Sunday, August 24, 2008
This post should under no circumstances be viewed by minors and people still living in Cloud-cuckoo-land.
I stopped watching Middleman after the first episode which I covered it in this post, but I was compelled to download the latest one because of the name of it ("The Vampiric Puppet Lamentation") which includes vampires and puppets ["vampires" are essentially cannibals which is used in mind control and puppets are obviously]; I did not know it was about "Vlad the Impaler" specifically which was a personal synchronicity for me. As a standard kid (14ish) who was into his violent video games, Stephen King books etc I needed a suitably violent/warlike nickname for Counter-Strike and my online persona in general. And watching a History Channel documentary on Vlad the Impaler, that's what it became before evolving into "Vladdie" as Vlad was often not available [it's still my MSN name which I should change really]. I am only mentioning this because the episode (1x10) was constantly talking about "little Vladdie" and saying "Vladdie our little puppet" and such things [some blatant MK themes/symbolisms in this one, images to follow]. Thought it was an interesting synchronicity for me anyway.
Before I get going with screen caps from the episode; I'll use this opportunity to write about Vlad the Impaler, the real historical figure. It is interesting to note that they would make Vlad a ventriloquist's dummy considering Vlad's torturing techniques are still used (skinning people and such) today by intelligence agencies and other clandestine groups as part of mind control/brainwashing practises. As well as obviously quelling the elite's thirst for blood and debauchery in upper-class "parties" [more extreme versions of the Eyes Wide Shut sex ritual scenes and also Requiem For a Dream's final scenes "ass to ass!"; Vlad impaled people through the rectum] of the elite where mind controlled prostitutes (or anyone who would not be reported missing) are abused as they look on in a perverse frenzy.

Jennifer Connelly in Requiem for a Dream [note pyramid/all seeing eye on occult $], which features all the standard mind control themes and methods ("Maid Marion", ridiculous amount of one-eyed shots, loss of limbs, drugs, electroshocks etc.)

Jennifer Connelly's Labyrinth MCM (mind control movie, fractured cover above), click image for more info on it. She is set to appear in the new predictive programming/blatant MCM The Day The Earth Stood Still along with Keanu Reaves (the one/neo) and also one called 9 (I often talk about the numbers 6 and 9) a film about "A post-apocalyptic nightmare in which all of humanity is threatened." and she she plays #7.
Vlad's preferred method of torture was impalement, quote from wiki: "His method of torture was a horse attached to each of the victim's legs as a sharpened stake was gradually forced into the body. The end of the stake was usually oiled, and care was taken that the stake not be too sharp; else the victim might die too rapidly from shock. Normally the stake was inserted into the body through the anus and was often forced through the body until it emerged from the mouth. However, there were many instances where victims were impaled through other bodily orifices or through the abdomen or chest. Infants were sometimes impaled on the stake forced through their mother's chests. The records indicate that victims were sometimes impaled so that they hung upside down on the stake.
As expected, death by impalement was slow and painful. Victims sometimes endured for hours or days. Vlad often had the stakes arranged in various geometric patterns. The most common pattern was a ring of concentric circles in the outskirts of a city that constituted his target. The height of the spear indicated the rank of the victim. The corpses were often left decaying for months." WHY WOULDN'T you make an episode of a family show based on this guy!!!???

Order of the Dragon's insignia is a serpent/Dragon with it's tail wrapped around it's neck (like a variation on the ouroboros used by Braum's Theosophical Society or something). The copy on the left dates to 1707 and is the oldest known literary artifact (apart from all those ones being sold in the special private "elite" auctions kept secret from the masses I'm 100% sure). It also features the St. George's cross (see wiki link) which synchs nicely up to the current Georgian problems and the Georgia Guidestones [made by Rosicrucian's, themselves involved in the RFK assassination].
So Vlad is a puppet in Middleman, he was also probably mind controlled to an extent in reality (certainly made easier to control; becoming more suggestible through the trauma he endured as a boy). According to his biography; at age 5 he was initiated into the Order of the Dragon. The Order of the Dragon was "an elite chivalric order for selected royalty and nobility" and primarily flourished in Germany and Italy. Remember our (British people's) Queen is really German and I'm convinced that family is directly descended from Vlad Dracul's [it's all about ze bloodline, dragons are all over the City of London and other occult sanctuaries; note that the Order of the Garter also uses the 8 pointed star and dragon motifs, as do the Order of St. Vladimir and many of the other elite groups (as well as all the other usual symbolism)], which would fit nicely into the whole "The royal family are 8 foot lizards" belief system [images/synchs from the episode also support this, I'm pretty indifferent to the whole Reptilian issue, I would certainly not be surprised if they were literally Reptilian shapeshifters... but I highly doubt they are anything other than completely insane, 100% inbred human scum that need to be brought crashing down].

