Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Have you noticed the resemblance between Britney and Marilyn Monroe lately? [Yes! (scroll to EMA awards bit; see this post for some more of her [and Li Lo mainly] as MM [expect much more in future (this is numbered '1' in the link [this is copied and pasted from Britney's official blog, with additional images + my words in squared brackets]) looks like they're about to go overboard with it [Edit: building up to Britney's inevitable Marilyn Monroe style ritual death, probably when she reaches 30 (a few years on from that I suspect)], cheers to commenter for this (nice filler post in the mean time; working on one post atm up in a day or 2 then start work on some more substantial ones I think) I'm reposting Britney's 'Circus' video, loaded with MK suggestions (the lyrics, a few random guys I didn't mention before; like the one in a checkerboard costume doing some spinning ((in general all the spinning/spirals and black/white themes are most prominent)), and the androgynous dude ((a la Katy Perry)), half of Britney's face covered by hair; it's pretty endless wrote up some other parts of it in the linked post)].
Well it turns out the two lovely ladies have more in common that their love for gorgeous couture. Seems Marilyn was also a fan of the circus! [Heh @ Marilyn riding the pink elephant (=drugs/LSD etc/dissociative 'trip'/hallucinations) + white/black stripes (the kind of tails ((signifying/showing the victims' dehumanization)) I wrote about in the previous post feature a lot here)]
Check out Milton's Marilyn Monroe Photography Collection for more images of Marilyn [note top right pyramid/duality logo].

Marilyn dressed as original Hollywood sex-kitten Theda Bara [though pictured because of the tiger; on the link note leopard-print background + Theda's ritual serpents].

[Random one added, MM in a ballerina's tutu, synch up to Britney in the boxed butterflies post (comes out of the music box spinning in a smaller tutu [with a mirror on the top]).