Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thanks a lot to reader Laraine who emailed me about Robbie Williams which helped encourage me to put this together when I saw the themes of his latest video. Robbie's first tattoo was a pagan Celtic solar cross, apparently (cover story) used for protection because (quote from Robbie or one of his Take That bandmates, unless he's talking to himself in the third person which wouldn't be surprising [what with "all these people living inside him"]): "he's got the devil inside him". Another occult one is his Eye of Horus tattoo (again supposedly for "protection" which seems to be the generic explanation for all occult themed tattoos). He has others like a lion (= Leo/the sun [going along with the solar cross and eye of Horus which is also associated with sun worship] + dehumanization) tattoo and mirrored/twin swallows.

The below image is Robbie Williams' official logo (you can see it in the 'Sin Sin Sin' video further down, image source), an eye of horus (I guess made to look like an R for Robbie) mixed with a question mark.

Robbie Williams Trick of the mind
Millimieze | MySpace Video

His 'Escapology' album and tour centred on 'The Hanged Man' tarot ritual/symbolism (+ the sun in the top right corner of the album cover, lots of symbolic light in the concert below; black shirt and trousers with a white cable tow... I mean tie); as well as the evident MK symbolism of being trapped and needing to escape.

Robbie in deep prayer on Jay Leno...

Obviously a big Motley Crue fan then (no) ;p

The Sun is Horus' Right Eye. Above is the cover to his 'Intensive Care' album, perhaps someone could identify the occult symbol/sigil on his fingertip (there may also be a right hand/left hand path thing going on here). Note which direction the light is coming from, Satan (the red angel)/Lucifer's (the light bearer).

I've not pictured most of the symbolic scenes as it all flashes by pretty quickly, above Robbie points at his third eye, and below again with the sun.

The Presley's today (Priscilla on the left, Lisa Marie right in leopard print) looking very healthy! It's always good to see Scientology's staunchly pro-brotox position too (what have they done to Priscilla)!

Priscilla with Scientologist Tait Ruppert at the "Celebrity Centre (for cult mind control) International" ['CC' is emphasized for the '33').

To elaborate a bit on Elvis before returning to Williams, here is a picture of the original Monarch (a multiple slave + 'the king') wearing the sun symbolic gold (colour of illumination, the sun, wealth/power) suit Robbie is wearing in the above video (in front of an illuminated mirror). This part of the song's lyrics are interesting:
Special agent for the man
Through watergate and vietnam
No one really gave a damn
Did you think the CIA did [probably coincidental but the 'did' repetition makes me think of DID Dissociative Identity Disorder]

The Sun King Elvis dead (British tabloid The Sun's front page coverage of his demise)

Elvis on his way to Army "processing" above.

Being "processed"; very MK symbolic scenes in the below image (military robots chanting as one [dehumanized cogs in the machine] with their hands raised, pledging their allegiance to their military masters below; and looking at his new uniformed persona in the mirror).

You may recognize the top he is wearing in the clip as the Aztec sun calendar, 'Stone of the Sun', again illustrating all the sun symbolism/ritual surrounding Elvis (which continues on to today's celebrities like the Eye of Horus on Robbie Williams and such), who let's not forget was one of the first truly global corporatized music celebrities.

Robbie with Lindsay Lohan (some motifs worth interpreting in there).

Fans flocked to the show's internet message boards on Sunday night to discuss the singer's rendition of his new single Bodies.
'It's totally disgusting that he was allowed to perform in such a state,' one wrote.
Another claimed the former Take That star's performance was so 'wide-eyed' and 'weird' that her children were asking what was wrong.
The singer waxed lyrical about how 'great' it was to be back, grinning, giggling and bouncing up and down, his eyes still wide. 'I loved it, I loved it,' he repeated excitedly, his eyes flitting from side to side.
He appeared to be struggling to concentrate, shuffling his feet, scratching his head and putting his hand in and out of his pocket while O'Leary asked him questions.
[embedded the performance above, he doesn't seem so bad but at the end you can really see it in his eyes; note the black/white pyramid subliminals on the backdrop screen (2:13ish).]

Unblinking: A sweat-soaked Williams leaves the studio after his first performance in three years in the UK [note his black/white duality striped top]

Some mouth (of Kylie) and one eye (of Robbie/Horus) shots kick off Kids.

Then the dehumanized (black feathered headdress/tail) highly sexual dancers come out and then are seen dancing in an lesbian orgy scene behind prison bars. I'd be lying if I said their videos didn't influence me and didn't enjoy them as an adolescent.

More sun symbolism?

This infinite illuminated mirror type scene was interesting.

The video ends with Kylie getting in a pool and having sex with Robbie (not shown but obviously symbolized by the 'ejaculating' champagne bottle... real mature Illuminists!), note the random arches (Freemasonry symbolism).

Same with the below video 'Sexed Up', basically about a mind controlled model with the different symbolic outfits/rooms representing different alters; note the white rabbits, goat heads, alligator (reptile), she ends up wearing a rabbit mask at the end (and dehumanization is symbolized as it cuts from the model running down the corridor in the bunny mask and a wolf going down the corridor implying they are one and the same).