Thursday, December 17, 2009

Here are my posts on Helena Bonham Carter (Red Queen) and Anne Hathaway (White Queen) by the way.

Some of Mia Wasikowska's recent editorial photo shoots here (expect more symbolic ones in future).

Think it was Chris who linked to the below photo (Mia in 'flower petal' mask and Imogen Poots in the 'Curious Butterfly Wings Mask')

I was aware of the "SyFy" modern adaptation a while ago which recently aired and I have it downloaded but have yet to watch it and it's already been covered on other sites/blogs, but I may post on it in more detail or add to this post if I watch it sooner rather than later. Here is the trailer and poster anyway, I found their concept of 'the White Rabbit being a secret organization that works for the Queen of Hearts and abducts people from the real world' interesting, with the White Rabbit's shield symbol having the all seeing eye in it as it reflects the White Rabbit's role as the 'programmer' (victims "follow the white rabbit/programmer down the rabbit hole" out of reality/dissociation [the hole being a metaphor for the sexual abuse and for 'falling into trance']; and programmers are usually working for the "elite"/establishment/royalty). Also of interest is the scene where Alice (played by Caterina Scorsone), she reads 'curiosity kills the cat' (not in the trailer, Syfy annoyingly took down a few promo clips I was going to include here from their site) and is trapped in a padded cell with movable walls which invokes programming. Various other imagery/themes are pertinent (some symbolic black/white square/circle patterns and whatnot can be seen in the trailer), I may add screen caps to this post if I don't put up another post before I watch it.
Here is an odd promo thing where numerous White Rabbit's marched through New York wearing porcelain White Rabbit heads, interesting preview image they went with for the video, very Nazi salute-esque.
Here is an odd promo thing where numerous White Rabbit's marched through New York wearing porcelain White Rabbit heads, interesting preview image they went with for the video, very Nazi salute-esque.
Labels: Alice in Wonderland, Mia Wasikowski, white rabbit
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