Thursday, October 2, 2008
Note one eye closed/illuminated. [this "one eyed" is again (as usual) a common theme in her movie posters.... this is not the work of the "universe" or some other new-age misinfo, this is all VERY conscious]
Angelina Jolie is 33 at present, this new film by movie royalty Clint Eastwood; Changeling looks alright actually, based on these actual events (probably a mind controlled perpetrator). Note she gets sent to a psyche ward (like Girl, Interrupted) and is subjected to trauma (kidnapped child, hosed down etc, probably electroshocked not shown). Clint Eastward: "He agreed that the film could be considered an companion piece to his 2003 film Mystic River, which also depicted a community contaminated by an isolated, violent act against a child." I wish she'd stop injecting herself with god knows what; those lips are set explode... should have left it at Gia (played a supermodel).
Thought this was an interesting image synching up to the post which featured this same pose (blood lust), also check out the one in the comments which is also pretty much the same.

Nicole Kidman Doll

Note her disembodied robot head.

Here's a trailer someone made.
In her movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, she battles a robot called SIMON [name of an alter in this movie post, note in wiki they talk about him being reprogrammed and such]

Naturally her home is covered in Freemasonic checkerboards [showing who controls her "house" (mind) in reality]

This convinced me anyway; as she looks at her dead daddy's grave thing (some kind of subliminal shape there?) there is a butterfly (why?) on the stone which she looks at, symbolically looking up as the butterfly flies upward [mesmerized by the butterfly, could be a moth, looks more like a butterfly when moving to me].

John Malkovich is another one who appears to me to be mind controlled (anyone who is ultra-conservative must surely be under some level of mind control; even if it's not outright trauma based), obviously I'm less inclined to look into his back career because he doesn't have Goddess Good looks like Angelina. But the most obvious one that pops out as MK is Being John Malkovich. Where we see standard MK symbolism, half face/one eye, multiple images of the same person, general focusing in on the head. Feel free to tell me about some movies you've seen with themes in (or ones with Angelina I've missed) them in the comments.

"You can be someone else"..... with a little programming!

"You can be someone else"..... with a little programming!

Back to Angelina and she also appeared in Hackers, check out this hidden illuminati symbol in that film, to continue the theme of her totally controlled movie performances. She also appeared in Mojave Moon, her very first film (small part; her father wrote and starred in it) was Lookin to Get Out [alter-personality getting out/breaking out]. In Shark Tale she played Lola [Lolita]. She acts in mind controlled assassin resonant movies such as The Good Shepherd (note one eye poster again), Mr. and Mrs. Smith (namelessness/loss of self/personal identity of MK victims/MK'd assassins) Her tattoos are also interesting with ones such as "A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages". Randomly just came across this Paris Hilton butterfly tattoo, synch it up to this post (butterfly on her necklace, so one on her back and front!).

Speaking of over the top butterfly usage, Mariah Carey (post is still coming at some point, too many things in the queue) is the ambassador for World Hunger Relief (probably corrupt).

These posters for Girl, Interrupted show Winona's split mind symbolism (half face/one eye). The movie is about girls in a mental institution.

This one eye theme in Angelina Jolie's movies continues in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow [which I seem to recall reading about in another blog.. which would be nice to link to but forgot where] with one of her eyes covered by a patch.

This also continues into her very recent films such as the MKMovie Wanted (still getting to it at some point!), where we have this same split mind/half face symbolism on one poster for it. She plays Fox. She is in the movie Foxfire, a film about a group of girls getting revenge for a teacher who sexually abused/harassed them. [Note L7, "Break Them All" alternative/psychological meaning, 17 years and such]

In another one we are shown the dissociative spirals on them [I think this probably has something to do with the pattern on that 7,000 year old Neolothic artefact, where tribes would go into altered states of consciousness (of which you spiral into with repetetive/round and round/drum beats) and these patterns probably help that shift into these altered states, in their mass tribal rituals; this is also supported by the use of masks. Here's the link]

Here we again see one eye (loosely) illuminated while the other is in complete darkness (need to click these ones because they're very subtle). [Note MKiefer]

Speaking of over the top butterfly usage, Mariah Carey (post is still coming at some point, too many things in the queue) is the ambassador for World Hunger Relief (probably corrupt).

These posters for Girl, Interrupted show Winona's split mind symbolism (half face/one eye). The movie is about girls in a mental institution.

This one eye theme in Angelina Jolie's movies continues in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow [which I seem to recall reading about in another blog.. which would be nice to link to but forgot where] with one of her eyes covered by a patch.

This also continues into her very recent films such as the MKMovie Wanted (still getting to it at some point!), where we have this same split mind/half face symbolism on one poster for it. She plays Fox. She is in the movie Foxfire, a film about a group of girls getting revenge for a teacher who sexually abused/harassed them. [Note L7, "Break Them All" alternative/psychological meaning, 17 years and such]

In another one we are shown the dissociative spirals on them [I think this probably has something to do with the pattern on that 7,000 year old Neolothic artefact, where tribes would go into altered states of consciousness (of which you spiral into with repetetive/round and round/drum beats) and these patterns probably help that shift into these altered states, in their mass tribal rituals; this is also supported by the use of masks. Here's the link]

Here we again see one eye (loosely) illuminated while the other is in complete darkness (need to click these ones because they're very subtle). [Note MKiefer]

And obviously like Madonna and others, she adopts random kids from Africa, but her first Maddox was adopted from Cambodia with horrific human being Billy Bob Thornton. She recently gave birth to twins, check out their symbolic names and such at wiki. Like Mariah Carey, she is some kind of Peace ambassador, I guess it's standard illuminist twisted irony that these MK slaves are ambassadors for peace/hunger liberation.

Note hexagonal tile floor, pointed out in a few posts such as Katy Perry's [it tends to be in MKMovies like Lost Boys and others], even with the odd black hexagon like Katy's video.

From Alexander (Alice), she plays Alex's (Colin Farell) mother, kind of like the mother she plays in Beowulf. Alexander's mother claimed to be impregnated by a serpent [as Zeus]; found this to be a very enjoyable read on the subject of the movie Alexander.

There's a reason why these celebreties all seem to look vaguely similar to eachother. More stuff on Megan Fox.

Note hexagonal tile floor, pointed out in a few posts such as Katy Perry's [it tends to be in MKMovies like Lost Boys and others], even with the odd black hexagon like Katy's video.

From Alexander (Alice), she plays Alex's (Colin Farell) mother, kind of like the mother she plays in Beowulf. Alexander's mother claimed to be impregnated by a serpent [as Zeus]; found this to be a very enjoyable read on the subject of the movie Alexander.

There's a reason why these celebreties all seem to look vaguely similar to eachother. More stuff on Megan Fox.

Probably take a couple days break and come back with some more serious posts. Finish with a video with some clips from her movies and such, a few them symbolic. And also another clip from Cyborg 2 (which she is a cyborg in, see further up; note all the circles with symbols in them and such during her "training").
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