Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Brooke Shields Doll and 'Tate Modern removes nude picture of 10-year-old Brooke Shields after police pornography probe'
Posted by org at 7:51 AMA provocative nude picture of a 10-year-old Brooke Shields has been removed from a major exhibition following a police pornography probe. [Daily Mail article + some additional symbolic images/video, info at end.]
The picture of the American actress was due to go on show today at the Tate Modern, but bosses closed off its room after meeting officers from the Obscene Publications Unit.
Richard Prince's image of Shields shows her from the knees up, naked, oiled and wearing make-up, looking directly at the viewer. [The image in question is below, I'd like to think readers are mature enough to handle it as it's necessary to show how public and 'in your face' they are with their obsession with pedophilia; but I will remove if there's a huge backlash. And yes, this stuff should make you feel sick to your stomach... who takes photos of an oiled up naked 10 year old... pedophiles! But probably more importantly what kind of parent allows this to happen to their daughter. You can find some of the original kiddy porn photos, I mean "art" taken by Gary Gross here by the way. Edit: Switched to a censored version after receiving a fair email asking me to remove it from the main page as they did not want it on their system, click the image for the uncensored version.]
It is hung in a room at the south London gallery with a notice on the door warning visitors they may find the image 'challenging'.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said officers from the unit met with Tate staff yesterday.
He said: 'The officers have specialist experience in this field and are keen to work with gallery management to ensure that they do not inadvertently break the law or cause any offence to their visitors.'
The picture of Shields, titled Spiritual America, was contained in a room separate from the rest of the exhibition which features images including huge sexually explicit images of penetration and works made from the pages of pornographic magazines.
Jack Bankowsky, the exhibition's co-curator, said previously he hoped the artistic interest in Spiritual America would not be overshadowed by controversy over its content.
Gallery chiefs said they sought legal advice before including the work and had given careful consideration to the work and the reaction it could provoke before including it in the exhibition.

Full on: American artist Jeff Koons' [see comments in this post for more on Koons & Cicciolina] Dirty-Jeff On Top' statue stands in front of a billboard for Made In Heaven
The artist himself described the 1983 work, which is a photograph of a photograph taken by another artist, Gary Gross, as 'an extremely complicated photo of a naked girl who looks like a boy made up to look like a woman'. [androgyny/gender confusion (in mind control a slave would be programmed with alters who think they're the opposite sex)]
It was originally displayed anonymously in a disused shop in a run-down area of New York, and the Tate show is believed to be the work's first appearance in a UK gallery.
The Gross picture was taken after the artist hired Shields to pose as a model in 1975 and is said to have been done with her mother's consent.
When the photographer later tried to republish the pictures in the 1980s, Shields and her mother [also was an actress] launched a legal battle to stop him, but he won the case.
Children's and religious groups criticised the decision to show the work earlier this week.
Michelle Elliot, founder of charity Kidscape, said: 'This is the kind of excuse people make for showing soft kiddy porn and I can't think anyone would want their child portrayed this way and I think it is obscene to do so.
'I don't care if they show naked adults, I have got no trouble with nudity, but I do have trouble with children being portrayed in sexually provocative ways.'
Simon Calvert, of The Christian Institute, added: 'I think that any parent of young girls would just be so shocked to hear that a taxpayer funded gallery thinks it is alright to show photographs of a nude ten-year-old in the middle of a pornography exhibition.'
The rest of the Tate show, entitled Pop Life: Art In A Material World show, remains open.
The show has a room dedicated to U.S. artist Jeff Koons' Made In Heaven work, which includes sexually explicit images of him with the Italian porn star La Cicciolina.
Impact: The show also features this visual installation by Keith Haring
[end of Daily mail article]
It's worth briefly going into Brooke Shields' career to show the characteristics of her life that follows many of these mind control victims' lives. She started modeling at 11 months old, showing what her parents always intended for her (again, what kind of parent allows their child to be photographed naked in a bath?!) and eventually covered Vogue and others. The kind of parent that allows this to happen is one like her father Francis Alexander Shields, a wealthy businessman; executive at evil cosmetics company Revlon. He is the son of tennis player (Brooke married tennis player Andre Agassi by the way) turned actor Frank Shields (pictured below with the 'happy family' including her former actress mother Teri) and Italian Princess/royal lineage Donna Marina Torlonia, Princess di Civitelli-Cesi; showing the "elite"/Illuminist, inbred bloodline that runs in her family and is evidence of her Monarch multigenerational mind control.
Here is one of the many suggestive Calvin Klein adverts she produced, essentially she is describing part of the basic concept of Monarch mind control here (organized multigenerational programmed slave families), "The secret of life [removes glasses] lies hidden in the genetic code, genes ["jeans".. how clever] are fundamental in determining the characteristics of an individual and passing on these characteristics to succeeding generations..." then goes on to describe selective breeding and such.
Brooke's programming is also shown by her being a "circus performer" here, showing her being extremely flexible (often made that way by traumatic stretching) and check out her spinning (dissociative/disorientating) like crazy here.
She's also a great "dog trainer" ;) She was around age 16 at this point.
Last one from this of her walking on shattered glass (not very difficult but very symbolic of her shattered mind).
