Saturday, November 14, 2009
Without coming across like a broken record; their videos are getting increasingly more blatant and predictable (like GaGa's most recent 'Bad Romance')... let's hope they're not just using us to get the masses used to the idea of MK'd sexual slavery (which is something I have considered) so they can become more public with it following a great cataclysm/WW3 in the future (you can get away with anything as long as you have the appropriate chaos; it will probably never happen though and I don't necessarily buy that argument). The latest by Rihanna is worth posting on (skipping over 'Run This Town' and other things that have been well handled by others), essentially showing Rihanna locked away in a prison, with guards/programmers taunting her and filling the room with gas (drugging the victim) and such leading her to dissociate symbolized by the multiple visual imagery (the mind/personality splitting into dissociated parts). This dissociation is portrayed literally in scenes like the car crashing into her when she suddenly 'wakes up' at 3:28; to give you a real world example of this kind of thing so everyone has a frame of reference (which is always a massive obstacle when discussing things like mind control/dissociative identity disorder and such) for what's being shown at that point, in a dream when you are half asleep and half awake and in the dream you take a big step or jump and you unexpectedly fall leading you to wake up suddenly and have that slightly distressed feeling for a second [a hypnic jerk] is very similar to what happens there (more info further down). The album cover's symbolism is fairly self-explanatory (bondage/slavery themes; nude wrapped in barbed wire, chain, one eye mask, constricting corset), with Rihanna arguably in an 'as above so below' pose (one arm up one down).
"There are her shadowy tormentors, who keep her locked away and subject her to all sorts of torture including gassing her with red smoke and setting a cat on her [kitten dehumanization programming is another common theme in this video]. There are scenes of her twisting and pawing in a padded cell. At one point, she is mowed down by a speeding car."

The video kicks off showing Rihanna lying on the floor of her grid pattern/'padded' cell looking, her position makes her appear psychologically desolate and traumatized. Note the light shining in on Rihanna (top image is from later on in the video not the start).

Then we are shown her tattooed/branded hand over a small blood pool. It symbolically shows scratch/claw marks on one of the square panels of the wall (grid pattern symbolizes the mind split into compartments; grids are used by programmers to 'chart' the victim's alters/programs/triggers/codes/etc); suggesting dehumanization and traumatization (like someone locked in a room attempting to scratch at the door in vein, or having gone insane and are attempting to scratch there way through the wall which seems to be the case here), the camera moves from the scratch marks to the prison guard/handler showing they have caused by his abuse/programming of Rihanna.

Emphasizing the 'claw' aspect and Rihanna's traumatized/dehumanized state, one of Rihanna's broken nails (symbolic claws) is focused on.

The slave handlers dressed in black (who are made to look like programmed individuals themselves, which is often how it works in reality with programmers being victims themselves due to the multigenerational aspect of Monarch mind control) with Rihanna looking in the two-way mirror of her 'padded'/programming cell.

The Russian Roulette theme is important in terms of programming as it is a mechanism used in suicide programming; which ties into the general aspect of this (and the overarching theme of the video) with Rihanna risking her life, willing to die for her "boyfriend"/handler. If we are using the whole Chris Brown domestic abuse example as a reference here; Russian roulette probably symbolizes the mental state of women who stay in abusive relationships (which is very much associated with and quite similar to mind control programming; it's obviously difficult for some people to comprehend but 'mind control' extends to simple manipulation of a partner through verbal abuse as well as the extreme end of the scale in trauma-based mind control programming). In the room she is playing Russian roulette with her boyfriend (this another symbolic dissociative hallucination/dream scene, shown by how the video cuts from her in a dissociative state in the cell and the Russian roulette room) also note the spinning fan/air vent, which I believe is conscious symbolism if you take into account the revolver used in Russian roulette where you spin the chamber to play the game (more spinning/dissociation suggestions and confusion having no idea which exact chamber the bullet is in) before causing severe head trauma if it goes off.

Various imagery is subliminally flashed on screen; here are a few images from the earlier flurry (I'm not including those that appear later on like the gassing scenes and the car).

The stuffed leopard is shown here, the image is fragmented but comes into focus (dehumanized sex-kitten alter 'coming into focus' as it were?).

