Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quickly like to do a post on Kerli Koiv [KK 11|11] whose MK they are not only not trying to hide (thanks to commenter for pointing her out a while back, I had been meaning to cover her for a while + see Mercurial Talismans), but are completely celebrating it in her videos/music. Her Myspace page lists her location as 'Wonderland' 'Christmas Island' (the latter a real place in Oz); her lifestory is typical of most female MK victims coming from Eastern Europe [Elva (El/Elvis/etc), Estonia], she writes: "And they have this saying in Russia "If u don't beat them up, u don't love them". So, I grew up being loved [abusive parents always 'love' their victims/children], but being treated like shit. Nobody respected their kids." [bold/size not added by me] This is also testament to most of Eastern Europe/Russia which is perfect for MK as it's population mostly (well a big chunk of it) consists of drunken (on vodka/hard liquor) abusers. The sex trafficking industry gets a large proportion of it's "product" from Eastern Europe for this reason, parents are quite willing to sell their own children into slavery (of course there is no shortage of traumatized orphans/abandoned kids either with no family or anything who are much cheaper [not that parents ask for a lot anyway]).

She naturally was pushed into activities perfect for MK programming, in particular ballet which is focused on in her video 'Walking on Air' (above in a ballerina's tutu + black lodge style duality floor) and was given her break in a TV show akin to American Idol (all those shows are fixed so their programmed future star will win, all the voting/judging is just a farce), then she was signed up by Island Def Jam (Universal) Records who have numerous MK'd/people involved in MK (i.e Jay-Z [Jaydiohead is interesting btw (could have been a lot better), any other Radiohead fans out there; the final track is quite revealing 'I got that ignorant shit you need... It's only entertainment!' and Lucifer's Jigsaw is pretty good; first track is very interesting], Killers, Mariah Carey etc) on their roster.

Mirror Ball + Grid

dark princess, note chain/bondage, just realized the chain is around the little girls neck it seems (dissociatively hallucinating fairies).

'Dark Angel' with crows.

MK'd musicians/personalities are always used in Baseball (which is filled with MK'd players), note twin towers/11 symbolism directly behind her, Bank of America, McDonald's M, etc (corporations ultimately responsible for all this slavery... REVOLT!). You can usually tell how MK'd a star is by how used they are by these corporations, her 'Walking on Air' song was used in a promo for Monarch-heavy Fringe and she sung the theme for the Quantum of Solace video game, 'When Nobody Loves You' (it is unclear why they didn't use the movies' theme) and did a song for Travolta's The Punisher soundtrack. (please click my Fringe post link, Kerli's butterfly, using her song and the show's use of Monarch is clearly not coincidental)

Dolls + other toys used in programming + ritual pose (butterfly tattoo seen on her right wrist).

Her album cover for 'Love is Dead' with the white rabbit (sowed up, as if it had been split apart/fragmented) Kerli's doll-like alter is portrayed on a swing with the typical spirals, a crown (with eye), flowers etc.
Naturally she is marked (as a victim of Monarch programming) with a butterfly tattoo, you can see her other tattoos in this video.

Her song 'Butterfly Cry' is blatant Monarch, telling the victim to dissociate:
she reveals, "I used to believe there was no lights/But I found out/Life is far too short to fight/Lose yourself/Let go your pain/Taste the air you breathe/And kiss the sky.".... "I used to be suicidal and depressed when I was younger," she says. "'Butterfly Cry' is about getting out of that. It was like my eyes were suddenly opened. It was a rebirth.From her official site's bio page where it is also revealed:
"I'm a passionate person," declares the blonde-haired beauty, who once drew a picture in a diary when she was 13 that depicted her going to America [every little girls dream, go to LA and become a media sex-kitten apparently]. "Where I come from, it was a shame to show your emotions. You could never be too happy, because something bad might happen [don't show emotions!]... That cycle of death and resurrection runs throughout Kerli's dark-laced songs, from the title track, to the techno-rocking "Hurt Me," a reflection of the mental abuse she suffered as a youngster, and the defiant harmonies of "Fragile," marking the distance between where she came from and where she is now.
Bearing this in mind, Mercurial Talisman's excellent interpretation of her first video 'Walking On Air' seems spot on (well worth a read check it out); I will not be analyzing it (it's all pretty self explanatory, things are backwards/upside down etc [fridge/oven, confusion in MK], the mad hatter/programmer carrying the doll in a box, lions either side (mirror symbolism) of the clock [victims sense of time lost to the programming] she dissociates [it is all dissociation, she wakes up at the end] and enters the wall painting, etc) in detail like that but have added a few screencaps from it of interest. You could spend hours picking apart one music video alone, when they're all so full of it.

