Thursday, March 26, 2009
I don't watch this crap, the point of that never-ending 'soap' drivel is beyond me ([you can speculate on the conditioning purposes of those shows, you react to similar situations in reality that are portrayed on the TV in the same way the actors react to them, so usually with anger/violence] I recall seeing an MK storyline a while back which I could write more on [inside the abused girl's home there were eyes wide shut style masks on the wall and other things like that]) but this trailer was shockingly blatant MK of Barbara Windsor (she is given like a porcelain spray-on face/mask, one eye etc quite disturbing actually); "Windsor is rumoured to be playing the Dormouse in Tim Burton's upcoming 2010 film Alice in Wonderland." More on Alice in Wonderland shortly, the post I'm working on is taking too long so I'm just going to split it into parts, the first part posted tomorrow; in the second (or third, want to cover some other movies/Disney themes) part I'll get more into Disney's old and new Alice in Wonderland. Here's that Stepford Wives/crop circles [it's shape can be interpreted as internal structure MK symbolism] BBC promo thingy too (which aired just before the Peggy Mitchel MK ad [obviously not a coincidence considering the themes] and The Apprentice [yes I watch a lot of crap], if everyone in this Apprentice isn't either an actor or MK'd I'd be very surprised [could do a post on it, probably not though]). Some more MK on the BBC here.

I thought the below set ('American Idolatry') of images with MCM Anna Selezneva (synchronistically she was the model in the 'Dolly Mixture' set I posted on in my Mind Controlled Models post, included one image from it above with her in duality socks + red shoes [the whole set had the dissorientating/MPD symbolism with multiple faded images of herself]) were interesting enough to post.

She is the left snow-leopard from a recent fashion week (obv note the other models symbolic apparel).

Note the Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe style images in the background, reflected off the floor.

"Sitting on Jacko's lap is always a thriller." Seriously... how sick are these people?! [note zebra-print, chains etc]

Pedophile suggestive Madonna album 'Hard Candy' + leopard-print (sex kitten) + worst Madonna I've ever seen (still looks healthier than the "real" Madonna though!).

Mad Hatter Depp (can't wait to get a post going on him), wearing a skull and bones pin; Anna is covered in symbolic pins in all the shots (Egyptian beatle, checkerboard, REDRUM etc), no time to write on each of them.

Barack Obama is obviously the most worshiped false idol in America at the moment (starting to wane as people realize they've been duped), Katy Perry wore that dress at the EMA awards by the way (how sad that I know that ;p).

Illuminist photographer Annie Liebovitz and another one.

Jessica Simpson in her red shoes + phallic mic/stand.

And to end on some random Doll Decadence, the Dutch Doll, Ancilla Tilia.

She's the Bride of Chucky!

This insanely adorable Kitten loves her Kitties ;) [one is named after fellow kitten Dita] see lots more images at her Myspace (set up by her agents/managers, I doubt she has anything to do with them [p.s. how Fing scarey looking is that cat below?!]).

Speaking of Blonde Kitten Dolls, Katherine Jenkins is opera's main one; from Wales (Land of the Dragon). Opera is on a par with X-Factor these days, it seems all they do now is to just sing a bunch of famous songs again in opera style; the fact that people actually buy that shit almost makes me want to switch sides! She apparently had 'secret half twin sisters', but the article has interesting info in regards to her father (picture of her with her father reminding me of how Alice in Wonderland was allegedly created).

'Solarpix' (all the papparazzi companies are symbolically named like that) note the sun symbolism on her below album.

Very Twin Peaks/Black Lodge here (for another album cover 'Second Nature' [all symbolically named, 'Living the Dream' and such])

The black fur = black panther, more kitten suggestions.

[It's all in the eyes btw]

Like Marilyn Monroe and co she is used to "entertain the troops" (above one of MM, below of Kat in red shoes).

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