Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quick couple of images of what they've been dressing their ritual slaves up in lately. Remember Heath Ledger's hexagonal honeycomb shirt in The Dark Knight? Here is Britney with an oil painting of herself which she donated to charity... they've certainly got her back under full control. [Look out for hexagonal honeycomb patterns in mind control movies in kitchen/bathroom floors, saw another one last night in Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning] Also pictured another oil painting of Britney with Mickey Mouse ears, and one of the Olsen Twins with butterflies... the artist is Annie Kevans.

Paris (Disneyland etc.) goes shopping for dog accessories (dehumanization, though she's actually shopping for those mini-dogs they all seem to have), note the butterfly necklace.
And lastly, mind controlled Lilo (and Stitch) says: “Lindsay told Sam that she’s been feeling more and more maternal in the past few months and she wants to get pregnant. Sam was completely overjoyed, because starting a family with Lindsay is a dream come true for her. They both think that Samantha’s older brother, Mark Ronson, would be the perfect sperm donor. They agree that it’s the best way for Lindsay and Samantha to have a baby together.” Link. That's going to be one fucked up, totally confused family right there.
I'll finish with a video from the "spoiled Princess" crowd (Paris etc. most people view them as that, spoiled brats rather than victims of the elite hierarchy), Ashlee Simpson which includes a lot of the different mind control themes I've talked about in the video "Out of my Head". [giant things, as if taken the pill that makes you smaller in Wonderland, note her black/white duality top, rubix cube, statue head, Salvador Dali clocks, the psychologist/programmer is always there showing it is dissociation etc.]
And lastly, mind controlled Lilo (and Stitch) says: “Lindsay told Sam that she’s been feeling more and more maternal in the past few months and she wants to get pregnant. Sam was completely overjoyed, because starting a family with Lindsay is a dream come true for her. They both think that Samantha’s older brother, Mark Ronson, would be the perfect sperm donor. They agree that it’s the best way for Lindsay and Samantha to have a baby together.” Link. That's going to be one fucked up, totally confused family right there.
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