Monday, August 10, 2009
Sugababes' handlers have gone an interesting route with their latest video for 'Get Sexy' (sampling/quoting from Right Said Fred's 'I'm Too Sexy' about models with some standard cat/kitten dehumanization stuff), see my SugaSlaves post for a few of their other symbolic videos/photos (+ necessary background on the group), the first video in that post 'Shape' with it's opening lyrics "got my life in chains" (+ the blatant MK imagery) is particularly relevant to this new video as the girls are chained together here. This video has more blatant mental slavery/mind control/MK symbolism (almost feels like they read the blog) with the triquetra of "sugababes" chained together (with light coming from their eyes) and the one wearing a collar Amelle is even put in a human sized bird cage (MK bird cage themes in their video for 'Denial', see main post). I'm sort of on holiday mode at the moment so haven't been posting much, I'm off for a couple of weeks soon; a break away from the machine is much needed so I'll hopefully be refreshed when I get back for more postings (and catch up on emails etc).

Keisha's symbolic scenes has long lights (mirrored) positioned in a V/pyramid subliminal (Illuminist/Luciferianism + some sexual allusions with the V shape and phallic light pillars).

Amelle as the caged bird, the kind of human sized bird cage (potentially electrified [electrified cages are standard Monarch/MK-Ultra traumatizing programming method], with one of those bird cage swing things that the bird sits on as probably the only means of escaping the shocks, forcing them to sit/stand there, making the victim think they're genuinely a bird perched on their swing in their traumatized state [logical speculation]) would be used in bird cage programming for bird alters (the bird cage motif is also just a standard psychological motif for this kind of mental entrapment/sexual slavery of "beautiful birds" [gone into numerous times, a few of them labelled in the link, here is a post with general bird cage themes + a nightclub called 'The Electric Bird Cage', the Coco Chanel symbolic bird cage advert is at this post and is another good example of many]).

They end up in a triangular shaped room with light coming from inside and the girls pressed up against the sides of the triangle (trying to break out and/or sexily posing/dancing behind a window like a prostitute), the triangle/light symbolism is more Luciferian Illuminism (the number of indidividuals in manufactured groups like these is often symbolic; usually 3 or 5 in them [3 triangle corners, 5 points of a pentagram/"5 points of fellowship" Freemasonry]). The illuminated triangular room appears to spin round slowly in the dark room it is in, the light filled room almost make it look like the girls are being gassed/drugged (the smoke/gas; also inside it possibly symbolizes a modern day club [with it's MK properties of flashing lights/lazers/repetive beat/drugs/sensory bombardment inducing low level dissociation]).

Some more blatant MK motifs pop up with Heidi positioned between fractured multiple mirrors (fractured mind and 'MPD Mirrors' [mirror images becoming alter-personalities]). I was actually very surprised how blatant the mind control imagery was in this video... maybe they read these blogs and thought it would be fun to play along ;p, and/or they just don't give a fuck anymore now that some people are aware while the masses obviously have completely lost the ability for critical thought/analysis so are happy to be so overt (the more blatant they make it, the more nuts people who actually understand it will appear to the robot army masses), or they're just stepping up the use of these basic triggers against those programmed. This will apparently be the first Sugababes single to be released in the US since Hole in the Head (so should be on American MTV etc) because they have recently signed up with Illuminist pawn Jay Z's Roc Nation record label, which probably also goes some way in explaining this new blatant sex slave symbolic video.

As usual the Luciferian beams of light shine across her in this multiple fractured/broken mirror room symbolic scene.

Some more basic MPD symbolism with the motion blurred/multiple images of each sugaslave (the colours used probably associated with programming/triggers).

This scene is especially creepy with the triquetra of slaves chained together with shackles and all three of them have light covering [like a mask made of light]/coming from their eyes ("blinded" and enslaved by the light of Lucifer ["possessed" if that's your thing]) dancing like malfunctioning robots (or struggling against the chains). Surely any freethinking person would object to being portrayed as a sex slave in this manner...? Or perhaps ask "why have you put me in a bird cage?!"

Note Amelle is chained and collared with her Luciferian emanating eyes, she is the one put in the human sized bird cage.

The three sides of the triangle shaped room are 'folded out' at the end (and at the start, framing the video) showing each girl is a symbolic/ritual 'side of the pyramid' (or corner/point).

Towards the end, some mass conditioning using subliminal messages type things as the suggestible young girls who watch this stuff absorb subconsciously all the different coloured messages written on the wall behind them (the main goal obviously being to have them all 'Get Sexy', the neverending quest the media's controllers have in sexualizing the young... GET SEXY... TOO SEXY... BOYS... DIME [sex for money]... SEXY TIME!). As always, the lyrics are a big part of this conditioning also, read them here, "get sexy right now!".

Had planned to cover Shakira/Beyonce's latest but I'll leave them for another post (decided to cover some more of Shakira's videos/photos than originally intended) and keep this one short.
Labels: bird cage, Luciferianism, Mind Control Slaves, Mirrors, sex slaves, Sugababes
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