Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Halle Berry's next movie (gained added media press/free advertising with Halle's latest sex-kitten symptom [she was the Catwoman of course, note cat eye in the O]) called Frankie and Alice about: "The storyline is centered on a young woman (Berry) with multiple personality disorder who struggles to remain her true self and not give in to her racist alter-personality." Guess what the doctor in it is called... Dr. Oz! I'm sure it's all coincidence (it's not), see imdb for other symbolic characters such as MM Maxine Murdoch. Will do a followup post on this movie when they release a symbolic poster/trailer for it or whatever. Halle's first break was in the TV show... Living Dolls, then she went on to do Jungle Fever and other sexually suggestive movies [she played Sharon/Rosetta Stone (Sharon Stone is another sex-kitten victim/Rosetta Stone = multiple languages/multiple personalities symbolism [they stuck with the name Sharon Stone, who they originally wanted for the part]) in Flintstones which naturally gave them the opportunity to dress up all their puppets in animal-print, one image here of Halle Berry sex-kitten]. Edit: Don't know why I forgot to mention this, both her parents worked in same psychiatric facilitity; cheers to comments for reminders + a great post on her over at TTLG.

She (edit: I realize that isn't her in the picture btw, though when they're all 'dolled up' like that it is difficult to tell these MCMs apart sometimes) appeared (playing herself) in the above 'girl 6' [6/9 spin/rotation] with other sex-kittens Madonna/Naomi Campbell and MK'd actors/models. Below, (super) rich men's wives are often 'trophy' (objects) split-personality wives (former models usually); though a lot weddings are organized for uniting 'illuminist' families (and even those in the same families, 'keeping the blood pure' over the centuries, their inbreeding which I've gone into before and should be common knowledge) but the below illustrates this with Halle Berry's split mind symbolism.

Halle played Dorothy Dandridge in a biopic of Dorothy's (Oz) life, the real historical figure is a typical victim of Hollywood MK (on the surface just an abusive husband/swindled out of her money/etc).

As a kid, one of her most memorable films for me was The Flinstones, one particular scene I remember is her being extremely seductive, essentially a corporate sex-kitten wearing leopard-print naturally. Though obviously her performances in Monster's Ball (Heath Ledger, Billy Bob; explicit sex-scene won her an Ozcar [showing off her sunflower tattoo on her behind might have had something to do with it also]) and things like Catwoman (and as a beta[sex]-delta[assassin] slave in 007 Day After Tomorrow as Jinx [name of famous cat + all 'inx's = feline, minx, jinx, lynx and such], she played a mental patient in Gothika etc) are more suggestive of her programmed existence. And I think it's worth mentioning that obviously these slaves put in the public eye are not 'created' in the same way as the the standard human trafficking (abducted then sold in secret) described in the previous posts as these 'famous' victims' families would have to be complicit (or dead, and with no relatives/friends around) in their control (for outrageous monetary benefit/willing intergenerational abuse families/'insider' demented families). But speaking of Eastern European sex-slaves and Playboy (last few posts), click link for Hugh Heffner's latest one from the Ukraine.
I found these to be very interesting, for a movie I have been keeping my eye on called Coraline (click for trailer + info), a very interesting set of alphabet posters for the show... all extremely cryptic and worthy of noting, I've picked out a few but view them all here.

"C is for Coraline - Brave Little Girl. Who unlocks the door to a whole different world."

E is for Entrance... no prizes for guessing the double-meaning here! [as in tranced/entrance... the door being metaphorical 'gateway'/triggering the altered state/trance (I literally read it originally as the hypnotic entrance rather than standard entrance)]

Masonic G Ghost Children, locked far away...

K is also for Kitty ;p K = 11 [mirror symbolism], obviously one eye, box symbolism and purple here too. ".. Some special cats know about worlds where girls like Coraline shouldn't go."

Cyclone/spiralling into the Otherworld (same usage as Wizard of Oz cyclone here; spiralling into an altered state/different compartment of the mind)

Trapped in the Zoo crystal ball.
I'll end things on a lighter note; some low-budget religious MKTV (I'd imagine many of you have seen this, it's all over youtube etc) from probably the only thing really worth watching on British TV, Screenwipe (you can watch all episodes here), below video also has some interesting kids shows with blatant MK like Gabba Gabba (the show in the moment of zen from this post as it goes) covered in humorous manner (again skip the Chucklevision coverage for the more blatant MK below).

She (edit: I realize that isn't her in the picture btw, though when they're all 'dolled up' like that it is difficult to tell these MCMs apart sometimes) appeared (playing herself) in the above 'girl 6' [6/9 spin/rotation] with other sex-kittens Madonna/Naomi Campbell and MK'd actors/models. Below, (super) rich men's wives are often 'trophy' (objects) split-personality wives (former models usually); though a lot weddings are organized for uniting 'illuminist' families (and even those in the same families, 'keeping the blood pure' over the centuries, their inbreeding which I've gone into before and should be common knowledge) but the below illustrates this with Halle Berry's split mind symbolism.

Edit: Had to add some of these images I came across from a recent Russian Vogue (December 2008) shoot of Naomi (ballet dancer like her mom, no idea who her real father is, originally signed for Elite, erratic behavior, abusing others etc) because of the Catwoman mask and all the leopard print (in all 3 below), she was in the above 'girl 6' movie also; I was thinking of doing a new post but they probably fit better here. Here's the cover, note the diamonds (as I've said, these MCMs are presidential model equivalent [symbolized by them wearing diamonds/diamond imagery] high class sex-slaves/kittens for the 'elite').

Halle played Dorothy Dandridge in a biopic of Dorothy's (Oz) life, the real historical figure is a typical victim of Hollywood MK (on the surface just an abusive husband/swindled out of her money/etc).

I found these to be very interesting, for a movie I have been keeping my eye on called Coraline (click for trailer + info), a very interesting set of alphabet posters for the show... all extremely cryptic and worthy of noting, I've picked out a few but view them all here.

"C is for Coraline - Brave Little Girl. Who unlocks the door to a whole different world."

E is for Entrance... no prizes for guessing the double-meaning here! [as in tranced/entrance... the door being metaphorical 'gateway'/triggering the altered state/trance (I literally read it originally as the hypnotic entrance rather than standard entrance)]

Masonic G Ghost Children, locked far away...

K is also for Kitty ;p K = 11 [mirror symbolism], obviously one eye, box symbolism and purple here too. ".. Some special cats know about worlds where girls like Coraline shouldn't go."

Cyclone/spiralling into the Otherworld (same usage as Wizard of Oz cyclone here; spiralling into an altered state/different compartment of the mind)

Trapped in the Zoo crystal ball.
I'll end things on a lighter note; some low-budget religious MKTV (I'd imagine many of you have seen this, it's all over youtube etc) from probably the only thing really worth watching on British TV, Screenwipe (you can watch all episodes here), below video also has some interesting kids shows with blatant MK like Gabba Gabba (the show in the moment of zen from this post as it goes) covered in humorous manner (again skip the Chucklevision coverage for the more blatant MK below).
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