Thursday, January 8, 2009
[Explicit images warning, not to be viewed by minors. (May have to censor if I get complaints or something)]
I was thinking of doing some sort of censorship (don't want to give them an excuse to shut the blog down/censor it) for this post because obviously the images are completely explicit (can't avoid it with the Marionette Puppet one [I picked the least explicit one there was), it's an extremely explicit subject though so I think it is necessary; frustration at my main computer blue screening after about 2 seconds after loading windows (probably nuked; admittedly I haven't been very vigilant with virus protection) so everything's been on hold the past couple of days trying to fix it (failed) and I'm working off my laptop for the forseeable future (not that big of a deal, all I really need is the internet), I needed a new PC anyway though so no matter (which I'll be able to do more for the blog with, uploading/editing images was a bit painfully slow)."She's Lost Control!"
Here's some explicit MK titillation from Dita Von Teese. Similar kind of Eye-Kandi post to the Adriana Lima one. Difficult to avoid nudity with this one, so kids; please turn off your computer screens. Like Marilyn Monroe and other sex-kittens, that isn't her real name (obviously); it being 'Heather Renee Sweet' a former ballerina ['lessons' since age 4]. Marilyn Manson used her for a time, as everyone is aware so I won't go into him (his involvement should be clear: check out his latest Dark Kitty); the name 'Dita' apparently comes from this MK'd German actress [her 1937 movies were 'La grande illusion' and 'Under Secret Orders', title of post comes from start of Madonna 'Erotica' audio book]. Dita has been in (porn aside, playing characters like Lela) a Salvador Dali short film, and was rumoured to be playing Mata Hari (femme fatale/sex-kitten/actress/celebrity from World War 1; her court documents [ritual sacrifice/executed as 'double agent'] will be released to the public in 2017) a while back, not sure if that is still happening however.The top video (her as dominatrix in the White House with Bush lookalike) is comedy but is also a lot more accurate depiction of what really goes on in the Oval Office. And an interesting video of her mirrored with a carousel horse. Not going to describe the MK implications of each image, if you don't know them then read Illuminati Formula and do a bit of general reading on the subject (you can usually find my description of things from past posts if you just type the thing 'carousel'/'key'/etc in the Search feature top left. MK and bondage, by definition and in practise are very much connected [I've gone into S&M/bondage/BDSM a bit in this post]. It would only take a few 'sessions' with a 'master' (who you may think is just being a little "over-enthusiastic", but is really an MK programmer) for the 'fantasy' to become a reality and they start testing their control/manipulation by 'requesting' you buy leopard-skin clothing, certain types of jewelry (i.e. padlock + key, these things are usually given as 'presents' though) or do anything that might seem innocent enough but it is all about control/dominance, it's obviously something to look out for if you get involved in that world. Hundreds of thousands of little girls and young women are trafficked every year* (do the math/use your head; times that by even just a few years and we're talking millions and millions of slaves; at the end of 2006 there were 28.4 Million slaves [source, even that is a colossal understatement (obviously the real figure can never be known, I'm quite certain it goes into the hundreds of millions [victims of abuse, even domestic verbal abuse is a form of MK]); most of which are just kept under control via drugs/abuse/blackmail/debt/etc [Edit: The book states that only 1.2 Million of the 28.4 are sex-slaves, that is huge underestimation; and this was back in 2006, the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate], MK extends to all forms of abuse and forms of mind manipulation; the ones that are not made into a statistic like that [infinitely higher than 1.2 Million that's for sure] are usually abused (with their minds totally shattered; with advice on the best mind-shattering traumas/what type of programming to give the child coming from the government and other 'trusted' institutions [if they are being programmed for a specific purpose; i.e. a media sex-kitten]) and sold by their own father/guardian, for example Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Dita Von Teese and the like]) *into real sexual slavery/bondage; but the truly high-class sex slaves are the sex-kittens paraded in the media to manipulate the masses into their decadent thinking [with great success admittedly; most of the images I've had on my pc for years], these ones can only be used in such a globally exposed way if their parents/family are involved in the abuse/programming (from birth; these are total Monarch slaves; with programmed alter-personalities). We are dealing with an entire misogynistic (throughout history, read the bible, look at history etc) 'elite' made up of sociopathic maniacs obsessed with dominance and control; this is the psychology behind all this symbolism and themes put into the media (and movies) that they control, hence it's shocking prevalence and why things like 9/11, slavery, abusing/controlling wives, Israel, setting up the New World Order and all those things that "rational" people "know" are just lunacy, are allowed to happen... it's all about maintaining control and keeping the masses hoodwinked.

"Three Little Kittens"

It's all about, "Animal Birth Control"... it's as easy as ABC, from the Petaphiles.

Cinderella in her Glass... I mean leopard slippers.

This kitten must even be pristine/'dolled up' even when doing something as simple as going to the gym; naturally with leopard-skin scalf (showing the subtext of this 'event' widely reported in the media [really, that isn't news, why else would they "report" it in such a ritualized way?]).