Note twin pillars, checkerboard floor, throne on a pyramid (red blood line is why red carpet is used so often) which is seen below most of Royalties' thrones today. Click image for more info.
Back to Vlad and at age 5 he was initiated into said Order; I am assuming that this initiation involved all the twisted sexual and violent abuse that comes with being a part of these elite "illuminati" families [the more secretive an order/group, the more severe their initiation rituals are for obvious reasons]. More trauma was inflicted on him as a boy as his father gave him and his brother up as hostages to their sworn enemies at age 13; I'll quote wiki again: "These years were influential in shaping Vlad's character; he was often whipped by his Ottoman captors for being stubborn and rude. Here is where he learned his torture tactics." The abused becomes the abuser [this is programming, and works in non-conspiracy terms obviously with intergenerational abuse and whatnot]. He was programmed, and then released by the Turks as their literal puppet (mind controlled pawn, like most politicians today), this quote from wiki is too much: "To protect their political power in the region, the Ottomans invaded Wallachia and the Sultan put Vlad III on the throne as his puppet ruler." The world's a stage; we (the masses) will never see the director/puppeteer; only the actors/puppets are shown to the masses doing exactly what the puppeteer/director makes them do to benefit their clandestine agenda. Our third eye is not going to awaken, our consciousness is not going to suddenly expand as we approach 2012, there are no stargates to take us to other dimensions; the only thing I see happening is more death and destruction unless we wake up to the puppeteers controlling everything and bring the f*ckers down. That's as far as I want to go about Vlad's history, you can obviously read more in the links I've given and elsewhere online.

We first meet little Vladdie at the Altair (Alter) Auction House, I personally think all these "elite", private auctions being shown in things like Lost (same writer/producer as MiddleMan) and Hellboy II are "Illuminati" reveals of how the really significant artifacts are kept within elite circles and out of the public eye.

First suggestion of Royal bloodline, note the crowned (evil looking) lion creature(on the left, and on top of the central crown) and the (nice looking) unicorn in chains with it's tongue sticking out because of the trauma inflicted on the side of good (the masses). Check out the British coat of arms here and note more similarities (symbols in the central shield and such).

He "possesses" (metaphor for mind control, actual mind control when seen in reality), note the Spartan-like mask behind him.

Note the ventriloquist + dummy, all the screens with big M's on them (MiddleMan, Wendy Watson is the name of the main character showing clear and conscious W/M useage, M=13 W=23 as well as being a 3 on its side).

I'm always interested in things that seem to repeat in movies/tv shows, this KING (with masonic checkerboard and 91 on it) checker cab appears near the start and the end of the episode.

Queen Lizzie (Elizabeth ^^, shown below along with a butterfly, seems pretty conscious from the way it is kept in the frame)

33 seconds! [WHY?!?!?!] Arrogant/crazy freemasonic f*ckers!

Sun (rays) symbolism + the apple (used as a trigger in things like Snow White and Enchanted) + two masks. This is the point when that same (#091) checker yellow cab is shown (below). As well as KILL; KING also features 11/9 (obviously anything that starts with ki/ik [ikea, kia] does) as it's first two letters.

Note they've given Puppet Vladdie Reptilian Eyes.

Creepy rabbit puppet to scare Wendy (Peter Pan programming) with some Alice in Wonderland programming.

Both are "possessed" by the puppets, look at the eyes. In a marriage ritual they become human and the Middleman and Lacey become puppets themselves.

These are allegedly Noser's dummy's arms (loss of limbs = loss of a part of the self when mind controlled) though to me they look like something completely different... which also shows the sexual implications that come with "impalement" (especially the way Vlad did it, synch up to the "ass to ass" Requiem for a Dream scene).

Loss of limbs + the whole point of his act is that his dummy/puppet looks exactly the same as him [symbolising the puppet is him and other's mind controlled].

Confusing reality with unreality another blatant mind control theme "REALITY UNREALITY".

I'll finish with the fountain of horrifically truthful information that is Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler who describe the Puppet system of programming as such: "The painful rape of a child with its legs held in a butterfly configuration is used to get butterfly alters [note above butterfly tattoo and how she is literally controlled like Marionette in some scenes, synch it up to "Maid Marion" in Requiem for a Dream]. To get a puppet, the body is given a drug which paralyzes the child. Then electro-shock is applied to certain muscles upon the command of the programmer. The effect is that the child has no control over his body, and the programmer can make the child’s body parts jerk and move by electro-shocking the muscles. The child actually becomes the puppet of the programmer. This is a very powerful program.
One of the names connected with Monarch programming is Marionette Programming. The child literally becomes a Marionette. This concept appears to have been cooked up by the Germans under Hitler. An alter system as a child is physically shown that they are a marionette puppet. Their muscles are electro-shocked in such a way as to take advantage of the natural reflexes. When electro-shocked that way, the victim’s body parts jerk out of our control at the whim of the programmer to prove to the victim that they are a puppet. At this time, the rules are given and rule number 8 is that the alters are their puppet. Illuminati programmer Dr. Mengele, used puppets in a dollhouse as he programmed. He did skits with his puppets. "Dance Marionette dance," he’d say in his thick german accent. Pinocho’s story was used to name the spirit guide Jimney Cricket. Along with rule no. 8, he taught the following rules at this point:
1. Listen to your instructions
2. There is no room for error
3. "The Game Timer"--these were the specifics of how to move, the melted mirror, etc.
4. There is a chain of command, the King’s men
5. Your Master would chart your course
6. You will receive orders, what to do, a memorized script to follow and fulfill
7. The Creator and Master would always own you into infinity
8. You are puppets on a string. "Dance Marionette dance. You are to speak only those words told to you, and to only speak those words when your string is pulled
9. There is no room for questions
10. The controller always plays the role of the White Rabbit. Dark side alters of a System are taught to know these rules as part of their being