Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Uninvited: more checkerboards in horror movies, note that the glass of milk shatters on the checkerboard floor. Based on this blatant Korean film, "A Tale of Two Sisters" [starts off in a mental asylum etc], reading the wiki is a must: "The camera turns 360 degrees to reveal that Su-Mi has been in the house alone with her father the past few days and that the conversations and events she had previously had with Su-Yeon and her stepmother were the result of her schizophrenic mind; Su-Mi was in fact a multiple personality." [Asia are way more blatant on the whole issue than the West] names of the girls in English are Rose and Lotus... clicky.

Queen Mary's Dolls House. Inside images from here, note the checkerboard patterns (especially on the outside of it).

Activities involving a lot of spinning usually are inhabited by mind control victims; like ballet, figure skating, gymnasts and things like that. Obviously not all ballerina's (etc) are MK'd, but it makes sense that victims of spin programming would be given careers that involves lots of spinning; pole dancing is no exception as you spin round the pole (pillar? House' cane represents this, and stripping is featured in that post along with a fragmented mirror reflecting a stripper). This Daily Mail article made me laugh... "The truth about lap-dancing clubs bringing sleaze to the High Street and why there's NOTHING we can do to stop them"... I say bring on the sleaze! [without any programming or anything evil though obviously] And fuck you and your fake moral outrage!

This type of thing is illustrated in The Dark Knight where the entire Russian Ballet is essentially just a tool for billionaire's (because they're all totally controlled) to use when they feel like it [Russian ballet originally was designed for entertaining royalty, things don't change].

This girl [note mirror, illustrating what I'm talking about] Izzy is the latest British girl to be "lucky" enough to get into the Russian ballet and their ridiculously harsh training regimes (really programming to make them ultra-flexible etc. this harshness is common knowledge). Russian ballet was originally made for entertaining the royal court.

Britney immortalized in wax as a pole dancer. Image from here [also another wax Britney pole dancing there to] She is literally a pole dancer in her video for Gimme More (below, note blond girl with ).

Saw this a few months ago and wanted to do a post on it [tonne of synchs I don't remember right now], poster fits in with this post though.
Speaking of Britney and other MK Slaves (Jenna Jameson obviously too), here's Britney in the black/white top; and also Miley in one of her "leaked" stripper shots as a zebra too.
"The Butterfly"[note black/white socks in that video]

"[Then go into] Very Bad Kitty"

"And Bad Kitty it up"

"This one is called the Tinkerbell" [the Peter Pan move is also shown in that video]

As soon as they get the ridiculous high-heel shoe things on and they start dancing sexily (allegedly, the mum and daughter [Brooke's mom (pictured below in butterfly/moth dress from same episode finale of the season) attended the Pole Dancing lesson also] seem like carbon-copies of each other in terms of the fake-looking faces they have) and such; the music starts, "She moves her body like a cyclone" repeats over and over, here's the video for that song, Baby Bash ft. T-Pain - Cyclone. Showing the spinning/cyclone/spiral (staircase) connection also.

"The Double Fairy"

She couldn't resist going upside down, naturally all her "friends" film her and put it on the internet ;s.

Odd obsession with circles this show has.

Note rose flower thing in the window, heart on her chest, those lizard type things whatever they are either side of the rose, tattoo = ownership.
When Hulk Hogan get's mad (you wouldn't like him when he's angry.... seriously!) at a video of her on the pole gets on youtube (all scripted/planned), she says "Well it's me spinning on it." Hulk says "My mind has been racing from the Dollhouse in Fort Lauderdale, to Oz [hello?!], to the Penthouse, to Brooke being naked on stage." Interesting mind you've got there Hulk!! And his final bit of advice: "Don't be spinning around hitting your head or anything."
A short video on that OZ Gentlemen's Club (not really worth clicking, preview image shows all I wanted to show really; first 30 seconds is unrelated advertisement), note that the neon sign is yellow (confirming it's programming/yellow brick road usage) and there's a heavy use of purple also ["the girls arn't for talking to"... smart observation :S]. Brooke Knows Best episode here, if you want to confirm something I've said on it.
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