Monday, January 11, 2010

Bush with the sadist Sheikh Issa's (below) brother Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyran.

Apparently they somehow (obviously they control the UAE court so it's hardly surprising) successfully claimed he was drugged and was therefore unaware of his actions, when most people are drugged they don't immediately think, "This guy overcharged me for fertilizer! Let's make him eat sand, burn his balls, fire bullets at him, electroshock his anus with a cattle-prod, run over his legs with a car and rape him!". It doesn't make much sense but they can and have been getting away with everything, in particular buying and selling slaves (who do you think those cattle-prods are primarily used on, probably not cattle; well a different kind of cattle they would consider them as) for at least centuries. The Sheik's handlers may have drugged him for this particular incident but it is obviously not the first nor the last time he has done something like this as it appears to come completely natural to him.
The video is especially shocking because it also shows a man in police uniform helping to tie up the victim and hold him down in the middle of the desert. At the start of the torture session, which is believed to have happened some time before 2005, Issa stuffs sand in the victim's mouth and fires a machine gun into the sand around him as the man screams helplessly.
At one point, Issa tells the cameraman to get a close-up. "Get closer. Get closer. Get closer. Let his suffering show," the sheikh says.
Later the sheikh beats the man with a wooden plank with a nail protruding from it, and pours salt in the bloody wounds left by his blows. He also inserts an electric cattle prod in the man's anus and turns it on, and pours lighter fluid over the man's testicles, which he then sets alight. Finally, the man is held down in the sand and a Mercedes is driven over him. The sound of bones breaking can be clearly heard.
The victim, an Afghan grain merchant called Mohammed Shah Poor, apparently survived the experience, because the government later justified taking no action against the sheikh by saying the matter had been settled privately between the two men and each had agreed not to press charges against the other.
Another of Issa's brothers is the interior minister. Despite one police officer helping to carry out the torture, part of the UAE government's statement on the matter said: "All rules, policies and procedures were followed correctly by the police department."
The tape was smuggled out of the UAE by US citizen and Houston businessman Bassam Nabulsi, a former business partner of Issa. Nabulsi claimed he himself was tortured in the UAE after refusing to hand over the videotapes after falling out with the sheikh.
Nabulsi claims Issa ordered Nabulsi's brother to record the torture scene in order to watch it later at his own leisure. Nabulsi is now suing in America for the alleged mistreatment he received.
But the story does not end there. Nabulsi credits US embassy staff with keeping him alive while in prison, but he also says he brought the existence of the torture tape - and the collusion of the police - to the US's attention to little effect, including to a US official assigned to train UAE police.