The above video has little to do with exercise, just more perverse exploitation of their manipulated slaves.
She modeled for the cover of the occult band (checkout some of their album covers and whatnot) Nektar's album 'Magic is a child' when she was about 10-11 in 1977... The gushing white waterfall is I think symbolic of female sexuality and rebirth (and can be used in programming to "wash away memories"), with Brooke nude covered by a pillow or something (Edit: Yeah thanks for correction, that's actually a white dress; symbolizing purity/virginity and such) as she appears to be elevated by a source of light.
In her movie debut in 'Pretty Baby' she played a typical debut role for an MK'd sex-kitten, the child of a prostitute played by Susan Surandon (so themes of multigenerational [Monarch] slavery/mind control) and a child prostitute herself (note the doll), called Violet who seduces a photographer (real life one E.J. Bellocq who took photos of prostitutes/sex-slaves wearing masks and such, his brother was a Jesuit Priest...), her mother planning to auction her virginity to the highest bidder (like sex-slaves in reality whose virginity is preserved because it means they are worth more to the sick "elite" buyers of slaves). The film was released when Brooke was 12 so was probably filmed when she was 11, the character is supposed to be age 12. Below is an image from the film (image borrowed from this good article, I picked the least explicit one there).
An 11 year old Brooke with her prostitute mother in the film Susan Sarandon (she has popped up a couple of times in the blog like in Disney's Enchanted, and Speed Racer; obviously she's been in many more symbolic stuff like this).
The photographer was played by Keith Carradine of the Carradine acting clan, half brother of David.
Before 'Pretty Baby' she was in 'Alice, Sweet Alice' as Karen (think Mulder), Lostworld did a good post on this in the Stepford Wives Icke thread, also some of this stuff is covered in the Cobain thread. Karen has a two-faced porcelain doll (dual/split personalities; the mask also is extremely mind control symbolic) which her sister Alice steals, and she terrorizes people wearing a grinning mask (potentially killing her sister Karen, though it wasn't her). Brooke's character Karen is killed by a mask wearing psychopath (standard mind control theme you'll find in many horror films). In one scene "Catherine tells Alice to deliver a rent cheque to Mr Alphonso (Alphonso DeNoble) their obese cat-loving landlord. After he tries to fondle and molest her, Alice goes down to the basement where she lights a candle and puts on her grinning mask." I have not seen it myself but I'm sure it is loaded with more mind control symbolic themes.
She had previously worked on a film by pedophile director Woody Allen [whose films are truly awful, why do you think he is so revered by Hollywood?! Like Polanski; whose films are admittedly excellent though it's good to see him finally get arrested, though I doubt he will ever go to prison or anything], pictured below with Allen directing her in a scene for 'Annie Hall'; all her scenes (flashbacks) were cut from the film.
She was of course in other explicit films like 'The Blue Lagoon' which has more exploitation with the usual underage sexual themes, the below movie poster for is pretty disturbing I feel ("Just you and me, kid") if you can read into what it's really referring to ["Bill (played by George Burns) finds the naked Kate (Brooke; kat/cat/kitten) in his trunk with a tire wrapped around her."].
She was 'friends' with mind controlled Michael Jackson (still definitely planning to do a post on him) and was a major part of the memorial (here's her speech). Below pictured with one of Jacko's many victims Macauley Culkin, also with another probable slave, a very young Laura Bundy. Michael "surrounded himself with mannequins and loved Brooke Shields", they are from nearly the same generation of programmed Monarchs so have this connection (they can only make "friends"/go out on "dates"/etc with other slaves).
I was surprised to see she was part of the slave performers at many of slave handler Bob Hope's USO tours (slaves like Marilyn Monroe are often used to "entertain the troops", covered in past posts), in the below scene she is pictured with Scientology controlled slave Cathy Lee Crosby, Ann Jillian (started acting at age 10 in a Disney film 'Babes in Toyland', appeared in an Alice in Wonderland as the Red Queen + some of the usual kind stuff), the winner of Miss USA at the time, Vic Damone, and George Kirby.
Brooke below as a Pocahontas type figure with Bob as the 'big chief', that's Mickey Rooney (covered a bit here) on the end there by the way.
She is probably a 'Presidential Model' kitten, here she is pictured with Gerald Ford and his wife Betty (former fashion model). Below pictured with republican super hero/rapist/slave handler Ronald Reagan and wife Nancy Reagan (daughter of actress, her smile always looks very programmed/false), and with other probable Monarch kitten models Christie Brinkley (USO "entertainer", check out her relationships and whatnot) and Cheryl Tiegs.
Brook with a cat at a Whiskas cat food event (?!) called "Whiskas Salutes Cats as the Purr-fect Art Form".
Brooke with children Rowan Francis and Grier Hammond at Disneyland above, below dressed as a kitten for Halloween (cheers for tip in comments a while back).
She appeared on the cover of Lolita inspired 'Helene' by John Bowers.
Brooke with Britney from the younger generation of Monarchs, she of course plays the mother of the main one of the next generation of Monarchs down, "Miley's mom", Miley Cyrus' mother in Hannah Montana (pictured below).