Sunday, March 1, 2009
I think a lot of people automatically understand why I focus so much on Miley Cyrus (anyone whose seen how this girl has been used in/by the media); but for those who don't, as far as I am concerned she is the front line of corporate controlled cash-kittens (more appropriate than 'cash-cow' ;). Her unbelievably quick rise to stardom, the blatant mind control themes in her show (hidden identity/alter) and of course her Country Music pedigree make her the poster-child of Monarch programmed slaves. I will eventually get to some of the major ones (Mariah etc) from the past but I like to keep things very up to date, MC is the future!

Miley's shoots often involved some type of animal, usually puppies (hence her role in Bolt [she plays the beloved pet-dog who thinks his show is reality], see previous posts); this is also from her latest sets (there are others from the new ones with little things but none really worth posting) with her in ruby slippers + flowers + fruits.

Here are some older ones just to illustrate the blatant Monarch symbolism in her various photoshoots. I posted the below Monarchs (green/red; obviously stylized a bit) on Miley way back in this post.

And you'll never guess what the butterfly guitar is hiding :O A Crowned Skull and Bones of course! [Flowers are never subliminal pentagrams..]

Speaking of which, Miley was put with one of the fellow Disney slaves from the Jonas Brothers; below we see them also displaying their, not very subtly positioned skull and bones (also note the pink wig girls). Apologiez to mileyfans.net; credit to their colossal Miley images archive, most of these came from there.

And to confirm Disney's use of pink wig-wearing sex-kittens, check out these screencaps from High School Musical 3 (do intend on doing a full write-up of it).

Disney: Wholesome Family Fun!

Quick random images of Miley, these two striped ones + chalk writing on the wall (more black/white) + a skull and bones on Miley's bracelet thing (the tiny instruments have obvious MK implications [think Alice taking the pill that makes everything smaller, you can make a person think something like that has happened by having all the furniture disproportionately large/small; disorientation of course]).

Another random couple, more horns from Miley (she does it way too often [lots posted previously] for just simply "WOO, ROCK ON!" type mindless spontaneous rock hand-signalling; and obviously remember most of them are choreographed by her 'handlers', and dance-choreographers/photographers/etc).

Another random image I'm not sure where to put; mainly a humorous image as it's obviously just standard red eye you get in photographs, but she has the replicant eye glow in one eye like in Bladerunner ;P Emily (Miley anagram) Osment is also popping her head out.

And lastly, a quick Marionette Puppet suggestive image from the latest season of Hannah Montana.

I try to watch the odd Hannah Montana episode, sometimes they go really over the top; like in the above scene where Billy Ray (as Robbie Ray Stewart) sings Miley (as Miley Ray Stewart [Miley's name only officially changed to 'Miley Ray Cyrus' last year]) a song 'Ready, Set, Don't Go' with images of Miley as a child (so when she was still Destiny Hope Cyrus) shown on screen, the more relevant ones pictured below.

It's obviously completely fucked up how Disney has turned Miley's life into a voyeuristic sideshow; with genuine images of Miley's past being used (Miley butterfly image above, stars and crescent moon bed, Princess/Monarch Miley, doll above that) as part of her fictional character. The never-ending (it's been a while since the last lot, expect some soon?) supply of "leaked" Miley Cyrus images are all part of this process (and for social engineering).

They ended the piece with Miley and the pheonix/OBEY (... posted that in the Miley Mouse Club post) image with them on a purple rollercoaster and Miley's heart/crossed arrows [subliminal S&B].

I also include another image from that linked post (please click it above for more of Miley's Hello Kitty + lots more on Miley) to illustrate what I'm saying about the "leaked" personal Miley images.

Now to some more images of Destiny Hope as a small child showing more her Disney programming (if you looked at some images of me as a kid you'd probably think I was MK'd, along with a other shit that I'm not going into), with her at ELVIS gigs (obvious Monarch slave), then in Mickey Mouse clothing (think it is Minnie) with the Elvis hat on and such.

Good ol' Minnie Mouse... (remember Britney, Christina, Justin Timberlake are all products of Corporate Disney, all having come from the Mickey Mouse Club).

Guess where HannaH Montana "Country Girl" comes from? Crowley Corners (as in Aleister Crowley, [loosely a corner= triangle/illuminism]), if your manage to get through the below video without blood coming out your ears, please note obviously 'Save Crowley Meadows' in the background.

