Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Quick post, watched a trailer for Sex and the City and the Masonic Checkerboard floor was a common theme (King Solomon's temple is usually said to have had a checkerboard floor in speculative freemasonry, I'd like to clarify that most Freemasons are just good people doing charity for the community, so this isn't necessarily anything sinister... probably is mind). Having not seen it, I cannot comment on the motives for having Carrie's wedding (or whatever) over a Masonic checkerboard... but I very much doubt they are educating the 20something year old girls watching it (they grew up, slowly being programmed by it... find me one that doesn't think it is like the best thing EVER!) about spiritual dualism in this orgy of materialism and ego. At least Carrie got back with Mr. Big in the end.... kill me now.

1st Degree Masonic Tracing Board

Seals of Solomon, checkerboard floor, twin pillars etc.

The Corrs guitarist (Jim Corr) has the right idea: "Corrs guitarist: I’d enter politics to save us from Freemasons and the tyranny of global government" This link.