Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Note the catwalk/Eyes Wide Shut masks, Android/robots=MK victims/etc [hopefully my regular readers will understand this video] Wasn't going to post for a couple of days but had to post this new video, here's some info on it. The artist is Janelle Monae, a girl from Kansas City in Kansas; she's a protege of Outkast one half that duo is Andre [he is 33 at present, Janelle 23] 3000 [you MUST read that Celtic Rebel article on 3000 and related things, stunning work] who plays himself as various personalities in their famous extremely green video for Hey Ya, another reasonably good one of theirs is Roses, Kanye did a Roses too [great music imo]. Edit: There's also an alternative shorter version which is probably the one that will be shown on TV here [with no Eyes Wide Shut masks as far as I could see and whatnot].

She featured in this one... [skull and bones obviously, did some posts on the colour purple a while back, here's one] I'm afraid Outkast are not really outKasts!!!
Labels: Janelle Monae, Mind Control Slaves, Outkast
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thought this was reasonably interesting, Daily Mail link; and Oh dear looks like we'll be seeing more of Britney's kitten alter (she only wears her pink wig apparently) soon ;s click. Check out the mind control symbolism in the latest Turner Prize ridiculous thing [mannequins, head in a cage, that glass one, naked models etc].
Through the keyhole: Inside the up-for-sale $8m mansion Britney says is jinxed
She claims it's 'jinxed' [she has been programmed to feel this way; probably they messed up the programming there so returning would trigger some memory fragments, or something of that nature] but these pictures show that any person who buys Britney's mansion, which she put on the market last week, would feel extremely lucky indeed.
The singer is selling her hilltop Beverly Hills property for $7.9million (?4million).
The Italian-style villa, in an exclusive gated community protected by guards, offers six bedrooms and six bathrooms, a Renaissance-inspired dining room and lounge and swimming pool.
The 26-year-old has lived in the home for less than two years - and was forced to leave the house twice early this year to be hospitalised [shame really; she now seems to be fully back under control].
She is obviously keen to move on from the property quickly as she is reportedly selling it with all the furniture.
The pop star has made a remarkable comeback in recent weeks, triumphing at the MTV Video awards where she picked up several awards.
However the latest pictures of Britney taken as she arrived at LA International Airport show her looking gaunt and pale and with tattered hair extensions - suggesting that her recovery is far from complete.
Her father Jamie Spears, who remains in legal control of his daughter until December 31, sought permission from a court in June to sell the home.
The new owner of Britney's mansion will be able to enjoy 7,500 square feet of living space plus a range of benefits that accompanies the typical A-list lifestyle such as three garages, a 'grand entrance foyer', a large terrace, a library and a smoking den. And naturally the property's domestic staff are also provided for with a chef's kitchen and a maid's quarter.
When Britney took to the stage at the MTV Video Awards just a few weeks ago, she looked fresh and glamorous with new blonde extensions and a slimmer figure clad in a shimmering silver dress.
However now those extensions - put in to cover her baldness after she shaved off all her hair last year - are coming away from her head. [OMG NOT THE HAIR EXTENSIONS!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!! seriously though; this over the top focusing on her head is more subtle hints at her mind/control]

All that glitters: Britney looked glamorous at the MTV Video Awards a few weeks ago, left, but latest pictures show her hair extensions are falling apart, right
Also, a story highlighted in a previous post's comments (cheers anony) about Heather [Heath L] Locklear [Lock/Lear], click for wiki where you can see her mother is a Disney production executive, she has appeared with Miley on Hannah Montana [she plays Lily's (Hannah/Miley's friend) mother, note the pink wig for Britney synch] and the movie thing also, might as well put imdb link to to show this.

Again: It's all in the eyes.

