Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Magic, I feel Magic
For a short time something new is born in me
Magic, I feel Magic
When you speak to me I tremble, is like that
I'm always confused
I don't listen to what they tell me
I only think that you are close to me
Magic, It's your gaze
As the moon shakes me until the end
Magic, I feel Magic
If I'm with you in destiny I'm happy
They even say that I see ghosts, or that I am in trouble
And the reason is that I love you until I die
And it's like this, I can't even go to sleep
I spend all day thinking of you
I live bewitched because of you
And it's like this, that I live only for you, don't know how to study
Don't know how to go out, don't know what magic you've done in me
Magic, I feel magic
As the moon shakes me until the end
Magic, I feel magic
If I'm with you in the desert I'm happy
And it's like this, I can't not even go to sleep
I spend all day thinking of you
I live bewitched because of you
And it's like this that I only live for you, don't know how to study
Don't know how to go out, don't know what magic you've done in me
And it's like this.. oh
Feeling the magick? The video after Magia was set in a zoo. When Shakira was barely age 16 when she did her first highly sexual bikini photo shoot, she did this at the same age as Miley Cyrus is currently; imagine the uproar if Miley did one of these!

"I've always liked to perform, it comes as naturally to me as barking does to a dog."

They did a good job of turning her into Britney, for a while anyway. The below image looks scarily like Britney using that programmed lolita-style 'cute' expression/pose.

Apparently a Catholic, what is she doing wearing an earlier form of the Christian crucifix, an ancient Egyptian occult Ankh (symbol of eternal life, the sun, represents Venus too).

She obviously also wears the later Christian version of the Ankh, the crucifix (note one eye covered in this promo shot).

The solar Celtic cross is another sun symbolic cross (they all pretty much symbolize the sun) variant her handlers have put her in for photo shoots.

The 'Evil Eye'/All Seeing Eye favoured by the Illuminists is another symbolic/magickal pendant her handlers have given her at some point (blank expression with eyes partially covered suggesting she metaphorically "can't see properly").

As well as official photoshoots they had her wearing this at one of the always ritualistic MTV VMA awards back in 2007, oh yeah and don't forget to notice the Nazi Iron Crosses, every free thinking person's favourite fashion accessory!

In the As Above So Below Baphomet traditional pose (index + middle fingers extended together; one arm up one down) below (wearing the all seeing eye/Iron Cross, that shirt probably has some symbolic motifs on it too).

Shakira wearing a Black Sabbath occult T-Shirt.

I run out of conversation
All my logic disappearing
Everytime I feel your presence
Anytime that you are nearing
This love is not comprehending
Doesn't follow rhyme or reason
Always feeding on pretending
What it's guilty of is treason
This love has got me feeling
All I feel is when
My head is spinning
Right over my heels
If I try to stand
I fall right down again
When you're close to me
I'm rendered useless
So confused
I'm blinded speechless
Without hearing
Awkward backward
Barely breathing
So much I wanna win you
Look what you've turned me into...

The video starts by showing a couple of Shakira's alters with one wearing a black wig, silver (robotish) outfit, insanely high black bondage heels. And another one wearing sex-kitten leopard print using a hula hoop (spinning).

Escapees from the symbolic prison (of mental slavery) dance in a club, one wearing the sex kitten suggestive pink wig.

Another hugely MK symbolic scene as Shakira hides from the robot police (with smiley face stickers on their helmets) pretending to be a mannequin head.

The robotic riot police start malfunction with more electric symbolism.


At the finale the ritual is completed with a standard lighting of whatever ritual object is being worshiped (i.e. KKK cross burnings etc), which felt very Luciferian.
Shakira - Antologia on MUZU.
Her live performance of 'Antologia' (I think it's also used as the video) shows some of the symbolism employed in her live shows, the usual occult sun and moon worship, at the end of the performance (see video above) gold butterflies flutter around Shakira and the stadium.

