Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thought this moment of zen was a good synch. (often catch little things in TDS/Colbert but this one went overboard, see Hello Kitty tag; "nice little pink thing with a kitty, hello!"...)
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
Moment of Zen - Hello Kitty Visa Card | ||||
thedailyshow.com | ||||
The film has been described as The Sixth Sense meets The Wicker Man. The joint Irish/French production features Carice van Houten, the Dutch actress, as a psychiatrist investigating the case of a disturbed 15-year-old girl accused of attempting to murder a baby on an Irish island. The deeply religious, closed community of people are haunted by a terrible secret and are hostile to outsiders.
Belfast-born Murray landed the part after being spotted by the film’s casting director at her graduation showcase in Trinity College last year. She portrays the seven different characters of a girl with a multiple personality disorder, including a three-year-old girl, a five-year-old boy, as well as a man in his late twenties.
“She really had to pull it out of the bag,” said Maureen Hughes, casting director on the film, who spent five months searching for an actress to play Dorothy. “She had to be really threatening and violent. The subject matter of the film is quite disturbing and there are some very dark places this character goes.”
Moving back to Disney (who will be remaking kitten programming movie 'Undercover Kitty'), here's a new trailer (note all the previous 2d suggestive Disney movies [Beauty and the Beast, love the Little Mermaid shot they went with, nothing suggestive there at all! it cuts straight from that to a cat in the lion king etc], I will get to more Disney parts covering these older movies btw, see the first one here though) for Disney's "The Frog and the Princess", note the skull and bones top hat (the voodoo "witchdoctor"/master/programmer [poster ((worth clicking)) makes this obvious with him sprinkling a drug (("curse"/poison/casting his "spell")) over her]; phallic skull and bones top hat [Edit: check out MM's new video "Arma God Damn Mother Fucking Geddon" for lots of top-hat/Disney ((p.s. I recommend reading Celtic Rebel when it comes to this kind of Disney sexual conditioning/social engineering and such)), MM ears/Nazified dollar symbol/etc, the message here is very obvious (made clearer by the lyrics)] + phallic cane with crystal ball at end, "curses" i.e. being transformed into a frog are invariably used for programming [a curse/spell puts the victim into a trance ((or whatever intended alter-state))]), Baphomet (horns), phallic snake, general occultism, frog/human transformation, usual Disney sexual suggestiveness, the fleur-de-lis (in the penultimate drumming voodoo-doll image), etc. Remember this story 'The Frog and the Princess' is based on the occultists/MK-practitioners Brothers Grimm's 'The Frog Prince' (see this post for more on Brothers Grimm/Disney/Enchanted).
The princess who is turned into a frog is voiced by Anika Noni Rose, her most pertinent role (in terms of her potential kitten programming) is her last stage role as Maggie "The Cat" in 'The Cat On a Hot Tin Roof', a scene of which was recently recreated by kitten Gemma Arterton.
Looks like the Princess will be married over a checkerboard floor, like butterfly Princess Diana (whose niece is 'Kitty Spencer', not-at-all suggestively licking an icecream next to large balloons in her TATLER shoot [with usual kitten suggestions, the piece is titled 'HELLO KITTY' and she talks about her love for Marilyn Monroe and the usual MK'd suspects, I had planned on posting scans but never got round to it; maybe if she does another shoot which she has apparently been offered many, I bet they can't wait to photograph her with a Hello Kitty toy]).