It cuts from the subliminal flashing scene to Rihanna's half face covered (symbolizing psychological trauma) by her hair.
The song's lyrics also relate to this metaphorical (and more literal if it's related to suicide programming and/or willingly dying for your programmer) psychological theme:
Take a breath, take it deep
Calm yourself, he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I’m sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go[Chorus ]
And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must must pass this test
So just pull the triggerSay a prayer to yourself
He says close your eyes
Sometimes it helps
And then I get a scary thought
That he’s here means he’s never lost(Chorus)
As my life flashes before my eyes
I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late too pick up the value of my life(Chorus)

Various imagery is subliminally flashed on screen; here are a few images from the earlier flurry (I'm not including those that appear later on like the gassing scenes and the car).

Fire is shown subliminally symbolizing the primal/primitive aspect of all this programming (to the reptilian brain [most primitive part of the brain] sex and violence are essentially the same) involving a lot of sex, violence and dominance (which is also associated with the reptilian brain; the primal need to stay alive, to attain and keep hold of territory [which you could argue includes women, in order to keep their family going]).

The stuffed leopard is shown here, the image is fragmented but comes into focus (dehumanized sex-kitten alter 'coming into focus' as it were?).

It cuts from the subliminal flashing scene to Rihanna's half face covered (symbolizing psychological trauma) by her hair.

Then a remote control is shown used by the controller on the other side of the glass, implying Rihanna is 'remotely controlled'.

Note the two phallic black speakers; phallic symbolism to mirror and accentuate the two male domineering guards, the fact that both the phallic speakers and the guards are both coloured black certainly adds to this significance. [Edit: Fixed error where I mistook the above 'The Parrot' speakers for vases which they look a little like, cheers to commenter for pointing out what they were and that they are also included in Lady GaGa's latest video for some additional product placement.]

The programmer controls what happens inside the cell (you'd expect cells just like this to exist in reality on military bases and whatnot; with various technology used in programming) from a control panel behind the mirror such as where the light source points (light constantly shined on victim is an old method used in mental manipulation) and flashes (flashing/strobe lights common trance induction technique, shown later on in the video), releasing the gas.

Note as the gas is released (red again symbolizing fire, primal symbolism) her hood covers her face, showing her to be faceless; which is more mind control symbolism of 'facelessness', loss of identity/sense of self/personality in programming (more horrific than it sounds).

A flashing light is also shown to be used on Rihanna (with the room made dark) showing it's use in programming (inducing dissociation; it's common knowledge that strobe/flashing lights can be used for inducing someone into a trance state), as more subliminal flashes of what's happening/has happened to Rihanna (i.e. the image of her distorts and multiplies [her mind fracturing/splitting into parts] then the leopard kitten dehumanization alter programming, it's image distorted and multiplied like a kaleidoscope) are shown.

I don't think the below two images are from the same part as the above few but it's the same deal throughout anyway.

I don't think the below two images are from the same part as the above few but it's the same deal throughout anyway.

Forgot to write something about the 'heart' theme (for some reason the video I used was mirrored), manipulating/controlling the victim's heart rate is important in Monarch mind control. It probably also has some Tin Man implications too. Song's like this are especially useful because they are timed closer to the tempo of a heart beat (I saw a promo video thing which was pink and had a heart beating in time to the intro; can't find it now), music is known to alter the rate of your heart beat (partly why it relaxes you and such), so this song will probably be rather effective in brainwashing the young audience that follows Rihanna.

Symbolic hang signal above (+ the dress is very 'wings' symbolic when she outstretches her arms)? As she waits (in her dream/dissociative hallucinatory state) for her handler to run her over and kill her; which is part of the reason for the 'Russian Roulette' theme, programmers need to depersonalize/dehumanize and generally traumatize/confuse (and other psychological manipulation/programming) the victim to such an extent that they no longer care about their own life and would give it up for the programmer/handler (whoever) without question, who; through various programming techniques the victim accepts that they 'belong' to and are their expendable property.

Here is the car crash scene I discussed in the opening paragraph, she is like a deer/rabbit/cat caught in headlights; it cuts from immediately just before impact to the light flashed symbolically on Rihanna looking shocked.

