Saturday, May 31, 2008
The term 'reaper' is used a lot in entertainment, for whatever reason. In Doctor Who 'reapers' are extradimensial flying reptilians whose tails are shaped like scythes, in the XBOX360 game Mass Effect they are squid-looking sentient machines who appear every 50,000 years to harvest all sentient organic life, in the film Doom (based on the game) John "Reaper" Grimm is the protagonist who saves the day (stargate stuff), obviously a reference to the Grim Reaper which is what the creators of the reapers in Doctor Who based their design on (hence the scythe, see a scythe over Helena's head in Mirrormask). I watched The Reaping about a week ago which also contains loads of occult and (trauma based) mind control themes. Sticking with scythe's, the main occult symbol used in this film is an upside down cross/crucifix with a scythe/sickle blade at the end of it (wiki describes it as an upside down sickle with a cross through it).
The Grim Reaper also features in a classic 1998 adventure game called Grim Fandango (see box-art at link for 6 pointed stars and whatnot) by Lucas Arts (subliminal all seeing eye/ purple masonic square or L shape/ and others logo below), which had me spellbounded for a good while when I was younger, it's main influence is Aztec art and myths, it is extremely cinematic (for its day). The Grim Reaper can be seen as a representation of Charon, he was the ferryman of Hades who took the newly dead across the River Styx to the underworld, if they could pay. This is what 'Manny' does in Grim Fandango, gives them passage to the after-life, if they could pay, the number 9 train was the preferred method of travel. I'm increasingly becoming more aware of how much video games have this kind of stuff in them (a recent trailer for Haze blew me away), makes me wonder what kind of effect endless hours of blowing people up in Counter-Strike and shouting down the microphone at faceless people had on me as a kid. Also, I was just thinking today about 'leetspeak' which was a way for us game addicts to communicate 'originally' or something... L337 is the most common one typed which is clearly symbolic (I cannot account for this synch, probably not conspiracy), see wiki link. Perhaps we were all subconsciously worshipping the 'elite' which is what 1337 is short for as we discussed our "1337 pwnage kills".

One of the most prominent mind control themes/triggers is the use of opening a door/box then an alternate space/reality is seen, which I showed in my Mirrormask post using Mulholland Drive for comparison. Sam is transported to random locations by Lucifer, this invariably is done after a door is opened, a box, an umbrella, and other things that symbolise accessing/opening compartments of the mind. This happens numerous times in each episode, which would undoubtedly have a cumulative effect on the viewer, one example from the pilot is shown below. He closes one door walks down a hallway, is surprised to see light underneath a door, he opens it and arrives at an ice-rink where Lucifer is waiting, brilliantly played by Ray Wise (Twin Peaks). Ray Wise probably plays the handler in this show as he appears in every alter-reality (he is the one who seemingly teleports Sam) as is shown by another example below where the 'vessel' is a baseball (used to capture escaped souls from hell) which is always inside a wooden box/cube/cuboid and is opened, in this example instantly transporting his mind to the different compartment/alter-reality. Circles feature prominently in the show too; other demons and fallen angels are rebelling against Lucifer (pissed off that he messed with the big G man), constantly planning his demise, which Sam says is futile and is symbolic of the programming; as they are made to think there is no point going against the handler because the victim thinks he/she is all powerful. By drawing a circle on the ground, Lucifer can not hear them apparently. This type of ritualistic exercise is used in mind control as it keeps them convinced that they're doing something 'for an important reason', and they must continue these rituals or something terrible will happen.

Labels: all seeing eye, anti-christ, brainwashing, doctor who, Grim Fandango, media, Mind Control, Reaper, subliminals, tarot, The Reaping
Friday, May 30, 2008
And also another description.
"Echo (Eliza Dushku) a young woman who is literally everybody's fantasy. She is one of a group of men and women who can be imprinted with personality packages, including memories, skills, language—even muscle memory—for different assignments. The assignments can be romantic, adventurous, outlandish, uplifting, sexual and/or very illegal. When not imprinted with a personality package, Echo and the others are basically mind-wiped, living like children in a futuristic dorm/lab dubbed the Dollhouse, with no memory of their assignments—or of much else. The show revolves around the childlike Echo's burgeoning self-awareness, and her desire to know who she was before, a desire that begins to seep into her various imprinted personalities and puts her in danger both in the field and in the closely monitored confines of the Dollhouse."
This video is a must watch, see how they confuse their personalities at the beginning, isn't it cute. :S
Labels: Dollhouse, Eliza Dushku, Joss Whedon, Mind Control