Thursday, August 7, 2008

Click image. [remember the "terrorist group" expected to be blamed for this are the "Turkestan Islamic Party" (or TIP, and Tip is the name of an Oz character) so we have Disney mind control themes at the Beijing Olympics and Oz themes in the terrorist group's name]
Meanwhile the head of Interpol has warned that there is a "real possibility" that the Beijing Olympics will be targeted by terrorists.
"We must be prepared for the possibility that al Qaeda or some other terrorist group will attempt to launch a deadly terrorist attack at these Olympics," Ronald Noble said."
So, bearing that in mind, here is some twisted irony/humour (got to love their mentioning of all the organized chaos at home as well) from the Daily Mail. "Is 08/08/08 the luckiest day of the year?" where a commenter helpfully points out that Princess Beatrice (who I did a few brief posts on) was born on August 8 1988 (08/08/88) which I did not know and certainly adds to her "mind control mystique".
You might not wake up tomorrow feeling very lucky. And what with falling house prices, rising food costs and the ever-increasing cost of motoring, you may well consider yourself quite the opposite.
But don't fall into complete and utter despair just yet. For tomorrow - in some circles at least - is held to be one of the luckiest days ever.
Its significance is said to lie in the importance of the number eight, which is linked to good fortune by many cultures. [Total Control, China is the most brainwashed society of all, no wonder the number 8 is considered by them in particular to be a "lucky number"]
And as this is the eighth day of the eighth month of the eighth year of this millennium, there are three of them in a row - 8/8/08 - which apparently all adds up to a pretty darn cosmically good state of affairs.
The number eight is a lucky number for millions around the world
The belief is particularly strong in China, where eight is very lucky.
This is because the words for the number eight are ba in Mandarin and paat in Cantonese, which sound similar to the words for prosperity, fa in Mandarin and faat in Cantonese. [among other reasons I'm sure]
It is no mere coincidence [no it isn't, but it has nothing to do with "luck"] that the Chinese chose to start the Olympics in Beijing today - and at exactly 8.08pm. The date and time were specially picked in a bid to bring them luck. [or occult numerology as part of a massive ritual]
Chinese tradition aside, numerologists say eight is known as the 'great balancer' or the karmic 'you reap what you sow'.
The internet, meanwhile, is awash with entries from those of a superstitious disposition from all over the world reminding us that this is an auspicious day to do everything from open a new business to move house.
The cynics among us will no doubt be quick to echo the words of Edmund Burke, the 18th century politician, who famously said 'superstition is the religion of feeble minds'.
Nevertheless, Tom Woods, of Little Clacton, Essex, will be counting himself a very lucky little boy today - because it is his eighth birthday.
He was born eight days overdue, weighing 8lbs 8oz, and has lived at house number eight in his street all his life.
His mother Andrea said: 'He is very excited. It was only last year that we twigged he would be eight on the eight of the eighth 2008.'
The Chinese timed the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games for 8/08/2008 because of its lucky connotations [note the spirals, interlocking rings introduced (as the main symbol of the Olympics) by Hitler, Chinese dead-man blood resonating logo]
A quick glance back at what has happened on previous August 8s may partly back up the notion it is a lucky date.
Famous people born on 8/08 include the Duke of York's daughter Princess Beatrice (and in 1988 too), tennis champion Roger Federer (1981) and former Grand Prix ace Nigel Mansell (1954)..... but then again, August 8, 1963 was the date of the Great Train Robbery.
Yet such is the draw of 8/8/08 that couples are queueing up marry tomorrow.
Register offices have been booked up months in advance as couples hope to reap the fortune of 'all the eights'. In some parts of the country it is proving to be a more popular date to tie the knot this year than Valentine's Day.
In Newbury, Berkshire, bride-to-be Rosemary Donnan, 54, will wed fiance Wayne Lock, 45, today with eight bridesmaids and her wedding cake has been designed as three interlocking eights.
'I lived in Hong Kong in the 1980s so I picked up a bit of their culture,' she said.
In Liverpool, Rochelle O'Brien, 32, and Anthony Ellis, 24, have added yet more eights to their wedding by arranging it for 8am and having an eight-sided wedding cake. Keen observers will note they were also born eight years apart.
But while these and many other couples look forward to the happiest day of their lives, some numerologists and astrologists warn it might not really be that special after all.
In brow-furrowing internet discussions, they say a luckier day would have been the August 8 of 2,000 years ago - the pure 8/8/8. Today's date, despite its three eights, contains 'negative energies' from other numbers and therefore is not as favourable.
So it seems you just can't win - and maybe, after all, the only superstition worth abiding by is that it is bad luck to fall out of a 13th storey window on a Friday.
I'm hoping for a safe and explosion-free Olympics tomorrow.
Labels: 8, false flag, Olympic mega-ritual, Olympics, terrorism