Tuesday, April 14, 2009
So I saw the news late last night that someone in the music industry has finally been convicted of something! Phil Spector shot his long-term kitten, Lana Clarkson in the head. Murdoch's Sky News showed images of her in Barbarian Queen and other images of her (like the above one) so it was obvious she was a kitten and I should do a quick image post. I don't have the energy to go through Phil Spector's life, all the MK'd people he worked for, all the details of the case (probably some symbolic times/names/places and such involved) and his own MK himself (had a history of mental illness, he also had a history of abusing women so he's obviously guilty of a lot [and this murder too probably]), he describes himself as "relatively insane", as far as I am concerned the real criminals will never be seen publicly (though this guy is obviously very guilty too here). The name Lana, like I'd just posted on Lena Headey, it comes from 'light' in Greek ('precious' in german and others) [the Superman character Lana Lang immediately comes to my mind anyway when I think of the name, in Smallville she was played by a KK pixie Kristin Kreuk (her TV movie Snow White is worth looking at, I randomly caught on tv a while ago and it was full of the usual stuff)].
Anyway Lana, in perhaps her most blatant MK role as "'Alpha Beta' Princess of the Moon" (I shit you not) in "Amazon Women on the Moon" (pictured below), the film looks very suspect from all the different actors involved and the general insane theme going on in it (+MK symbolic poster [things (top hat wearing reptilian and such) coming out of a Mummy's head]).

Remember 'Femme Fatales' (in the literal sense) are usually programmed delta-beta slaves (assassin-sex), hear she is portrayed as most kittens are, [I found this image on her official site (gallery 1), it looks like it could be Michelle Pfeiffer though (Catwoman in Burton's Batman), confusing but her name is mentioned so the suggestion is still there (Pfeiffer was in Scarface btw, Clarkson also had a bit-part in the film as a dancer in the Babylon Club)] as Catwoman (see posts with others; struggling to link to them [I should label better] but here is a pretty recent one).

She played Dr. Sarah Bellum with her evil alter-ego 'Mindbender' in 'Black Scorpion' (not her on above cover, but note purple etc) TV series. Obviously, Sarah Bellum is a play on words of Cerebellum (sounds exactly the same yes?): "The cerebellum (Latin for little brain) is a region of the brain that plays an important role in the integration of sensory perception, coordination and motor control." So obvious MK here in this role, below is a life-size doll head featuring her 'Mindbender' mask (note the leopard-print table).

A standard Oz-type programming movie 'Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II' here which she featured in as Amathea (amathea is a species of butterfly).

This film 'The Haunting of Morella' also appears to be MK: "A witch is put to death in Colonial America, leaving her husband and infant daughter behind. Seventeen years later, the daughter has grown up and stands to inherit money set up by her mother's family. Now that the stage is set, the mother wants to return to life by taking over her daughter's body."

But she was a young fashion model before all that.

In Barbarian Queen [No man can touch her Naked Steel (swords are obvious phallic symbolism)] she often wears cave-woman style leopard print (saw it on TV but can't find images now), but obviously she is treated in the usual manner subjected to bondage/rape and such (below [note the robot hand], you can watch the scene here).

Speaking of bondage (this isn't strictly connected), Dollhouse finally got round to putting Eliza in the dominatrix/bdsm alter-personality I've discussed a number of times (decided not to post every week on it; I will probably write up when the DVD comes out [check out my previous posts on some of them though, click Dollhouse], I hear they chickened out of airing the final episode [helped by their 'legitimate reason'] of the series anyway). The programmer was dressed in a yellow owl t-shirt in this episode for more blatant symbolism (I'll be going into more detail of these episodes in future posts; I'll try and post anything as blatant as this in similar quick posts).

I found this interesting from here, as all Marilyn Kittens, she takes MM as her 'idol': "Two months before she was killed, after a long drought in which she had appeared only in downmarket TV commercials, she had landed a part in a play called Brentwood Babes by John Barons. It was about famous dead blondes [this leans me more towards the ritual sacrifice angle], including Sharon Tate and Nicole Brown Simpson. She had been cast as her idol, Marilyn Monroe. Many actresses and models idolise Marilyn - Anna Nicole Smith, for instance, who reportedly told friends that she wanted to be buried next to Monroe in Westwood, not realising that Hugh Hefner had already bought the plot." That article seems to have a lot of good information on Phil Spectors life/mental state that is defintely worth reading (just read parts myself). Anyway, a few more images of her as a leopard kitty, it's no coincidence that her official site (note the company 'Living Doll Productions' [you can also see it in the top left corner of the 'Lana Unleashed' poster/cover at the top], huge hint) and myspace/public tributes (see below image) etc are covered in the stuff.
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