pyramid), into a dirty/scarey place (two prostitutes are shown, more sexual allusions, with two subliminal pyramids made up of white/black triangles). There is also a black car there (reminds me of politicians' car), picking up a prostitute from the side of the road I presume... nice bit of subliminal education there for the kids. She excitedly approaches an old homeless man (stereotypical dodgey old looking guy, symbolic abuser she is programmed to "trust") who sits between twin red pillars. She says to him "I've never been this far away from home before, and I'm not sure at all where I am." this is a common theme in other mind control movies like Mirrormask and the Wizard of Oz. He steals her crown and runs off with it on a brick/cobbled road, leaving her in distress shouting "I need that!" (like Dorothy needs her Ruby slippers). I don't know what subliminal messages are being pushed into the viewer's young minds here in the graffiti and whatnot.
Enter: "McDreamy" (McD's, actors are created/programmed franchises like any other) Patrick Dempsey, Giselle's "real" prince charming. We find out he is a lawyer, an African American couple (the "Banks") are getting a divorce and arguing over who would get a 1954 "Henry 'Hank' Aaron" baseball card, there was (probably still is) a tonne of mind control going on in and around Baseball (which is essentially just the schoolgirl game "rounders", over here in the UK). He had a 23 year career, got 3,771 hits, career home-runs of 755, which is a record he held for 33 years before it was broken by steroid-filled mind controlled occult media pawn Barry Bonds. I personally think the programming is so advanced that they can trigger a sports player (any sport) to play well or not depending on their occult motivations (i.e "Bonds did not homer again until April 13, 2007 when he hit two (736 and 737) in a 3 for 3 night..."). Here, we also meet The Little Mermaid, her voice at least in Jodi Benson (interesting things she's been in, click link) who makes a cameo appearance as Robert Philip's (Dempsey) secretary (below, with grid pattern on a bridge which we go to later in the movie((the bridging, or lack there of; of the multiple personalities))) They stop again at another grid pattern (window frame as if to synchronistically confirm her status as a Disney Mind Control Slave), note the fact that the window is fogged, symbolising a prison that you cannot even see out of (because your "real self" is not there to see it). The African American couple arguing over the baseball card are called "The Banks" family, probably a reference to Mary Poppins' Banks family and where they visit a bank, sing songs about banks and all that (the banks are one of the main reasons we are in the mess we're in at the moment on this earth, everyone knows about the international bankers' dodgey dealings throughout history).
Giselle continues walking on her metaphorical yellow brick road (trying to find a non-existant castle, her emerald city) in the pouring rain. Above, she is covered by the green leaves of a tree, but I put this in to illustrate the purple I have discussed in recent posts, this seems to be focused on purpose (as if they are depicting exactly what I talked about, it being a subconsciously confusing colour because it is a mixture of two emotionally polarizing colours). "It is also the hardest colour for the eye to discern" which is a great link, I'm glad I found it as it backs up my own thoughts on the colour almost perfectly: "It is a combination of the excitement and sexuality of red and the tranquility of blue. The result: conflicting forces that need handling with care and daring [Oh it IS being "handled with care" all right, by the media making us more suggestible]. It is a polarizing color." She is triggered into another trance-like, extatic state by seeing a pink and sparkling Palace (casino, "Dreams Come True") billboard where she frantically knocks on the 2 dimensional yellow door (but she is not allowed back into that compartment of the brain that houses the idyllic fantasy alter-reality). Then the yellow cab "McDreamy" is in with his daughter, pulls up and she asks him why there is a princess on the castle billboard, he dismisses her off hand saying "It's an advertisement. It's a mannequin." which is symbolic of an empty vessel (the mind after it has been split, and the ones used in advertising) made as such through trauma, ready to be programmed to the programmers specifications (to fill up the empty/split mind with various personalities, each serving specific purposes).

Not quite "LE" (what's with the french? El mirrored) END of the yellow brick road, smiley face/heart trigger as the animals minds are controlled (intelligent animals, confusing fantasy with reality).

Labyrinthian bubble spheres (note purple). There are constant references throughout the film about how she is "lost" and "confused" and the like.

More sexual inuendos, see yellow Butterfly thing on the shower curtain, also the bathroom's floor is made up of a hexagons/cubes pattern.

McDreamy's girlfriend gets pissed at him for having an attractive girl stay at his house overnight, leaves in a huff and gets into cab 3A33 (3133, just coincidence no doubts...).

4+4=8, this 8 is on each twin pillar(ish), note the purple flowers, with a red ones in the middle of each.

Note checkerboard kitchen floor.

Disney celebrating intergenerational trauma based mind control, kept in (a mental) prison up in a symbolic tower (phallus), note rainbow balloons, pillars and the octagons (within octagons) etc.

'McDreamy' says to Giselle, referring to how her "prince charming" is not really coming: "It's tempting to see things the way you wish, instead of how they are." which resonates with Valentine's similar thing saying to Helena (in Mirrormask): "We often confuse what we wish for with what is." Both movies pertain to mind control, therefore we can assume that having similar phraseology is all part of the programming contained within them (potential trigger phrase variant). After this, she is amazed that she can feel anger. Alter personalities can be programmed to lack certain emotions, so it seems like a big deal (to the MPD victim) when the handler triggers that emotion back into being, by a trigger phrase. I think the film is portraying her being deprogrammed in a way, as she does not hypnotically join her prince charming in song and he asks her why, she says, "I was thinking.", he obviously has no concept of this (having his own thoughts, in this alter personality anyway) and says "Thinking?" in a confused manner. Then we meet the Queen's Mind Controlled Assassin, who is angry, Narissa (Queen) says she is going there herself and we have a shattered glass and covered face (symbolising facelessness) trigger sequence. Also pictured, Giselle at the bridge featured earlier in the post (with grid, yellow line, bald man in yellow T-Shirt, Prince Edward wearing ironic "liberty" ((Ishtar)) hat). And the kid in butterfly/fairy wings, infront of a Mirror.

Bill Kelly's original script for the film was considered 'unsuitable for Disney as it was a "a racier R-rated movie"', we can only speculate what kind of perverse mind-f**k that would have been. You can get all the necessary items for "Disney Princess Programming" (logic tells me that it is likely to be one) on their website, such as Giselle mirrors, costumes and dolls (though Giselle is not part of the official Disney Princesses, because they didn't want to pay for the life-long rights to Amy Adams' image).
To finish the post a couple of videos, first a trailer for the film then one of the musical bits from it (the music in it is good enough). Obviously I don't want people to suddenly stop watching films and TV just because these things are in them, we just need to be aware of what might be being put into our heads, without our knowledge in many (if not most) of the media (news/advertising/movies/TV).