Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Welcome to reptile therapy - the slithery snake massage designed to help you relax
Posted by org at 7:17 AMRandom story. Another random humorous MK suggestive story from the Mail, "The Purr-muda Triangle" (45 [4+5=9] cats going missing from a town). And yeah, responding to a comment on KK Kerry Katona, it's pretty sickening if you have your eyes open what they've done to this MK victim; her show on MTV is all rather depressing as they make her "Whole Again" [cos she's fragmented/in pieces; based on the Atomic Kitten cover] with plastic surgery with an entire nation of brainwashed judgemental women talking about how awful she is for doing it and living the lifestyle she does (when obviously none of it is her doing), then watching her destruct live on TV about it [and note the sunflowers, which are always pictured with MK victims too; had a couple of with Anthea that I didn't show]. , Her first memory is naturally traumatic [she has no idea who her real father is; obviously an asshole anyway whoever he is], of her mother's attempted suicide (a victim herself no doubt); entered foster care, left school to become a stripper at 16. She had two daughters with one of the MK'd Westlife singers, Brian McFadden, calling them Molly Marie and Lilly Sue [her other kids' names too like Maxwell Mark]. She was taken hostage along with a few other MCM/Celebrities, in another organized traumatic programming event. She has the standard 'bi-polar' cover for programmed MPD/DID which clinches it [the 'robbery' triggered her to look more insane, undoubtedly so she could undergo more programming at the "rehab" centre The Priory]; not that it needed clinching it's all completely blatant if you're not totally brain-dead. Edit: Random Davina Big Brother Zombies/cannibalism story I'd been meaning to post.
It's a massage that is sure to make most people's skin crawl, but one woman has got herself in a twist with her latest massage technique.
Ara Barak claims her pet snakes make the ideal masseurs as their slithering causes a massage sensation when placed on a person's skin. [I wonder what kind of 'happy endings' these 'ideal masseurs' give? ;p]
Ms Barak said she discovered her pet's 'therapeutic value' after noticing her friends became more relaxed after holding them. [altered state triggered by the primal reaction snakes cause on the human psyche mayhaps]

Meirav Stardinner receives a snake massage from Ada Barak who says her pets are high in 'therapeutic value'
'Some people said that holding the snakes made them feel better, relaxed,' she said.
'One old lady said it was soothing, like a cold compress.'
The owner of Israel's Barak's Snake Spa said her pets are able to give massage as their slithering causes a rubbing sensation on the body.
Ms Barak had relied on exhibiting her scaly friends to make money, but found there is more cash rolling in from people wanting a massage - reptile therapy style.

Smaller snakes are used for lighter massage on areas such as the face while bigger ones are used to give deep tissue therapy
The larger snakes are used for deep massage while the smaller creatures are used to give a lighter touch - all for a mere £30.
And those with a slight reluctance to have a snake massage will be pleased to know the reptiles are all non-venamous.
But if the thought of reptiles is too much, Ms Barak also offers a rodent-style massage where mouse and rats are placed on the bottom of people's feet instead.
Labels: Barak, Israel, Kerry Katona, Mind Control Slaves, Reptiles, snake therapy, snakes, Zionism