I'm going to skip her other videos (not that there aren't pertinent things in them) and just quickly cover a few of her bigger hits 'Hips Don't Lie', 'Beautiful Liar' with Beyonce and the latest one 'She Wolf' before rounding this post off. On the cover of Hips Don't Lie they went with the Luciferian flame, Shakira being the ritualistic 'light bearer' for it. The video itself (directed by Sophie Muller), basically has Shakira dancing in a ritualistic carnival type scene among others. Performing with Wyclef Jean, who seems to also be quite socially aware about things like how his homeland of Haiti was raped and literally enslaved (perfect for the CIA to exploit it's situation in getting cheap mind controlled slaves, see Cathy O'Brien for info [+ some info I linked to], there is even a line in the lyrics about the 'CIA wanting to watch them' [paraphrased]). Wyclef's father was a Nazerene pastor, the kind of evangelical upbringing that I find suspicious as Christian fronts like that are always used for mind control operations.

Apparently the costumes are, for the most part based on Barranquilla's (Shakira's home town) Carnival costumes. Note the horned one above, and the child dressed as an Egyptian mummy holding a stick/staff below. Wyclef is wearing the flag of Haiti.

Another creepy child invoking 'death' (like the Egyptian mummy) wearing a skull mask. A standard virginal white scene with some more ritual dancing, here outstretching her arms giving a 'wings' effect below the archways.

And then the scene at the end with Shakira's writhing image (with bits of gold stuck to her skin) mirrored over the top of the other (duality/dual personality).

Standard mind control (split/multiple personality and more) mirror symbolism here (worth noting the flowers motif on the mirror frame [cultivating a flower is like programming a victim, eventually turns into a "beautiful flower" after much hard work, often in front of a mirror]).

They even threw in a Shakira All Seeing Eye.

Out come the duality symbolizing (black/white) alters...

..and the (again purple) guitar for some good phallic measure.

They are choreographed to copy eachother's dance movements exactly, again suggesting they are symbolizing alter-personalities in one person's head (Shakira).

The duality symbolism mentioned before is emphasized further by Shakira's change of outfit from the tight black corset to the black shirt and white tie, as opposed to the dancers'/alters' white shirt and black tie.

It may be going a bit far but I do feel it is conscious duality symbolism also that the underwear chosen is white (against the black skirt).

Near the end Shakira is replaced by a machine, a white car; as the alters assume a commonly used 'hands on hips' pose.

The video climaxes with the girls dancing exactly the same as each other in a lightning storm.

In the gilded cage she shows her flexibility, as "the animal" stretches/bends and twists her body in unnatural ways.

S.O.S she is in disguise
S.O.S she is in disguise
There’s a she wolf in disguise,
Coming out, coming out, coming out
[most of these lyrics are about the usual theme of devotion to the handler mixed with suggestions of abuse and finding a new handler who doesn't want her just to be "a domesticated girl", and triggering a dehumanized sexual 'she wolf' kind of alter]
A domesticated girl that’s all you ask of me,
Darling it is no joke, this is lycanthropy.
Moon’s awake now, with eyes wide open
My body is craving, so feed the hungry
I’ve devoting myself to you
Monday to Monday
And Friday to Friday
Not getting enough retribution
Not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it
Starting to feel just a little abused
Like a coffee machine in an office (aaa)
So I'm gonna go somewhere closer
To get me a lover and tell you about it
There’s a she wolf in the closet,
Open up and set her free {auuuu}
There’s a she wolf in the closet,
Let it out so it can breath (inhales, exhales)
Sitting across the bar, staring right at her pray,
It’s going well so far, she’s gonna get her way.
Nocturnal creatures are not so prudent,
The moon’s my teacher, and I’m her student. [very occult, referring to the moon in the feminine and being "her student"]
To look at the single man I’ve got on me a special radar,
And the fire department’s hotline in case I get in trouble later
Not looking for cute little divos or rich city guys that just want to enjoy
I’m having a very good time in the heat, very bad in the arms of a boy
There’s a she wolf in the closet,
Open up and set her free (auuuuuu..)
There’s a she wolf in the closet,
Let it out so it can breath (inhales, exhales)
S.O.S she is in disguise
S.O.S she is in disguise, breaths heavely
There’s a she wolf in disguise,
Coming out, coming out, coming out
S.O.S she is in disguise
S.O.S she is in disguise
There’s a she wolf in disguise,
Coming out, coming out, coming out
There’s a she wolf in the closet,
Let it out so it can breath (inhales, exhales)

Emphasizing the dehumanization a wolf is shown metamorphosing into a girl.