Dita the Peacock [eye], and speaking of birds... I wonder what all her burlesque performances in bird cages are supposed to symbolize! [necessary background is needed (also common sense/logic, think about what a bird trapped in a cage is likely a metaphor for), like I said in intro; use search feature of blog, 'bird cage' or any other theme]

Metal bars/chains [at it's primitive level it symbolises the mental prison MK victims live in their heads (no escape); like a bird trapped in a cage]

She is then a literal 'Lady Bird'.

I found the below photoshoot, with Scarlett Johansson (more on her coming in the delayed post I'm working on) Dominating Dita; with predictable MK symbolism (masked, half face in darkness etc).

'Smokin...' the half face in the dark is obviously just coincidental aesthetics ;)

Hollywood kitten (Dita also lives in Hollywood) Sharon Stone auctioning Dita's stockings; lot's of symbolism in the corporate logos (Audi's interlocking rings, the Weinstein Company's VVV/666 logo, obviously note Sharon's leopard-skin of course).

"Three Little Kittens" in sunglasses. [Claudia Schiffer and Victoria Beckham + Dita]

Note Dita spread arms and legs (bondage) + red shoes etc. this Playboy photoshoot is very interesting... like many of these MKittens (incestually abused/sex-slaves; who become sex objects in the media) she trained as a ballerina; this link goes a lot into her past + a Daily Mail one.

We all need to stop "tip-toeing"/"pussy-footing" around the issue... but it's difficult enough to persuade anyone that any sort of evil/darkness exists in the world let-alone that slavery didn't totally end in the 1800s. Slavery never ended, the only thing that's changed, is the improved intelligence of slave-masters (the business is worth billions; it is BIG BUSINESS, it is not at all a stretch to suggest a few thousand of the millions and millions of slaves might be used by the media [controlled by big business/corporations, with a vested interest in keeping 'slavery' going... not just monetary by any means] in the ways I've suggested)... the only (real) solution is revolution. The rich will always get richer and more decadent.

Duality much? (referring to the zebra crossing as well as the dress)

This obviously dodgey (look at her face) photoshoot she looks extremely dissociative.

Couple of shots of the carousel horse, shown mirrored in a video further up [again scan back through the blog; if you are using the search it's best to scroll to the very first post with the word 'carousel' in it.

Dita's 'trademark' is the dissociatively large Martini Glass dance (multilayered symbolism, as most are; obvious misogynistic interpretation) with the Pussycat Dolls in the below video, also her ostrich [Oz, bird] feather fan things [wings].

Click above and note butterflies on the mind. Edit: And below Dita + MSN/Microsoft's butterfly logo.

The above image comes from a typical masked robot photoshoot + a lot of different ritual uniform (I have many images for future potential posts).

With enough drugs/dissociation; this type of primal fear (spiders/snakes/insects etc) trauma would feel very real (giant spider!) to the victim.

Ruby slippered Red Queen ballerina in a red velvet box [below image symbolizes the existence of most ballerinas]

She is rolled out inside a suitcase (box) then she dances with her fellow sex-kittens in ruby slippers.

Stripes + checkerboard

Alice in Wonderland + Snow White/Sleeping Beauty programming; two kittens.

Some ritual androgny on a black/white striped chair in black and white.

This one is just straight up porn... (wasn't sure if I should post here or leave it for future planned adult pseudoccult blog) anyone who has looked into the fetish industry knows it is saturated in checkerboards [dvd cover below is not from the above scene which has more symbolism in the rest of that set].

Note the types of cat figurines + roses.

Another image symbolic of MK'd cat/kitten programming (tied to the leopard-print piano chair). I may have left out some images I meant to include (and some words, just noticed some are missing) as the browser crashed and I'm not sure what wasn't saved; there was one I can't find now with her lying on a leopard skin complete with it's head (her head over its head) and a few others I may add later on.

Edit[16/01]: A couple of additional images, Dita is a Mermaid + Mannequin (note position of arm, your mind should slightly confuse Dita's left arm with the mannequin's).

MK confuses reality with fantasy; fetish/bondage is the ultimate example of this I think, many of the girls you watch on websites are actually MK'd Kittens living in an actual state of bondage (S&M/Dominatrix alters I have written about in the past; so they look like they're really into it rather than being forced [the only 'reality' they know]) rather than just 'acting'.

Probably won't be churning out posts as quickly as usual until I get my computer situation sorted. And to finish, having seen all the above images; the below Marilyn Manson - Mobscene video (with her in the glass at the end; it sums up this post perfectly I think) should be easy to interpret (model with head in bird cage, mirror symbolism etc + others not in this post like Nazi models with half scarred faces, spiral, mannequin legs etc)... it's a total fucking circus... just 'entertainment', so who cares?
Labels: BDSM, bondage, cat/kitten programming, Dita Von Teese, erotic, fetish, Mind Control Slaves
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