Thursday, May 22, 2008
This episode of Bones was loaded with Freemasonic and Mind Control themes as 'The Gormogon' (check it out, some one linked a piece I wrote as bens123 in a forum about the real gormogon in wikipedia at the bottom) serial killer story arc was drawn to a close. The name Gormogon was apparently the name of a real anti-Freemasonic secret society. Gormogon (actual name The Master!) kills and eats members of secret societies in this show, nice portrayal of anti-secret societies there! Zachary Uriah "Zack" (Ozish) Addy is the mind control victim in this episode, he is played by Eric Millegan and is Gormogon's Apprentice. His musical career started at age 7, he has been in productions such as Madame Butterfly, Jesus Christ Superstar, Hansel and Gretel and various others. He was also in this interesting looking film On_Line. Here he is pictured below dressed up in skull and bones garb for a Bones shoot.
It almost felt like a personal attack against all people who "believe in" conspiracy theories and don't think secret societies have just been doing charity work throughout the entirety of history. The Psychological profiler "Sweets" says that he thinks Hodgins (rich conspiricist type, pictured below) is Gormogon, apparently "Hodgins exhibits clinical paranoia as well as a rationalized feeling of superiority." "He's consumed by numerous conspiracy theories..." Sound like anyone you know? I think that is how "they" see "us" perhaps. Hodgins' statements/conspiracy rants are usually 100% dead on. And in the end you find out its all his fault anyway because Zack had been listening to Hodgins crazy ravings and believing in them. Dangerous cannibalistic conspiracy theorists! Get them in the camps already!!

The Master (or Gormogon), makes a set of false teeth out of only human canines, which is probably a K9 subliminal. K is numerologically 11 so we have 9/11 11/9 symbolism here (11/9 in europe). You can see the set of false but real teeth as The Master is killed on the Masonic checkerboard above. A clear subliminal to my mind comes on another staircase as in the window there is what looks to me vaguely like a mouth or set of teeth.
Booth (David Boreanez) pictured above, next to the subliminal open mouth faked his death after being shot by a mind controlled singer last week. So this episode opened with them all going to his funeral, the latest CSI also opened with a funeral scene. He reappears in symbolic uniform, his coffin is knocked over in the fight he has with the guy he's trying to arrest, then symbolic of a heart in the wrong place, a red rose petal is positioned on the dummy Booth. The dummy Booth could represent two Booths so dual personality symbolism.

As I said at the beginning, Zack is the mind controlled slave who is brainwashed into becoming The Master's apprentice (The Apprentice post), here you can see he has hexagrams on his hospital overalls if you look carefully. The image below, when they were reminiscing about how much they'll miss Zock, looking at "all his favourite things" which are gifts from them, is a clear mind control subliminal in my opinion. He has a subliminal head injury in the picture, but what I found more interesting was the pattern around the border, where a similar one featured in the Hollywood mind control episode of CSI, where the lady from Married with Children dies from a head injury also, bashing against this pretty much exactly the same (except the pattern is mirrored it seems when comparing, if you flip the image horizontally it is exactly the same) gold pattern. Coincidence?

^^From CSI^^

It has always been Zacks "dream" to be "King of the Lab", this I believe could be a specific type of programming where the alter thinks they are literally a King or Queen or something. I really should do some reading up on this stuff to be honest, right now I'm just picking out the symbolisms for you all to see as I see them. And in what could be a trigger for the self-destruct programming he creates a big explosion leaving blood on his hands something I've seen absolutely loads of lately in various shows, there is also shattering/broken glass which I've mentioned in relation to Mark Saunders and Big Brother. The Apprentice (Zack) switches some chemicals (note the numbers, 113, 9 ((next to the hexagon, clearer in the show)), and also the colours) and creates the explosion as a diversion so the silver skeleton could be removed from the lab. Shattered glass is probably symbolic of the shattering/loss of one personality leaving the alter personality in its place.
As he is in the hospital he says a few blatant mind control things, "Drugs give me bad dreams... I'm walking somewhere... And suddenly someone takes me by the hand... (remember the latest Derren Brown post) I look, and it's a skeleton... And the skeleton's on fire... And my hands hurt..." Whilst he is saying this, Hodgins, making himself look like the Apprentice pushes the red button (see older Derren Brown post and others) which gives him the drugs knocking him out.
"Its in Benning Ridge... on a street called Sevoy Crescent... There's a flight of stairs... a blue door... It will be locked but there is a key above the door just above eye level... You will see a hallway..." He says this which leads them to 'The Master', anyone who has been reading my blog will see the blatant mind control themes here (keys, hallways, doors, blue). The fans went absolutely apesh*t over Zack being the Apprentice, (he was a ridiculously likeable socially awkward fella) which I feel was the desired reaction for the creators who want to suck as much energy they can produce by creating the anger amongst the fans.