Monday, December 1, 2008

Note leashed/chained dog [whilst one MCM in purple throws away her past self, symbolized by throwing the contents of her suitcase off a bridge/some kind of drop onto a construction site (get the metaphor)]/cat [they seem to consciously be portraying the Asian MCM, just having left the revolving door; with a walking grey cat 0:34 (similar to the earlier dog/purple MCM) in sync with her walking (they are shown at around the same time, cutting between the two kittens;)]/entranced MCMs/revolving door/top-down staircase shot[like spiral staircase]/red and white checkerboard cardigan on MCM + quick all seeing eye shot/mirror shots near end/spinning electric fan/butterfly ([0:47] or moth, note the eyes on it's wing [linked to post with similar luciferian/advertising themes; also Paris finally launched her perfume line Fairy Dust pictured in that post too: “I’ve always loved Tinker Bell, the fairy, because I love fairy tales, and I just thought it was really magical.” and (first quote from here) “I always loved Tinkerbell and fairies. I’m always dressed as a fairy for Halloween, so I thought [of course you did ;] it would be a great idea to dress up as a fairy for the photo shoot.” She also wants to play Tinkerbell in a movie.]) It says A New Religion (For Hair [altered hair is MK symbolic btw]) in the text at the end of it, and the words spoken are cryptic enough, "I'm more than you bargained for." "This is only the beginning". Apologiez for the lack of order in the above analysis; as always there are a bunch of subtle things I haven't mentioned in there too.

So this is just a quicky post, last one for now (may add more), above one for Sony Centre; rainbows, floating all seeing eye, box, etc. And Previous advertising posts. My add more to this but got a few posts I want to get going.


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