In the film Shattered Mind [that's the alternate name; note in imdb it is written by a Baum (Theosophist Frank Baum created the Wizard of Oz of course)] she plays a person with MPD/DID (like she probably has in reality, intentionally though; through mind control programming).
Police said the witness, who didn't recognise the star, reported that she had stopped on a nearby highway and left her car, apparently stumbling into traffic.
Last year, she was divorced from Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora [the dude in a double headed eagle (I'm fairly certain it is anyway) t-shirt; all these "rockstars" essentially have stepford wives ;s, will look for a clearer picture] after 11 years of marriage. They have a daughter, Ava Elizabeth."
The Rainbow--with its seven colors have long had an occult significance of being a great spiritual hypnotic device. Constance Cumbey, in her book The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, which exposes the New Age Occult Movement, correctly writes, "The Rainbow (also called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge). This is used as a hypnotic device.,, (p.261) The Supreme Council of the 33rd° of Freemasonry has used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching Druidism (as in Illuminati Druidism), The 21 Lessons of Meryln, the Rainbow is described as "A true sign of Magic...it exists in both worlds at once!" Elvira Gulch is a woman who owns 1/2 of the county where Dorothy lives in Kansas. She is shown later in the Land of Oz transformed as a witch. Many of the Illuminati elite are rich and lead double lives. People who meet them at a ritual will see the dark side of these rich people. At the rituals, people are tranced from drugs, chanting, and mind control; they are "over the rainbow."
Nothing dodgey about these at all! [/sarcasm, above the girls constantly doing an Irish jig, rainbow, they then jump into the pot o' gold (this is their big secret [you must surely get their perverse motives]; almost like a literal Stepford Wives type thing going on, which I absolutely need to write up and Me Myself and Irene too; both watched last night). Below you've got tonnes of occultism going on]
Seeing the 'magic' here? [mirrors/grid/magic mirror with triangle above it flying through space/etc]
This one by David Guetta [finishes at 7:03 on the clock time, conscious 777 Crowley imo] has checkerboard and mind control symbolism [she is essentially chasing herself].
I wanted to post some of Freemasons' videos to show the Freemasonic/mind control symbolism contained in them:
First one, "When You Touch Me" goes: "When you touch me on my body I lose every feeling that I used to know. ..... I'm losing my mind here I goooo." The symbolism is twin pillars, small circle within a large circle (alters housed within the mind), the statues, weird headgear for the girls, the animalistic/ritualistic dancing etc.
This one, "Watchin" starts off with some checkerboard symbolism then it moves into a masquerade ball type thing with lots of masked ladies and such.
Last one of these type of posts for now; probably take a couple days break from posting then back with some more serious posts on movies.
Labels: David Guetta, Freemasons, Leona Lewis, Mind Control Slaves, music, Steve Mac
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Note all the occult symbols [caduceus, checkerboard, horns hand signal, crowned lion, checkerboards etc etc etc.]

Note spirals, subtle checkerboard (not noticeable at first), on the right the legs are wearing red shoes next to another occult hand signal clutching the Union Jack, also roses underneath by the hand, skull (heart) and bones in the cloud....
The bit I wanted to point out is a shattering mirror scene, this would go unnoticed normally but it seems pretty conscious mind control symbolism to me; at the part (2:44ish) where there is a recognizable melody and the main girl [her mom's name is Rosemary... and standard Catholic Conservatism cover] has PUSSYCAT DOLLS with lights gigantic sign, with her being literally dirty, she gyrates in front of the mirror and she [a slave] symbolically smashes it (computer generated, just before the dancing interlude at 2:58), then that mirror is not seen again for the rest of the video showing that this has some meaning behind it [I wonder if we've seen a glimpse of her future suicide here? (shattered mirror can sometimes = suicide programming initiates)].
Carousels are massively important in programming, Mossad often refers to it's creator MI-6 as "carousel"; it is a system for organizing alters in the mind, the actual physical carousel is used for dissociation... but I'll paste a very short section of Springmeier on it (do read the rest of the section for more info as this only describes the physical carousel rather than the internal system):
The Carousel in real life is used as a device to teach dissociation, and how the alters are to go up and down in trance. Sometimes you will see parents who seem to be so loving having their children ride for long periods on a carousel. They might actually be programming them in dissociation.So bearing this in mind, Jordin Sparks like Leona (her video after this) won a (totally fixed, they all are so their programmed celebrities are definite winners) contest, American Idol. Her video for Tattoo (tattoos used to mark slaves, note the lyrics "You're on my heart just like a tattoo") features her pretty much on the carousel for most of the time, also note that she is wearing two keys around her neck.
Labels: carousel, Daydream in Blue, Jordin Sparks, Leona Lewis, Lily Allen, Pussycat Dolls

Note the skeleton with wings at the bottom of the shirt and other stuff, he's Benji Madden from Good Charlotte. He has a colossal collection of Living Dead Dolls.

