Thursday, October 16, 2008
Went a bit over the top with the amount of images in this one, it's probably worth reading some previous posts on Miley Cyrus if new to the blog [should start from beginning; skip a few where she's only briefly mentioned].

Miley's Milkshake: Millions of Milkshakes (or icecream thing w/e), note the purple and that solar symbolism on the poster. The milkshake place was naturally covered in pentagrams and other symbols (even a skull and bones, last image from the Milkshake place), more images here [police/caution yellow tape = yellow brick road, dog = Toto; there's also a video there showing the dissociative flashing lights of the cameras and such...].

Skull and Bones (not crossed) just to the left of Miley's dad Billy Ray Cyrus' head below.

As well as the Templar-style cross, the day (or 2) before that she was dressed up in black/white zebra pattern at the Milkshake bar (images above); as I've said many times this seems to be a common theme with MK'd stars (previous example of Miley black/white here, and some others in the past too I think). Thanks a lot to the commenter who provided a link to MK'd ritual blood sacrifice JonBenet Ramsey (child beauty queen etc) who was herself dressed up in this generic duality pattern, really pushing this point home.

Obviously though, if this were an isolated thing you could just write it off as coincidence but there is more evidence of this below as Miley does the 'horns' hand signal with an even more zebra-like pattern dress.

Above image from "lesbian risque" 'leaked' photos, from this gallery (nearer the start), featuring some odd dripping white stuff... (admittedly it doesn't look like it's actually there) and wearing a zebra hat. And speaking of MK'd zebras, Paris is still in London.

Above image from "lesbian risque" 'leaked' photos, from this gallery (nearer the start), featuring some odd dripping white stuff... (admittedly it doesn't look like it's actually there) and wearing a zebra hat. And speaking of MK'd zebras, Paris is still in London.

Even Miley's living space (MK slaves' environment is always controlled in this obsessive manner) uses these same symbolic colours, her dressing room naturally with a massive mirror (you almost want to jump into it!), and an checkerboard thread (ish) pattern for the seats. Her bedroom (note she is wearing black/white stripes also, red shoes, circle within circle etc) is equally suggestive as the seats are zebra pattern.

More red shoes (+matching lips) at an MCM celebration (teenVOGUE). And below Miley wearing a New York (NY/OZ) Dolls top, featuring disembodied heads/faces, also her black/white striped trousers (click 2nd one down to see clearly).

Checkerboard skirt from Best of Both Worlds tour.

Above and below from same time.

Below one essentially the same as Hayden's (and all other MK'd stars photoed in front of it), but again the checker cab, including freemasonic compass square resonant shape, zebra crossing etc.

More red shoes (+matching lips) at an MCM celebration (teenVOGUE). And below Miley wearing a New York (NY/OZ) Dolls top, featuring disembodied heads/faces, also her black/white striped trousers (click 2nd one down to see clearly).

Checkerboard skirt from Best of Both Worlds tour.

Above and below from same time.

Below one essentially the same as Hayden's (and all other MK'd stars photoed in front of it), but again the checker cab, including freemasonic compass square resonant shape, zebra crossing etc.

Miley is often pictured with Hello Kitty products (like other MK star slaves), which I've covered here. To quickly illustrate the MCM (mind controlled models)/sex-kitten connection before Miley's Kitty pictures, Dior earlier this year announced Hello Kitty would be a big part of their new campaign thing, I think this image symbolizes what I'm talking about here (on the catwalk remember; probably from another perverse fashion week or something).

Have you got the key (trigger) to access Miley's Kitten alter?

Have you got the key (trigger) to access Miley's Kitten alter?

Another suggestive (of 'elite' control) symbol that appears on her reasonably often is the skull and bones, subliminal S&B's too like the below one (heart = skull, and arrows = bones obviously).

OBEY THE PHOENIX! [Siriusly (Cyrusly, I know it's pronounced C-eye-rus, more eye symbolism) whotf' makes these T-Shirts!?!?] on the purple #3.

Some type of lion type creature (maybe a griffin? used on heraldry/general elite scummy stuff) on his top (clearer if you click) below.

Clear and blatant skull and bones, the large one inside the purple heart is made up of the checkerboard pattern. That's Miley's MoM btw, she's obviously MK'd too (from a distance the mini-skull and bones/black space gives a checkerboard effect also). The above and below skull and bones images come from the 2007 Zootopia (Oz) pre-show.

Random fanmade butterfly image.

This dress she wore was covered in butterflies. If you go to her official site, you'll see butterflies featuring heavily on the main page; they're also all over her merchandise in shops [my nearest Disney store has a checkerboard floor too btw].

All those various disembodied heads are probably relevant, and the purple [that shhh hand sign thing is used often in various MK'd singers/sex-slaves as people have pointed out, also like the murdered Mid-Eastern singer].


Like all major MK'd stars (i.e. Kylie Minogue) she already has wax models made of her, above one from occult London's Tussauds, below one from NY/OZ'.

OBEY THE PHOENIX! [Siriusly (Cyrusly, I know it's pronounced C-eye-rus, more eye symbolism) whotf' makes these T-Shirts!?!?] on the purple #3.

Some type of lion type creature (maybe a griffin? used on heraldry/general elite scummy stuff) on his top (clearer if you click) below.

Clear and blatant skull and bones, the large one inside the purple heart is made up of the checkerboard pattern. That's Miley's MoM btw, she's obviously MK'd too (from a distance the mini-skull and bones/black space gives a checkerboard effect also). The above and below skull and bones images come from the 2007 Zootopia (Oz) pre-show.

And speaking of checkerboards, this dress (below) of hers seems interesting as it features various coloured (and black/white) checker patterns at a "City of (false) Hope" Disney thing.

Random fanmade butterfly image.

This dress she wore was covered in butterflies. If you go to her official site, you'll see butterflies featuring heavily on the main page; they're also all over her merchandise in shops [my nearest Disney store has a checkerboard floor too btw].
All those various disembodied heads are probably relevant, and the purple [that shhh hand sign thing is used often in various MK'd singers/sex-slaves as people have pointed out, also like the murdered Mid-Eastern singer].


Like all major MK'd stars (i.e. Kylie Minogue) she already has wax models made of her, above one from occult London's Tussauds, below one from NY/OZ'.

Welcome to Miley's Sweet 16 (like a month early... see her wiki)

Miley Mouse with Goofy/Mad Hatter [Youth Service America's website has another video and has gone Miley Crazy]

Dissociative cake, large/distorted/seems to almost be like a spiral staircase, obviously also those lollipops I've noted as being significant.

Nice illuminated roses, she performs amongst.

Not from her birthday, but Miley with a friend on the Carousel in Paris.

Finish with a shot of her at the Egg Rolling ceremony at the White House (all white and pure on the outside [like Miley's Smiley outward image], but on the inside the darkest of the dark occurs). [nice extremely dark Miley + occult Harry Potter + horns is also poignant to finish I thought]
Any additional symbolic images will be gratefully received in comments, and edited into this post (or save for later ones); they may already be in older posts though which I have not copied any from (loads more in them).

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