You can tell it is like a hypnic jerk because she holds out her hand as an instinctive defense (you'll do something similar to this if you wake up thinking you have just fallen/tripped, in order to break your fall; I don't know how often most people get these but I've had them quite a bit). The only way this differs from the hypnagogic jerk is that she is coming out of a dissociative hallucination following all the gas drugs, flashing lights, trauma and other dissociation inducting methods (rather than just drifting off and dreaming, which could be considered a form of dissociation anyway).

The scenes of her being shot underwater is also symbolic of mind control; as she is 'underwater', trapped in a trance/dissociation with bullets (physical trauma) hitting her, being in a trance is often referred to as going 'under', and considering this is all dissociative hallucination (the only real scene as far as I can tell is the one in the padded cell, the rest is not real; or some are real memories). Underwater also symbolizes the loss of control when you are put 'under' as being in the water prevents you from moving properly; also the feeling of being lost in a vast ocean (with no where to swim and bullets randomly firing at you) seems like a typical visualization technique for hypnosis/trance/dissociation induction (due to the hypnotic crashing of the waves and underwater sounds, the feeling of a lack of sensory awareness [not knowing up from down] which you can experience when in a vast body of water in reality also).

The video ends with the boyfriend losing russian roulette (Chris Brown?) but Rihanna is still trapped in the programmer's cell (in symbolic and traumatized poses) as multiple images of her are shown.

The video ends with the boyfriend losing russian roulette (Chris Brown?) but Rihanna is still trapped in the programmer's cell (in symbolic and traumatized poses) as multiple images of her are shown.

The video was directed by Anthony Mandler... like handler, but more manly. I kid of course, he also directed the video she did with Maroon 5 where she is essentially portrayed as a sex-slave for the band which I analyzed at a post I did on her various videos (included the checkerboard/mirror symbolic room scene from the video to illustrate Mandler's conscious use of symbolism). Note Maroon 5's symbolic logo on the single's cover with the vesica pisces (vagina) and the 'v' (for 5, but also 'v' is another symbol used for the vagina) which they've separated from the rest of the letter, the symbolic letter 'M' used to good effect.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what her album 'Rated R' is about with the very first track called 'Mad House'. The cover art was shot by Ellen Von Unwerth, with the usual symbolism of Rihanna covering one eye (all seeing eye of horus/split mind), which she (like most of the other puppet performers) constantly shows. There's even a track in there called 'Hard' (the lyrics [if you can call them that] literally hurt my brain to read) to make things insanely suggestively.

I found Rihanna's photo shoot video is more explicit with kitten alter programming suggestions with all the usual imagery and also mannequins (symbolizing the 'empty shell' that victims are turned into in programming; devoid of a real personality, unable to move, speak etc [posted on this symbolism an innumerable number of times like on Beyonce and many others throughout the blog]); all the mannequin imagery in particular really reminded me of her 100% MK symbolic music video Disturbia which I posted here though I think the video is broken now (analzyed the imagery more here along with some of her other videos).

Rihanna as a kitten is consciously invoked here with a cat yelping sound heard as Rihanna makes the kitten 'grrr' noise from inside a cage; and as a black cat plays with/attacks her (obviously note the leopard print).

Probably a subliminal or two in the graffiti below (none jump out at me) + black/white pattern leggings and what looks like some suggestive hand movements as she does some 'tagging'.

Can't go wrong with a bit of mind control humor as a Rihanna talking mask is used by one of her handlers or whoever (suggesting she is a just a ventriloquist dummy).

Cigarette = phallus + fire/light (Luciferian symbolism)

If she is just acting then she's got that empty eyed mannequin expression and pose down pretty well.

Any obviously conscious "pussy" euphemisms are a given and always go without saying.

The broken mannequin parts are pretty self explanatory.

Sex-kitten mannequin (obviously similar to the sex doll theme) programming seems to be the overarching theme.

Two Black and White Kitty Kats.

The below 'cage' symbolic scene reminds me of Katy Perry's Complex photo shoot which I'll be posting when I eventually do something else on Katy (might do something on her "relationship" with Russel Brand which is just comical).

Rihanna as a kitten is consciously invoked here with a cat yelping sound heard as Rihanna makes the kitten 'grrr' noise from inside a cage; and as a black cat plays with/attacks her (obviously note the leopard print).

Probably a subliminal or two in the graffiti below (none jump out at me) + black/white pattern leggings and what looks like some suggestive hand movements as she does some 'tagging'.