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Haven't done a post just on some advertisements in a while so here goes [check out some older ones here, though I don't think they're all there because I probably forgot to tag a few with 'advertising'; I need to organize my blog at some point I think]. Start with a new one for Sainsburys. That same house has been used in all of them, they all have the two butterflies on the window; but this latest one has the boy wearing a skull and bones jumper [ketchup = blood].
In a similar vein, this advert for Just for Men, at the precise moment (in the English version) it says "start something great" it shows the pink butterfly pattern (could be a dragon fly or something mind), American version is shown; English one here.
Moving to IKEA [IK = 9/11, EA = Entered Apprentice], it's main colours are blue and gold/yellow which is a major colour combo used a lot in Freemasonry. This new one features the STOP sign octagon, probably a bunch of triggers in there too; note the black and white rectangular carpet thing, if you think that was a fluke look at some images from their previous adverts where you can see more blatant checkerboards [and a general black/white duality theme going on].

Labels: advertising, butterfly, checkerboard symbolism, Dailies, Direct Line, Ikea, Just for Men, Kingsmill, Littlewoods, Sainsburys, tv
Why so aggressive McCain? [this is a subtle hint at his trauma based mind control here imo]
Palin in NY/OZ

Are the tears really necessary? [to tear= to split, you get tears during trauma] These have pretty obvious alternative meanings if you understand mind kontrol.

Edit[02/10]: Added this new one of Alba in, they're really going over the top with the masks and cannibal resonance (Hannibal) now... it's all for the noble motive of getting you to vote of course, no ulterior motive whatsoever!
Labels: David LaChapelle, John McCain, Mind Control, politics, Sarah Palin
Friday, September 26, 2008

The American version's cover art of the same album to me looks like eagles (or some types of bird) making the shape of a butterfly with a black/white/red theme going on. [Both are MK anyway] The album includes tracks such as 17, Manhattan, and one with lyrics about being a vampire.

"Kings of Leon" is named after their father [programmer?] and grandfather's first name. All four of them have the same last name of Followill [You Will Follow The Yellow Brick Road!].

The album before "Only By The Night", "Because of The Times" also has mind control symbolism with an X-Ray of someone's head, and a shattering bulb [so shattered glass/mind combined with an actual head emphasizing the mind control].

Alt version.

The album before this one, "Aha Shake Heartbreak"; features orchids of varying types: In Greek mythology, Orchis was the son of a nymph and a satyr. During a celebratory feast for Bacchus [usually involves altered states of consciousness/animal alters/copious amounts of drugs... good stuff], Orchis committed the sacrilege of attempting to rape a priestess, resulting in his being torn apart by wild beasts, then metamorphosing into a slender and modest plant.

And their debut album simply has all four of their disembodied heads.

King of Leon, Alfonso X's Book of Games. [He was himself of course a pedophile... but what European Monarch isn't?! Marrying a 13 year old (with the relationship I'm assuming having continued long before that)... Edit: This one even says she was married at 10 years old... (which is a lot more likely to be accurate). The elite have always been, and will always be completely perverse maniacs until we REVOLT!!!!!! and physically remove them from their position of total control.]
Labels: Kings of Leon, Mind Control Slaves, music
Quick post. Thought this story was kind of interesting about Daisy Lowe, note her mum's heroin use [type of person easily mind controlled]; living a double life and such things. [Agent Provocateur launch thing; note that the catwalk is a mirror/reflective surface]
Thanks to commenter linking to this story in previous post; dressed up like a Disney (corporate) employee... because that's exactly what she is; a slave/servant of her Mickey Mouse "employer" ^^ [As in it's a symbol of the corporate/freemasonic gargantuan that her programmers/handlers work for; as well as Disney undoubtedly being a massive part of her own programming, hence all the people wearing Mickey Mouse ears and shit around her and her apparently constant trips to DisneyLand (for programming).... or maybe she just really likes it! (Makes You Dizzyney!)] On Dlisted, there's something very wrong with that site... [linked to story about her being afraid of her dad... for obvious reasons I'd imagine]Superstar
Where you from, how’s it going?
I know you
Gotta clue, what you’re doing?
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, babyLook at you
Gettin’ more than just re-up
Baby, you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin’ like a good one, but I call ‘em like I see ‘em
I know what you are, what you are, babyWomanizer
Boy, don’t try to front
I know just what you are
You got the swagger of champions
Too bad for you
Just can’t find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy, but that’s who you are, babyLollipop
Must mistake me as a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way I’m ever gonna fall for you, never you, babyMaybe if we both lived in a different world
It would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girl
But I can’t ’cause we don’t