Friday, September 11, 2009
As Above, So Below.

The Mason's public HQ in London is Freemasons' Hall, I've posted a bit on it's symbolism in much earlier blog posts (and obviously standard Freemasonry symbolism is a prevailing theme throughout). Paris Hilton was the main model in a fashion show by establishment pawn (he was awarded an OBE from the Order of the British Empire) Julien Macdonald at the 2006 London Fashion Week, this particular show actually occurred inside Freemasons' Hall's Grand Temple, again showing Freemasons' connection to the fashion and entertainment industries (it has hosted a number of events). I thought this was worth posting with all the fashion weeks kicking off yesterday in New York, London's is starting in a week. The top image is the cover of Issue 17 of the Masonic Quarterly, the official magazine of the United Grand Lodge of England (it's home being Freemasons' Hall); now merged with the current official one Freemasonry Today. The photo was obviously chosen for the cover due to it's "as above so below" qabalistic symbolism inside the Grand Temple (you know how they love to use their reflecting pools in places like the Freemasonic designed Washington DC). Another quicky post, slight delay in main posts; should have that slowly progressing Shakira post up in a couple of days.

Here are a few images to illustrate some of the symbolism in the Grand Temple where Paris Hilton walked on the mirror catwalk back in 2006, all of the symbolism on the ground was covered up for the event. The masons are really big on fashion anyway, they walk on their own "catwalks" (the duality checkerboard floor are above, with the already initiated Masons looking on as the "fashion show's" audience) blindfolded, in their own ritualistic "couture" (the masonic regalia) with their trouser leg pulled up and a cable-tow around their neck as the rest of the Masons look on getting all excited at watching their fellow "brother's" initiation.

Note the black/white heart necklace thing above (+ Paris' usual dead-eyed mannequin stare). Below Paris was dressed as bride, wearing the symbolic white gown (purity/virginity; white as opposed to the male wearing black, the Christian marriage ceremony is a dualistic ritual involving the combining of the two opposites [male/female, black/white] into one [the coming together symbolized by the kiss at the end]) and the veil (more purity symbolism, and removing their identity, similar to Islam's misogynistic ideals where only the husband/'owner' has the right to see her face; also cage/bird cage symbolizing male ownership as the man 'unveils' her/releases her head from the cage and kisses her, effectively making her his possession).

The end was marked by gold confetti type stuff falling down on them, with Macdonald coming out in a red (bloodline; it sort of looks like royal/military regalia anyway) jacket with the Monarch slave Paris dressed symbolically as the bride holding flowers.

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