Programmer's all seeing eye watching over the victim at all times (these types of things are part of the victims internal structure; so they are controlled/kept under watch [in their heads anyway] without the programmer having to be there all the time)

Marionette Kerly, controlled by Mannequin (no expression/emotion/control) Kerly; over the Checkerboard floor.

The Marionette puppet has her strings cut, put back in the box; the puppet is the above 'dark ballerina' alter [accessed by the mad hatter/programmer ushering Kerli into the mirror]. This triggers the bricks to collapse...

...and she wakes up in 'reality', her pink/purple room... with Marionette Puppet strings still attached (there is no 'reality' for them; this is just another alter-personality 'breaking out'/triggered, living in it's internal world)...

Then she looks shocked at the camera as it zooms out and you realize she is still trapped inside a locked box [locked compartments in her mind (where the various aforementiond alters are housed), accessed by 'key'/trigger], watched over the the Mannequin on a rocking chair (slightly dissociative, similar to the swing, back and forth back and forth [mood-swings are low level personality switches] etc).

Programmer's all seeing eye watching over the victim at all times (these types of things are part of the victims internal structure; so they are controlled/kept under watch [in their heads anyway] without the programmer having to be there all the time)

Marionette Kerly, controlled by Mannequin (no expression/emotion/control) Kerly; over the Checkerboard floor.

The Marionette puppet has her strings cut, put back in the box; the puppet is the above 'dark ballerina' alter [accessed by the mad hatter/programmer ushering Kerli into the mirror]. This triggers the bricks to collapse...

...and she wakes up in 'reality', her pink/purple room... with Marionette Puppet strings still attached (there is no 'reality' for them; this is just another alter-personality 'breaking out'/triggered, living in it's internal world)...

Then she looks shocked at the camera as it zooms out and you realize she is still trapped inside a locked box [locked compartments in her mind (where the various aforementiond alters are housed), accessed by 'key'/trigger], watched over the the Mannequin on a rocking chair (slightly dissociative, similar to the swing, back and forth back and forth [mood-swings are low level personality switches] etc).

Her other official video for Love is Dead, she goes all Benjamin Button; getting progressively younger as roses bloom (victims are often viewed as 'flowers coming into bloom' as they are being programmed), butterflies (yellow Monarch) fly around and she gets her own wings (flower coming into bloom/catterpillar turning into a butterfly/angel getting it's wings; it's the same shit really in MK) as she returns to being the attractive 21 year old blond she is.
The lyrics interested me too, they killed 'love' off centuries ago; now it's just a marketing and programming tool. It goes at one point 'Love don't live here anymore', these exact lyrics are specifically used by a similar singer (in her song, 'Love Don't Live Here'), Ladyhawke who I posted on, it's no coincidence that they are both on Island [Def Jam/Universal] Records; Ladyhawke's videos also featuring themes of dissociation (click Ladyhawke link).
Kerli's live shows feature predictable symbolism with her in the cage/grid skirt, masked dancers, giant all seeing eye, lock etc.
The lyrics interested me too, they killed 'love' off centuries ago; now it's just a marketing and programming tool. It goes at one point 'Love don't live here anymore', these exact lyrics are specifically used by a similar singer (in her song, 'Love Don't Live Here'), Ladyhawke who I posted on, it's no coincidence that they are both on Island [Def Jam/Universal] Records; Ladyhawke's videos also featuring themes of dissociation (click Ladyhawke link).
Kerli's live shows feature predictable symbolism with her in the cage/grid skirt, masked dancers, giant all seeing eye, lock etc.
And to give you an idea of some of the other similar puppet performers; here are a few recent CD covers. The first one literally showing Charlotte Sometimes [a programmed alter, using the book of the same name as it's script (confusing identites/time travel/etc, written in 1969)] as a Marionette Puppet on a purple background with stars and the apple with a bite (original sin ritual/bible misogyny).

A double M (if you go to her official site, the MM's are displayed in the loading screen) country music singer next, Megan McCauley doing some blood ritual (note the pink highlights, 'Better than Blood'), makes sense as she was pushed into country music industry at age 7... her abuse is very blatant (see her wiki), it's all very sad, she was born 3 days after me btw. Her song Porcelain Doll (I shit you not) was featured in Disney's Beverly Hill's Chihuahua, and had previously made songs for Elektra (mythology + electroshock) and Fantastic Four. Please watch the below video for Porcelain Doll, note the lyrics (+traumatized state, piano reflection), very tragic. Can't find much on her tattoos but they will no doubt be significant (added some more images, you can see an Ankh/dagger [with the word FOREVER below] and others).