Can't go wrong with a bit of mind control humor as a Rihanna talking mask is used by one of her handlers or whoever (suggesting she is a just a ventriloquist dummy).

Cigarette = phallus + fire/light (Luciferian symbolism)

If she is just acting then she's got that empty eyed mannequin expression and pose down pretty well.

Any obviously conscious "pussy" euphemisms are a given and always go without saying.

What do you do to a big drum? You beat it; again I feel this is consciously invoking her very public beating by Chris Brown. This is emphasized by the fact that these drums are usually used in dramatic/loud parts of an orchestral piece (not sure I described that well but it's pretty easy to understand the symbolism I am describing if you imagine when something action orientated happens in a movie the big bass drums will often be beaten, and obviously 'war drums' are a good example of what I'm talking about). Note her catsuit (can't make out the print).

The broken mannequin parts are pretty self explanatory.

Sex-kitten mannequin (obviously similar to the sex doll theme) programming seems to be the overarching theme.

Two Black and White Kitty Kats.

The below 'cage' symbolic scene reminds me of Katy Perry's Complex photo shoot which I'll be posting when I eventually do something else on Katy (might do something on her "relationship" with Russel Brand which is just comical).

Guess what they dressed her up in at this years Halloween (you don't need to), a tiger. The fact that she was pictured with confirmed 'Cocobot' Nicole 'Coco' Austin wearing a devil-like mask and red shoes (Oz sex programming) just tipped this picture over the edge of the scale. The photo was taken at the, I shit you not; the M2 ULTRA Lounge (click enter and watch Mariah showing up to it dressed as an angel, + more MK'd and non-MK'd celebs here; they should have grown a pair and just called it the MK ULTRA ;P, if I were to quickly put my over-analytical conspiracist numerology obsessed hat on I might argue that the 2 does actually represent K because 2 = 1+1, 2 ones, 11=K; it also probably represents MM Marilyn Monroe, 33 type deal, though of course it's all connected but I try to avoid going down this route in most posts as it probably loses a few people).

Quick reminder of Coco the kitten at a Halloween from a few years ago. By the way that's Ice-T, her handler wearing a ballgag and flashing the horns (he is ex-army; may be [though I'm doubtful] programmed, son of Solomon and Alice); it's some sick irony and shows their 'sense of humor' that this guy is a star of the sex crimes version of Law and Order which I went into in the Cocobots post where the below image is from.

Rihanna has been increasingly compared to Grace Jones (she looks quite like her in the below Vogue spread), who is more than likely mind controlled; she has also been pictured in this dehumanizing way inside of a cage with the line (also written on Shakira's 'Shewolf' dehumanization cage) "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMAL" written on it; some people immediately view it as racist symbolism like this Jezebel article comparing Grace Jones with Kanye's Kitten Amber Rose (one of Rihanna's "friends", she has also probably been used by Chris Brown), remember Rihanna appeared in Kanye's dissociation symbolic video for Paranoid. But I feel that has little to do with it (it definitely contributes though), slaves exist today and they're still singing and dancing for the masses' entertainment.

Quickly on Amber Rose, I put some images of her in my imageshack a few months ago which I'll include a couple of here (+ the cage scene) to illustrate some of the flagrantly common bondage/slavery themes used in photo shoots and public appearances of these likely slaves. I intend on covering Amber at some point again in the future (probably next time I cover a Kanye video or whatever) so haven't included all my images (she has a paw print tattoo also by the way).

Kanye wearing the Masonic double headed eagle, COCO Chanel (interlocking rings/vesica pisces symbol I've discussed many times) pin and below Amber with COCO (in black/white zebra; like I said before I have more images, they are virtually always dressed up in something symbolic) to round things off here in a slightly odd synchronistic way.

But returning to Rihanna to finish off this post, her September 2009 Vogue Italia spread shot by Steven Klein (has worked a lot with Madonna and done an insane amount of symbolic stuff [involving robots and the like]) was certainly interesting, with the cage theme most prevalent (not an actual cage but that's obviously the symbolism here) and various other symbolism (look out for metallic armor type robot stuff, triangle pattern dress, crutch symbolizing she is [psychologically] 'broken', a standard occult skull tipped phallic cane and such) for you to interpret (no time to go through and type out every image).
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