Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Also in the news today (some of the details are fuzzy, differ on different websites), a strange gunfight occurred (happened yesterday, other synch bloggers will probably cover it) between a barrister and police. This info comes from a The Times article. He was 32 years old, his name was Mark Saunders. It occurred in affluent Chelsea, he had been married to Elizabeth for 8 months. He randomly started shooting out his window (he didn't bother to open them, mind control) at neighbours houses and police at 5 pm. The house he lived in was on Markham Square, just off the King's Road. He was shot and killed by police at 9pm. He was a graduate of Christ Church, Oxford, and was "called to the Bar" in March 1999. He was in the army for three years but left in 2002 before the start of the Iraq War.
His wife was called Elizabeth, he met her at family law chambers Queen Elizabeth Building chambers in the Temple. To me, this might suggest that she was his mind control handler because of the Royalty/mind control connection. Last September they bought their home for £2.28 million. And to completely 100% confirm this is mind control, THE big hallmark, I'll quote from The Times article:
That luxury house became the scene of a gun-battle yesterday. Leslie Hummel, a neighbour, said there was an emotionless expression on the gunman's face as he prepared to fire at her out of his window.
"He looked very calm. I thought maybe he was on drugs or something."
Edit: Few more synched up details: 30 armed police officers surrounded the building, 9 of those officers returned fire. He threw a message out to his mind control handler wife on a shoebox, instructed to do this at 7pm. The note read "I love my wife dearly, xxx" and was thrown across into Ms Winkworth's garden. More gun shots were fired at 9.10 pm then again at 9.30 pm when he was fatally wounded. The wife has been tipped as being a future judge. Murdoch's The Times always seems very specific in its numerology and symbolic names in my opinion. Weird amount of three's in there too ("three loud pops" "three stories high" etc.).Edit: This images below from the Times' website shows the house number 3 in it and also a picture of Mark who lived on Freemasonry and his own name resonating Markham Square. And his wife Elizabeth Clarke. Check out this Sky News story on it (another Murdoch one), complete with 32 pictures. So he was a Rosemary's Baby too. (R.I.P by the way, I mean no offence)
Labels: brainwashing, chile, conspiracy, elizabeth, haarp, illuminati, mark saunders, military, Mind Control, Synchromysticism, volcano