It cuts to Shakira dancing on a roof overlooking San Francisco below the full moon, arguably there is an illuminated pyramid subliminal shown.

The dissociation/hallucination is shown as when she falls backwards off the imaginary roof she lands back in her closet, note the black/white duality clothing on show.

Shakira goes "back to sleep" with her man/handler.

Antonio de la Rua and Shakira in a staged paparazzi shoot announcing their "engagement", in effect showing this "elite" asshole's kitten (symbolized by her leopard print bikini).

Speaking of assholes working for the blue-blooded "elite", here is Shakira pictured with British royal Prince Charles. I'm starting to think Shakira might be a 'Presidential Model'... below performing with other Monarch performers like Mariah Carey and Beyonce.

Here is Shakira again at Obama's inauguration, pictured with Marisa Tomei (played a stripper in 'The Wrestler') and America's latest false hope providing president.

Her handlers have dressed her up in the typical tight leopard print dress you see most of them wearing at some point.

Even her wax figure (below) is also dressed in a kitten's standard uniform.

It's a little bit depressing that I recognize that 'Little Black Kitty Cat' vest top from an NSYNC* marionette video worn by one of the living barbie dolls.

Note Shakira's tiger top, with Penelope Cruz (note Chinese dragon type print, covered a bit in the Selma Hayek post but obviously she's been in plenty of mind control stuff like 'Open Your Eyes' and the Tom Cruise Hollywood remake 'Vanilla Sky') on Hollywood Boulevard's occult 'Walk of Fame' (it's slaves and willing tools immortalized by a pentagram/"star").

Some random images, above a younger Shakira with a cat, below another old image with Shakira in train tracks wearing black/white duality stripes.

Some Illuminist symbolism here with the one eye (of horus) on show wearing a snakeskin skirt.

Below again in her nazi iron cross emblazoned trousers, note the mind control suggestive top "Super Psychic" (she wore it in 'The One' video, see split mind/half face/one eye symbolic cover further up), pictured with Mexican singer and actress Paulian Rubio (nice horns in wiki pic) doing some odd lesbian suggestive actions ('V', tongue).
Note the number 13, important in occult numerology.
Shakira in her black lace mask from a recent Vanity Fair shoot.
Shakira in purple and the symbolic (eyes) peacock feathers.
I thought this was an interesting motif on her t-shirt, looks like a snaked coiled around something stick-like with a butterfly/moth at the head (may be wrong).
And speaking of live performances she has even performed at the Great Pyramids of Giza (photo above and some below; video here, interesting symbols projected onto the back).

She did something similar to the scarlet (almost like wings) at the Latin VMA's (above) in 2006.

I would probably be remiss for not mentioning Pink and Shakira both turned up to the most recent occult ritual VMAs in exactly the same dress, like.. ZOMG! But seriously the dress looks rather 'cage' symbolic so I wouldn't be surprised if that was intentional though, their handlers messing with them; I don't view it as particularly significant.

Speaking of Disney (not surprising to see the usual Disney imagery [note the lion sculpture the paparazzi were probably told to get in the shot] on Shakira by the way), the below image reminded me of Miley's topless back Leibovitz shoot that caused some controversy.
Invoking Kali here at a live show.
The second one has the Eve archetype with Shakira acting as Eve holding the 'forbidden fruit' apple, original sin is of course very important to the occult and is entirely metaphorical (snake/phallus/"satan" offering the 'forbidden fruit'/sex which leads to loss of innocence). Do check out MK Culture's post covering these themes more coherently. The snake is symbolized here by the vines coiling up the tree. The two covers when juxtaposed together also tell somewhat of a story as she has rejected her child in favour of the 'forbidden fruit'. I feel she has a very dead expression in both images, even in the first image the child is attempting to get the attention of it's mother with no success, she is transfixed on the camera and finally completely rejects him for the seductive 'forbidden fruit'.

Her single cover for 'Illegal' has Shakira laying on a bed of daisies (I posted on their significance here by the way) with a butterfly necklace.

Labels: all seeing eye, butterfly, dehumanization, iron cross, Magia, magick, Mind Control Slaves, occult, Shakira