Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kittens on their way to lockup (Daisy in her trademark leopard-print leotard [leotard/leopard]), forgive me for not looking into the other MCMs (mind controlled models) Eliza/Portia. Note Daisy's 33 and other symbolic numbers, obviously all the leopard-print, prison themes (I get a mental asylum feeling from it also). And on the MCM Eliza (think Eliza Dushku also), ELIZA: "1966 computer program designed to simulate a therapist or psychoanalyst."

The Imprisoned Kittens have some fun, consisting of tying each other up, and other kitten suggestive activities.

Daisy Lowe, Peaches Geldof, Pixie Geldof, Alice Dellal, Lily Allen etc are all products of the same programming... and look who is next on the scene! Cobain/Courtney Love's daughter! (16 year old party, "suicide-theme"?! not sure how they can describe her as a model either.) [David Icke Kurt Cobain thread worth a look (as is the other one in the links to the right, with the same themes as this blog, some posts/images feel a little too similar!)]

Peaches (below images from here) is another victim (of BOB), interesting reading material she's chosen too! Philip K. Dick's The Cosmic Puppets.


Note she has twin blue birds (Project Bluebird), daisy chain (gone into daisies used in programming in the past [obviously Daisy Lowe above too]), a Unicorn, snake, and other symbolic ones (described [in surprising detail] in the link)... but to top it off she has a cat face with the words "Hello Cat", which obviously relates to Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Drummey/Geldof's (her wiki page has shortened that name since I posted on it in Pink Panthers post where I cover her sisters [Pixie/Fifi Trixiebelle/Heavenly TigerLily/etc] also) sex-kitten alter (in the unlikely event you come across Peaches in reality, see what happens when you say 'Hello Cat' in a hypnotic tone ;).

I've discussed Peaches on an number of occasions but here are a couple of relevant images I should add to her equation; as a child with the usual MM Minnie Mouse Disney programming then, in September 2007 MM Marilyn Monroe (she dressed up in 3 dresses worn by MM in movies). Obviously these images aren't from the W shoot, below one of Peaches as a kid + Paula Yates (murdered kitten [OD'd on heroin allegedly], covered her in Pink Panthers post) her mother from Daily Mail. Princess Suri went through the predictable Disney programming trip recently by the way, and evidence of Michael Jacksons' Disney programming (amongst other things); as always thanks a lot to Chris and others for links (some I saw, some I hadn't so it's always worth linking to them).

From MM... to... MM. Purrfect transformation!

Some more images from last year Peaches' Agent Provocateur occult campaign (Satanic pentagram, snake, apple, etc), her sister Pixie did one with MK themes (bird cage) recently.

Peaches looking very Cheshire Catish (pink/purple striped cat [it is more similar in the actual Disney movie than the below image]) with New York as the backdrop.

All of the Kaged (note diagonal grid) Kittens are wearing leopard-print stockings (+the bag). End of WMagazine series, which by the way was the issue featuring Madonna and her Jesus mankitten, W Magazine [WM] has always had a history of subversive photoshoots, such as the one below from last year, I previously covered another WM shoot of Kate the Kat Moss [KM]), this is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about [similar themes in Playboy etc].

Clarifying, the above one is from last year not the 2009 Madonna issue (which the Daisy Lowe/Peaches kitten ones are from), found here. Edit: To clear up a commenters query on the images' source; those Daisy Lowe/Peaches Geldof in prison ("Imprisoned Kozmik Kittens" is just my usual way of titling posts) images come from the below W Magazine issue, this is a link to the online version. And here is the Daily Mail article where I originally came across the images.

Note Jesus Luz (light) tattoo, obviously this has some fucked up suggestive incest implications, what with Madonna being Jesus' mother Mary... [Daily Mail; surely all of this Jesus/Christian crosses imagery/symbolism informs some people that Christianity (and all religion) is a total fraud, a front for occultists (considering Madonna is a kabbalist wearing the crucifix)] "Madonna's toyboy" (toy i.e. doll) is very much literal (enjoying some of the fruits of her less controlled later life [i.e. rewards for having spent most of her life as a corporate/illuminist slave]).

What's the big secret Lily, Lindsay and Rihanna... I wonder [Daily Mail; see this link for Lindsey MM invoking + search and click their tags for more on all 3]. This just illustrates how these celebrities are marked with these kinds of similarly suggestive tattoos, and if you research the types of programming, and know that slaves have historically been marked by their owners (and by modern day human traffickers/slave traders) you can start to understand how all these tattoos factor into this (search back through the blog for more of these girls' tattoos [here's Paris' butterfly ((+as a DOLL)) I posted on a while back, and her older one; I've covered Britney's and others in their respective posts]).

^This is the true face of the entertainment industry^ [Leaked police domestic abuse photo with Rihanna's (real name Robyn [bird] Rihanna Fenty) Roman numeral tattoo (birth date of Rihanna's programming twin "she's a blood sister") on show, Chris Brown is the alleged perpetrator (victim of childhood abuse himself, I posted on this a few ones back); symbolizing (this is the kind of thing that isn't conscious, but synchronicity working against them, I see it as) she is a number, not a free woman (to pervert a 'The Prisoner' quote).] I'm getting started on some more more substantial posts over the weekend by the way, I did a Red Ice Creations interview a couple of days ago; obviously I forgot a lot of important stuff and was quite nervous (rarely speak about this stuff out loud) so blanked on some info I'd usually remember, future shows will be more focused on specific things so should have the info at hand (my memory is pretty poor); thought I should link to it anyway.
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