Wednesday, September 24, 2008
"A group of young hopeful teenagers who have come to Hollywood in the hopes of an acting career find that the business is harder than they had ever imagined."[probably be lots of subtle hints as to how hard it really is!] Also note the red carpet which = the blood line, and those things I forget the name of could represent twin pillars connected to the red velvet things, more bloodline. The film is made by Thomas Dekker who seems to be a standard mind controlled kid pushed into movies; he recently was the main savior dude in Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (robot programming), Megan Fox's husband (Oz-tin Green) also appeared in that Terminator show as Dekker's uncle: Derek [Dekker/Derek] Reese.

Hello Kitty! [Think what that shit from Japan actually refers to?! (note the key, for accessing the locked compartment of her mind [i.e trigger/code] that houses the sex Kitten/beta alter?) Japan is shockingly blatant on the whole DID/mind control issue in its media] It has held the position of U.S. children's ambassador for UNICEF since 1983.

Fox tries to go through the looking glass.

[Some context: this is about what happens when the victim is hung upside down as one programming technique example of how they program them to enjoy (on the surface) their trauma when necessary] Blatantly mind controlled (whotf puts themself through all that trauma willingly ;p) David Blaine [basically all of his "endurance tests" are techniques used in mind control programming (frozen, underwater, buried alive etc.)] is currently doing this as I type!
Note the blood lust type poster (of Jennifer's Body); drinking blood (and cannibalism) is often a part of the blood rituals they practise (as part of the trauma based programming; as well as in general occult rituals), I am 100% sure there is an agenda to get us all to join in on the blood lust [they've always done it with crowds encouraged to gather to watch Roman crucifixions, American executions etc] with movies like [Chain]Saw and this one called Splinter:
Another one that pertains to this type of sexual/violence (sex/violence same in reptilian brain) is called Teeth which has shockingly obvious programming implications, based on a folk tale; it is "about a girl who has teeth in her vagina". Here's the trailer [the whole movie is on youtube], note one of the critics describes it as "the stuff of primal phobia", which is another important part of mind control (primal phobias such as spiders/snakes/genital mutilation/etc are used because of the heightened trauma/fear these things bring). Roses also play in to mind control and the occult, also note the fetal position (fetal/petal position) she is in [traumatized].
Many Hollywood Mind Control slaves have this prostitute/kitten alter, specifically in Inland Empire (Hollywood mind control opera) Laura Dern's character goes from being a wealthy Hollywood actress to being a whore (and various other alters), she actually says: "I'm a whore!" before her reality shifts suddenly to Hollywood Boulevard [More on this type of thing at the aforementioned post].
The mind will begin to dissociate [whilst hanging upside down for a period of time], and will begin to reverse the primordial brain functions such as pain is pleasure. The person’s mind rearranges. This is often done with Beta alters or Beta models to get them to think that the pain of sadistic rape is a pleasure. After this reversal in the mind that "PAIN IS LOVE", the S&M kitten alters will beg their handler to slap them, tie them up, hurt them, etc. They will tease their handler, and tell him he is not a real man if he shows any mercy in how the pain is inflicted.Megan Fox incidentally is going to appear in a movie called Jennifer's Body where she plays a possessed cheerleader [all "possession" is really mind control, and/or altered state of consciousness] after appearing in Whore, note in the wiki plot description her "transformation" is described; she will be appearing in the sequel to Transformers after that.
Note the blood lust type poster (of Jennifer's Body); drinking blood (and cannibalism) is often a part of the blood rituals they practise (as part of the trauma based programming; as well as in general occult rituals), I am 100% sure there is an agenda to get us all to join in on the blood lust [they've always done it with crowds encouraged to gather to watch Roman crucifixions, American executions etc] with movies like [Chain]Saw and this one called Splinter:
Splinter is set in and around a quiet gas station on a lonely freeway, where a terrifying virus-like monster inhabits the bodies of its victims and drives them with a relentless lust for blood. The virus monster is said to twist the bodies of its prey into the shapes best suited to pursue its unrelenting desire to infect more victims and kill again.
The word splinter works the same way as splitting/fragmenting/shattering as you can splinter something apart [split/splinter apart the mind], a splinter is literally "a sharp fragment of a material".

13 is massively important to the occult and mind control [too many things relating to it to link to], alters/alter-fragments/shadow alters are charted on 13x13 grids, here's a quote from this link: Each alter was given an access code. For reference purposes, the programmer then drew a 13 x 13 grid, each square denoting one specific programmed alter. Each programmed multiple was implanted with 13 such grids; interspersed between the grids were alters programmed to act as gate keepers, thus rendering it extremely difficult for a deprogrammer to access the next grid level.

