Thursday, July 28, 2011

Photo Credit: Twitter (Pennelope Jimenez)

The uproar against Hugh Hefner's ex has begun. Crystal Harris' desperate attempts to stay famous at Hef's expense have led to his friends firing right back at her.

In case you hadn't heard Crystal appeared on Howard Stern's radio show where she cringed in disgust when talking about her sex life with Hef. She admitted that he didn't turn her on and that the one time that they did have sex it lasted "like two seconds".

"I've heard girls say they have a lot of fun in there," says Playmate Hiromi Oshima told PEOPLE on Tuesday night at the Playboy Mansion.

In fact, several Playmates jumped to Hefner's defense against Crystal Harris' comments.

"Hef is a lover," says Dani Mathers, who works at Playboy TV. "I think they definitely had sex more than that one time and it wasn't two minutes. Hef definitely has a sex life."

"I think the whole thing with Crystal is really sad, and Hef is such an amazing man. He provides so much for everyone that's around him and all of the Playmates," says Shanna McLaughlin, also a playmate. "I think some things should be kept private between two people, especially in a break-up scenario."


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