Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Final Destination: Your Mind in Pieces and Nazi Dehumanization
0 comments Posted by org at 5:35 AM

This is not a true story but there are obviously many examples of this type of thing going on throughout history (in terms of feral children, of course no one wants to think that anyone could be capable of intentionally manipulating someone, particularly an innocent child into this animalistic state but it absolutely goes on and is happening somewhere right now; dehumanization is an extremely common form of abuse and an essential mechanism for programming). Let's hope the forthcoming organized chaos does not allow something as horrific as the colossal level of dehumanization that occurred during the Nazi era to happen again (I'm not very optimistic [these things are cyclical by design, we're due another world war]).

Bird cage/feathers/masks/etc [1920's-30's Germany]

Jeff Goldblum plays circus entertainer/ringmaster 'Adam Stein' using his own daughter (Ana Geoanna according to a NY Times review, I can't find any info on her at all) in the knife-throwing show (obviously quite traumatic).

The story jumps from him in the mental asylum, where his damaged self is shown as he can only 'get off' apparently when dehumanizing others (symptom of this kind of this especially twisted psychological trauma) which he does to his love interest in the institution.

The dehumanized kid 'David' is shown chained and collared (and acting 100% like a dog having been dehumanized). He is played by Tudor Rapiteanu whose other role has him in a short film being used to traffick drugs (like young trafficked/mk slaves in reality [as they're not suspected by the authorities for obvious reasons]).

Why So Serious?! He's been made into a 'Joker'. I haven't gone into much detail here (did not want to turn this into a long post), there's more imagery/themes worth mentioning in the film.

Friday, May 29, 2009
We are the crowdAs she tumbles down the cliff (symbolic rabbit hole [and obviously all the other allegories/mechanisms for dissociation]), dissociation is shown here clearly as the hypnotic black/white spiral is shown spinning as the falls.
We're c-coming out
Got my flash on it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so magical
We'd be so fantastico
Leather and jeans
Garage glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
'Cause you know that baby I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your
Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me
I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah cause you'll know
I'm staring between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes
Shadow is burnt
Yellow dance and return
My lashes are dry
Purple teardrops I cry
It don't have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
'Cause you know that baby I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your
Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me
Real good
(We dance in the studio)
Snap, snap
(To that shit on the radio)
Don't stop boy, let it rewind
We'll blast it but we'll still have fun
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be your
Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me
Everyone knows this spiral pattern is used in hypnosis [it should always go without saying that these videos are designed to manipulate/MK the minds of the viewing masses also as well as showing GaGa's MK, particularly stepped up in recent videos ((you have to appreciate just how multifaceted all of this is))], this further shows the dissociative effects of the Paparazzi's constant flashing lights and the role they play in MK in general (the song is called 'Paparazzi' and features the hypnotic black/white spinning spiral [put two and two together and please don't make five] along with the load of other MK imagery in it [masks, bunny ears, bird cage veil, dog dehumanization, leopard print, general misogyny/exploitation of GaGa, pink hair highlight, robot themes, heart, Mickey Mouse ears, horns, one eye shots etc etc]). Here's a quote for people not quite up to scratch on what dissociation/altered states/hypnosis is:
Ernest R. Hilgard of Stanford University described hypnosis as a dissociative state [I covered the various dissociatve states in this CSI post]. The concept of dissociation—having one part of the mind "split off" and work independently from the rest—originated with Pierre Janet (Jan-AY) (1859-1947). Janet worked with multiple personality patients (see the later section on dissociative identity disorder. (Dissociative Identity Disorder is the modern name for multiple personality disorder). Multiple personality is perhaps the most spectacular example of dissociation.
How did Hilgard describe hypnosis? Why is hypnosis considered a dissociative state?
Hypnosis is much less dramatic than multiple personality, but it contains the essential ingredients of all dissociative states: a person does intelligent actions without normal conscious awareness and later has a hard time remembering it. For example, a hypnotized person can be told to feel a poke in the back when he or she hears a particular word. Later the person does not remember this suggestion, but when the special word is pronounced, the person jumps as if he or she just felt a poke in the back. Some portion of the mind or cognitive system, separated or dissociated from ordinary awareness, remembered and executed the instructions. (source)

These guys are apparently a band from Sweden, Snake of Eden (see this post for description on the Garden of Eden/original sin/serpent symbolism [snake = phallus, fruit = sex etc]). They are triplets (their appearance certainly looks MK'd) and have been in Daisy Delahoya's Daisy of Love (these types of MTV shows/music videos are always used to give their slaves some exposure).

Broken robot :'(

The 22-year-old US singer revealed that the first time her father saw her perform, she was wearing "a leopard-thong-fringed bikini with a sequined high-waisted belt and granny panties, and it was so wrong it was amazing". [source]

[above image is not Lady Gaga (she does look a little like her though in my opinion), just thought the imagery/symbolism was very pertinent here; from this, can't find much info on it]

The fact that products like these are even allowed onto the market (an energy drink for 'Sleep' how does that make sense, and 'gasm'/sex and 'Bliss'.... what???) is highly suspect to me. "Be Smart. Drink Neuro." [standard psychological manipulation used in corporate advertising] Obviously the smart thing to do is to avoid it like the plague! (the video pretty much tells you it's poison anyway!)

His latest film looks interesting 'The Horsemen' [ready for some self-fulfilling prophesies to play out over the next few years? (the nuts in charge have had all this shit set up leading to 2012 for many years ((Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Israel etc are all part of this future organized chaos)); I personally don't feel we're too far from the kind of dystopian future we've been shown in various works of fiction ((Bladerunner, Metropia below etc)))].
Regarding the actor playing Lady GaGa's handler ["papa"/"daddy" in the lyrics] who throws her off the edge (who most of the lyrics are directed at) is Alexander Skarsgard (product of an acting family; I've seen him in Generation Kill as Brad "Iceman" Colbert, he's probably more well known for his role in True Blood as a vampire who owns a nightclub called 'Fangtasia', he was also in Zoolander as a male model 'Meekus'). He is the guy inside the head (so symbolic manipulator/programmer) in the above MK symbolic poster for 'Metropia'. "Metropia is taking place in a not-so-distant, terrifying Europe. The world is running out of oil and the net of undergrounds has been connected, creating a gigantic subway web underneath Europe. Roger from Farsta (a suburb of Stockholm) tries to stay away from the underground. He thinks its unpleasant and he sometimes hear strange voices in is head. One day Roger finds out that his life is controlled in every detail. He tries to break free. To succeed he needs super-model Nina to help him [Juliette Lewis]. Or is it maybe Nina who needs Roger?" At least some things always remain a constant even in our dystopian future, Hello Kitty! (seems to be lots of cats at the start of the trailer in the guy's bedroom too).
Labels: Alexander Skarsgard, disney, Jonas Akerland, Lady GaGa, Metropia, Mickey Mouse, paparazzi