^Porcelain Doll^

Megan did a song for Elektra (Jennifer Garner's split mind, she was the delta-beta [femme fatale/assassin+sex] agent/slave in Alias)

Random Finnish chick called Katya (note the pink wild hair, sun symbolism), Finnish metal has always baffled me but her album is called 'Beast Within' [numerous interpretations, we can all be pushed into dionysian/animalistic states unleashing the beast within (in the video for Beast Within this kind of thing is shown with Katya's primal/beast-like alter shown); but I think it's probably referring to her dehumanization as a programmed kitten] the below video (you can put it on mute, it's all in Finnish anyway) has one eye shots, half face, but I'm mainly posting for the ultra-flexible gymnasts doing the standing splits (at some points, the gymnast does it directly over her half face/split mind shot, with the standing 'splits' confirming the split mind symbolism).

Split mind here, locked door (prison/locked compartments of the mind)

Another similar band to that looks to Hydrogyn, checkout a couple of their videos below. The first being Breaking Down, both having MK themes.

And one more similar band from Spain (metal with female singer, Lady Angellyca [also a pink panther, image above]) called... Forever Slave (their first album was Alice's Inferno in 2005 then Tales for Bad Girls in 2008).

"Alice's Inferno tells the story of a teenager who was admitted in a psychiatric hospital after having been accused of killing her parents, for which Alice didn't remember anything of. When she was 16 years old, her boyfriend died in a psychiatric hospital during a similar situation. Everything pointed to her again and she still didn't remember anything. As a result, she travels to her own hell, which is her subconscious mind."

Note the butterflies/skulls/etc [PS lots of other MK Music videos in the pipeline, wanted to keep this focused on a particular group of victims though]

A double M (if you go to her official site, the MM's are displayed in the loading screen) country music singer next, Megan McCauley doing some blood ritual (note the pink highlights, 'Better than Blood'), makes sense as she was pushed into country music industry at age 7... her abuse is very blatant (see her wiki), it's all very sad, she was born 3 days after me btw. Her song Porcelain Doll (I shit you not) was featured in Disney's Beverly Hill's Chihuahua, and had previously made songs for Elektra (mythology + electroshock) and Fantastic Four. Please watch the below video for Porcelain Doll, note the lyrics (+traumatized state, piano reflection), very tragic. Can't find much on her tattoos but they will no doubt be significant (added some more images, you can see an Ankh/dagger [with the word FOREVER below] and others).

^Porcelain Doll^

Megan did a song for Elektra (Jennifer Garner's split mind, she was the delta-beta [femme fatale/assassin+sex] agent/slave in Alias)

Random Finnish chick called Katya (note the pink wild hair, sun symbolism), Finnish metal has always baffled me but her album is called 'Beast Within' [numerous interpretations, we can all be pushed into dionysian/animalistic states unleashing the beast within (in the video for Beast Within this kind of thing is shown with Katya's primal/beast-like alter shown); but I think it's probably referring to her dehumanization as a programmed kitten] the below video (you can put it on mute, it's all in Finnish anyway) has one eye shots, half face, but I'm mainly posting for the ultra-flexible gymnasts doing the standing splits (at some points, the gymnast does it directly over her half face/split mind shot, with the standing 'splits' confirming the split mind symbolism).

Split mind here, locked door (prison/locked compartments of the mind)

Another similar band to that looks to Hydrogyn, checkout a couple of their videos below. The first being Breaking Down, both having MK themes.

And one more similar band from Spain (metal with female singer, Lady Angellyca [also a pink panther, image above]) called... Forever Slave (their first album was Alice's Inferno in 2005 then Tales for Bad Girls in 2008).

"Alice's Inferno tells the story of a teenager who was admitted in a psychiatric hospital after having been accused of killing her parents, for which Alice didn't remember anything of. When she was 16 years old, her boyfriend died in a psychiatric hospital during a similar situation. Everything pointed to her again and she still didn't remember anything. As a result, she travels to her own hell, which is her subconscious mind."

Note the butterflies/skulls/etc [PS lots of other MK Music videos in the pipeline, wanted to keep this focused on a particular group of victims though]
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