Image pulled from youtube trailer so poor quality but you can see the long spiral staircase.

More bloodlust using these mind controlled ritual goddesses [heck I'd probably drink blood for Rose or Fox... joking mayhaps ^^].

Note the Ankh, Horus; Chris Knowles goes into it a bit on his blog here. She changes from green (transformation/change color) to black (black cats were sacred to Bast; I've linked to Gaiman's Sandman version for more synching up to In Shattered Dreams).

Wolf Creek ["strong themes of rape, torture and murder"], like Texas Chainsaw, KM 31 and other mind control/horror movies it says that it is loosely based on a true story and is set in Australia (Oz). Really none of these movies are accurate portrayals and are hardly based on anything in reality; the "true story" line is obviously to draw the viewer in emotionally (HO SHIT dude THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO SOMEONE!!!) heightening the psychological effect it has on you [subconscious traumatic effect to split your mind cumulatively; the more fractured a mind is the more easily it is to control even if it has not developed alters and such; hence all the wars started by the ruling elite who understand this]. "The thrill is in the hunt", this kind of human hunting is actually practised by the elite; the deserts of Australia/America being perfect locations for this due to their isolation. Anyway, put this in to show the fractured face poster, as well as the letters in the title being slightly fragmented (line through the W etc). Would also be used in programming an MK victim by cementing the idea that there is no escape from the programmer.

"Life has a Mind of it's Own" This poster with another blatant MK victim (look at his first couple of films firstly as a 5 year old) Robert Downey Jr. (note one eye blocked out) features a dissociative spiral an an illuminated all seeing eye shining over the city. Also with Jamie Foxx.
Going back to standard fragmented mind symbolism, this one couldn't be more blatant: Ben X [Kiefer's character in Mirrors is also called Ben, bigger post on that movie coming soon; butterfly synchs and other predictable ones]. "Reality is about to be shattered." Which actually looks pretty interesting. Confusing fantasy with reality is a massive part of it so the victim is eventually no longer is able to tell them apart as their mind becomes defeatist/exhausted (mentally exhausted, and often physically due to the trauma) and more easily programmed (in their totally confused/dissociated state).

The most obvious example of shattered/fractured/fragmented (all are pretty similar/interchangeable, see more In Shattered Dreams) symbolism comes in Anthony Hopkins' Fracture. Note the one eye focus through the hole in the glass and also the fractured title [as shown in previous posters, even the CHAINSAW in Hollywood Hookers movie is split in half/fractured]. There are so many it's not even worth my time looking for every single one I can find, here's another recent one; note the fracture in the R which is apparently #1 at present at the box office [according to that impawards site].

Here we see the same title (New Zealand film, with it fractured also (though a straight fracture): "a single crack can shatter everything". This film features the mentally unstable scientist (actually horrific programmer) in Fringe: Australian (Oz) actor John Noble who plays Walter Bishop [Konkrete Jungle is on top of Fringe by the way, check out his blog], this promotional poster for it synchs up to mind control [could be a moth mind].

The show itself also has similar symbolism [it's full to the brim with mind control suggestions also] to what I've been talking about as the title shatters in reverse (so it starts out as loads of fragments as they are pieced together, as if you were watching something shatter in rewind) before becoming the whole word [probably not the best way of describing it but I'm tired, forgot to add this in earlier today ;s, pictured it below anyway].

Here we see the same title (New Zealand film, with it fractured also (though a straight fracture): "a single crack can shatter everything". This film features the mentally unstable scientist (actually horrific programmer) in Fringe: Australian (Oz) actor John Noble who plays Walter Bishop [Konkrete Jungle is on top of Fringe by the way, check out his blog], this promotional poster for it synchs up to mind control [could be a moth mind].

The show itself also has similar symbolism [it's full to the brim with mind control suggestions also] to what I've been talking about as the title shatters in reverse (so it starts out as loads of fragments as they are pieced together, as if you were watching something shatter in rewind) before becoming the whole word [probably not the best way of describing it but I'm tired, forgot to add this in earlier today ;s, pictured it below anyway].

This one for The Fall [falling/tumbling down the rabbit hole] contains standard themes of confusing reality with fantasy (he "enchants" a young girl with his tales); and the poster reminded me of a Salvador Dali painting shown at the top of this post (in terms of compartmentlized/fragmented mind, note the blue butterfly [blue monarch butterfly tattoos, as well as bluebirds [Ricci's "sparrow", full on image here (meh it's a bird and it's blue) to mark/identify their property] where the nose should be).

The MK 13; these movies are missiles aimed squarely at your brain! The Temple Shall Be Destroyed!!!!

The MK 13; these movies are missiles aimed squarely at your brain! The Temple Shall Be Destroyed!!!!
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