Thursday, May 7, 2009

[More suggestive official merchandise further down]

"Cybergirl is a superheroine living under the secret identity of ordinary teenage girl Ashley Campbell. In reality, she is a "Cyber Replicant" from a distant planet.
Her powers include super-human strength, super-human speed, and the ability to interface directly with electronic devices and computers; she is also able to physically change her appearance between that of the blue-haired, ethereal-looking Cybergirl and the less conspicuous, mousy-haired Ashley, and can alter her clothing at will.
She was originally known as the Cyber Replicant Human Prototype 6000, the only one of her model to be built. Not only are her powers far and above that of earlier models, she has a much wider emotional scope than her predecessors. She ran away from her planet of origin in order to explore the beings she was modeled after, namely humans." In it, the twins (pictured in it above) played 'Sapphire' and 'Emerald' (this show will have certainly played into their programming), daughters of the Mayor who are huge fans of 'Cybergirl' but shun Cybergirl's real identity at school (all very Hannah Montana-esque).
They should have spelled 'Veronicas' with a k.

[Spot the cats below! (there are more than you think; note wrists + pin on front)]

Here we see the twins pictured with the seal of the President of the United States pin, perhaps an overt suggestion that they are 'presidential model' Monarch programmed sex-slaves.

In their videos duality is also symbolized as in one of them (image above) they both have a black/white striped shield/badge and also black/white hair.

The following Oz MTV Awards also had pyramid symbolism (black triangles), note one of the twins' cat-ears (a common theme throughout the post; they often perform wearing cat-ears as was the case at these awards).

Of course they are also MTV butterflies/angels, reading from their bible/programming script below (note hair alteration black/white duality).

Some more Veronicas shots here (skull and bones [one eyed], leopard etc].

They have the usual array of symbolic tattoos used to mark slaves, including suggestive ones made for a handler "My blood is red for you" on like a glass/fragmented-type heart thing, "Pure"...

Twin/Mirrored Bluebirds... pin-up girls with "Forever and a Day" written on paper entwining (snake/phallic symbolism) the girl. And some others.

It's all painfully predictable (there is a reason why it's all so formulaic [MK follows a specific formula in terms of it's programming ((it always goes without saying that these symbols are often used triggers))]), but they are also Barbie Dolls... (see top video where they each bite the head off a barbie also)

...And Monarch Dolls!

Three Little Kittens (Demi [=half, posted about on Demi Moore] Lovato Disney slave in the centre, daughter of a 'Diana' butterfly 'Diana Hart' + a country music artist).

Note the Mona Lisa with her face blocked out (and "Animals Australia" has dual meaning).

Click your heels together 3 times together and repeat after me, there's no place like home (ruby slippers above [there are tonnes more I haven't pictured]; also note the tiger print).

More skull and bones (blue on the black/white striped duality socks), ruby slippers on the other one + they're handcuffed (lots of stuff in various pictures that I haven't mentioned).

Like many of the young Disney slaves (Miley's Hello Kitty one pictured above [for the sex-kitten emphasis, originally posted here], Ashley Tisdale and Katy Perry are with them above, and speaking of masked kitty kats here is the obligatory sex-kitten mask + ears on the other twin below), one of the twins, Jess also had some "leaked" photographs which in the interest of being thorough I've posted below.

The latest leaked image of Jess Origliasso even has the checkerboard floor in shot (the above shot is obviously her, her management have plausible deniability as the top of her face is out of shot).

Let's see what products these twins are being made to sell to the kids; some I've already posted further up such as the duality checkerboard 'Girlz Only' sexually suggestive 'do not disturb' door handle sign, which goes with the bed cover set (note black/white/red colours, birds, the meaning of the word 'love' has long been being chipped away at [soon it will be meaningless]).

Kittens as you'd expect feature on their clothes, and skull and bones and whatnot.

Note the butterfly (+ usual stuff) below on the red/white striped top.

More suitable clothing for little girls, the below right black/white (black/white/red is a very symbolic colour scheme used by the Nazis, Murdoch's Fox News and such [I posted a lot on this in one of my earlier postings on the film 'The Bank Job']) striped dress has a red kitty-cat head pin on it.

The twins partying with Mickey (note one twin in black one in white, duality), some lovely imagery below too! (in particular, Bambie!)