Boom Boom Clap, Boom Dee Clap Dee Clap... [shoots self]. Below is a pretty symbolic music video, also from the Hannah Montana movie official soundtrack. Short bit on the film's plot from wiki: "Miley (Miley Cyrus) has become overwhelmed with her alter-ego's Hannah Montana's popularity. After having a catfight over a pair of shoes with Tyra Banks, her father, Robby (Billy Ray Cyrus) tricks Miley into going back to her hometown, Crowley Corners, Tennessee" In this video, the main single off the soundtrack; Miley starts walking on a neverending pathway/road (similar to yellow brick road symbolism/metaphor [trapped on a fixed/set path, no escape off it]), then we see Miley inside a lazerlight pyramid (you can see it's a pyramid at 1:16; though I think it changes throughout), "There's a voice inside my head..", crescent moon, some other stuff, then near the end she walks toward the sun as she reaches the end of the path at a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Good ol' Minnie Mouse... (remember Britney, Christina, Justin Timberlake are all products of Corporate Disney, all having come from the Mickey Mouse Club).

Guess where HannaH Montana "Country Girl" comes from? Crowley Corners (as in Aleister Crowley, [loosely a corner= triangle/illuminism]), if your manage to get through the below video without blood coming out your ears, please note obviously 'Save Crowley Meadows' in the background.

Boom Boom Clap, Boom Dee Clap Dee Clap... [shoots self]. Below is a pretty symbolic music video, also from the Hannah Montana movie official soundtrack. Short bit on the film's plot from wiki: "Miley (Miley Cyrus) has become overwhelmed with her alter-ego's Hannah Montana's popularity. After having a catfight over a pair of shoes with Tyra Banks, her father, Robby (Billy Ray Cyrus) tricks Miley into going back to her hometown, Crowley Corners, Tennessee" In this video, the main single off the soundtrack; Miley starts walking on a neverending pathway/road (similar to yellow brick road symbolism/metaphor [trapped on a fixed/set path, no escape off it]), then we see Miley inside a lazerlight pyramid (you can see it's a pyramid at 1:16; though I think it changes throughout), "There's a voice inside my head..", crescent moon, some other stuff, then near the end she walks toward the sun as she reaches the end of the path at a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Or pick up some purple butterfly/rainbow/hearts pyjamas!

The butterfly is hugely important to mind control, symbolizing transformation [Miley to Hannah; alter-personalty themes]/fragility and much more. The fact that her mother is called Leticia 'Tish' and that is virtually the same as Letizia which is a genus of butterfly (you can see it listed in wiki here) should tell you much about the Cyrus' involvement in intergenerational Monarch mind control.

The above image is from this recent Miley post; with her 'mom' (I have my doubts that she is actually her birth-mother as there seems to be a big theme of Miley Ray's mother [remember it's her actual name too, her fictional life and 'real life' are completely blurred] having died in Hannah Montana) Leticia (Letizia) the genus of Butterfly. I include Miley and 'Tish' at the recent Oscars, with Miley in her fish scales/mermaid-style dress (gold Osiris'/Oz, red carpet bloodline, flowers etc).

Two butterflies out and about shopping, note Leticia's butterfly necklace (more suggestive of her name; tbh I doubt it's the name she was born with), this (butterfly necklace) continues with Miley below in another photoshoot.

And a few random ones from an old shoot that was made public recently.

Her career in the country music industry started extremely young (she was in the above [note TIGERS] video too 'If Heartache had Wings'); you can skip to the last 40 seconds (of the below video) because Miley as a toddler appears only then. Please note the one-eyed cat on Miley's sibling (Harley Davidson T-shirt)... and obviously Miley's extremely freakish looking doll (very creepy ventriloquist dummy-style)!

- Edit: Also worth noting, Billy Ray's song "We The People" was used by the Bush/Cheney and co (Donald Rumsfeld above was the Secretary of Defence [the military is 100% MK, heavily involved in the MK'd entertainment industry]) as it's main campaign theme song back in the stolen 2000 election, years before Miley was made a star (showing he is working for the establishment [made up of pedophiles/war criminals/mindless puppets/etc], essentially selling his daughter to the corporate overlords; "Cyrus was named Destiny Hope because her parents believed [should be "knew" obviously, because it had been planned] that she would accomplish great things.").
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